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- Alaska Statutes.
- Title 14. Education, Libraries, and Museums
- Chapter 40. The University of Alaska and the Community Colleges
Section 100. - 14.38.199 Day Care Assistance and Child Care Grants. [Repealed, E.O. No. 108, § 88 (2003). For Current Law, See AS
47.25.001 -
Section 10. University of Alaska.
Chapter 40. The University of Alaska and the Community Colleges
- Section 10. University of Alaska.
- Section 20. Site of University.
- Section 30. Transfer of Powers, Duties, and Obligations of Agricultural College and School of Mines Under Acts of Congress.
- Section 40. General Powers and Duties of the University.
- Section 43. University of Alaska Office of Public Safety.
- Section 45. Religious or Partisan Instruction, Tests, and Appointments.
- Section 50. Discrimination Because of Sex, Color, or Nationality Prohibited.
- Section 55. Educational Expansion Program.
- Section 57. Extension of Compliance Acts.
- Section 60. University Curriculum.
- Section 65. Student Practicums Immunity.
- Section 70. Collection of Fossil Remains Authorized.
- Section 75. Alaska Earthquake and Volcanic Hazards Assessment Project; State Seismologist.
- Section 80. Establishment of Institute of Marine Sciences.
- Section 82. Unmanned Aircraft System Training.
- Section 85. Alaska State Climate Center; State Climatologist.
- Section 87. Alaska Center For International Business. [Repealed, § 3 Ch 43 SLA 1987].
- Section 88. Establishment of Institute For Circumpolar Health Studies.
- Section 90. Correspondence Courses For Prospectors and Miners.
- Section 95. Establishment of a Center For Information Technology at University of Alaska Anchorage.
- Section 100. College Extension Service.
- Section 110. Establishment of Business, Economics, and Public Administration Research Program.
- Section 115. Establishment of Mineral Industry Research Program.
- Section 117. Establishment of Alaska Native Language Center.
- Section 120. University Governed By Board of Regents.
- Section 130. Qualifications of Regents; Special Provisions Relating to Student Regent.
- Section 140. Term of Office.
- Section 150. Appointment of Regents.
- Section 155. Suspension and Removal of Regents.
- Section 160. Board Meetings Public; Meeting Notice; Public Facilities.
- Section 170. Duties and Powers of Board of Regents.
- Section 175. Indemnification.
- Section 180. [Renumbered as AS 14.40.045]
- Section 190. Report.
- Section 200. Quorum.
- Section 210. Powers and Duties of President of the University; Research and Development.
- Section 220. Duty of President to Define Duties and Supervise Appointees.
- Section 230. Powers of Regents to Remove Officers.
- Section 240. Power of President to Suspend and Expel Students.
- Section 250. Regents to Act as Trustees and Administer Money or Property.
- Section 251. Default On Tuition, Fees, and Charges.
- Section 253. Financing Notice and Approval.
- Section 254. University Revenue Bonds.
- Section 255. Investment of Surplus Money.
- Section 257. Reimbursement For Costs of Capital Projects.
- Section 260. [Renumbered as AS 14.40.055]
- Section 270. [Renumbered as AS 14.40.057]
- Section 280. Endowments and Donations.
- Section 282. Endowment For the Physical Sciences.
- Section 290. Property and Funds Generally.
- Section 291. Land of the University of Alaska Not Public Domain Land.
- Section 295. Working Capital Reserve Fund. [Repealed, § 10 Ch 46 SLA 1977].
- Section 296. Working Capital Reserve Fund.
- Section 300. Creation and Appointment of Comptroller.
- Section 310. Fiscal Year.
- Section 320. Requisitions On Funds. [Repealed, § 10 Ch 46 SLA 1977].
- Section 325. Reallocation Within State Appropriations.
- Section 330. Inventory of Property.
- Section 340. Applicability of Bid Practices to University of Alaska. [Repealed, § 67 Ch 106 SLA 1986. For Current Law, See AS 36.30.005(c)].
- Section 350. Board of Regents Authorized to Lease Land.
- Section 360. Board of Regents Authorized to Select and to Sell or Lease Land Granted By Act of Congress.
- Section 365. University Land Grant.
- Section 366. Management Requirements For University Land.
- Section 367. Confidential Records Relating to University Land and Interests in Land.
- Section 368. Encumbrances and Trespasses. [Repealed, § 8 Ch 8 FSSLA 2005].
- Section 370. Books of Account and Statement of Trust Funds. [Repealed, § 10 Ch 46 SLA 1977].
- Section 380. Assent of Legislature to Federal Land and Money Grants.
- Section 390. Federal Land Grants to Agricultural College and School of Mines Reaccepted For University.
- Section 400. Fund For Money From Sale or Lease of Land Granted By Act of Congress.
- Section 410. Federal Grants of Money to Establish Agricultural Experiment Stations.
- Section 420. University Designated as Beneficiary Under Hatch Act and Empowered to Establish Agricultural Experiment Station.
- Section 430. Acceptance of Federal Appropriation For Agricultural Extension Work.
- Section 440. University Designated Beneficiary of Smith-Lever Act and Empowered to Carry On Agricultural Extension Work.
- Section 450. Governor Authorized to Make Certificates to Obtain Federal Grants of Money.
- Section 453. Confidentiality of Research.
- Section 455. University Risk Management Fund. [Repealed, § 12 Ch 42 SLA 1997].
- Section 458. University Corporate Interests.
- Section 460. [Renumbered as AS 14.43.010].
- Section 461. University Research Forest.
- Section 470. [Renumbered as AS 14.43.015].
- Section 480. [Renumbered as AS 14.43.020].
- Section 490. [Renumbered as AS 14.40.491].
- Section 491. Definition of University Receipts.
- Section 510. - 14.40.550 [Renumbered as AS 14.43.050 - 14.43.075].
- Section 560. Authority to Cooperate.
- Section 570. Authority of Board.
- Section 580. Use of Joint Facilities.
- Section 590. Director.
- Section 600. Regulations.
- Section 610. Disposition of Income.
- Section 620. Savings Clause.
- Section 630. Definitions.
- Section 640. Short Title.
- Section 660. [Renumbered as AS 14.44.010]
- Section 661. Authority of Board.
- Section 670. [Renumbered as AS 14.44.015]
- Section 671. Participation.
- Section 680. [Renumbered as AS 14.44.020]
- Section 681. Retirement System Membership.
- Section 685. - 14.40.690 [Renumbered as AS 14.44.025 - 14.44.030].
- Section 691. Contributions.
- Section 695. - 14.40.700 [Renumbered as AS 14.44.035 - 14.44.050].
- Section 701. Benefits.
- Section 710. - 14.40.720 [Renumbered as AS 14.44.055 - 14.44.060].
- Section 730. Members of Commission. [Repealed, § 7 Ch. 24 SLA 1979].
- Section 750. Fund Created. [Repealed, § 2 Ch 98 SLA 1971].
- Section 751. - 14.40.759 [Renumbered as AS 14.43.090 - 14.43.110].
- Section 760. Limits On Grants and Loans. [Repealed, § 2 Ch 98 SLA 1971].
- Section 761. - 14.40.769 [Renumbered as AS 14.43.115 - 14.43.135].
- Section 770. Renewal Preference. [Repealed, § 2 Ch 98 SLA 1971].
- Section 771. [Renumbered as AS 14.43.140]
- Section 773. Definitions. [Repealed, § 6 Ch 156 SLA 1972].
- Section 775. Conditions of Grants. [Repealed, § 2 Ch 98 SLA 1971].
- Section 776. Tuition Grants. [Repealed, § 15 Ch 94 SLA 1980].
- Section 780. Conditions of Loans. [Repealed, § 2 Ch 98 SLA 1971].
- Section 781. - 14.40.786 Limitation On Grants; Conditions of Grants. [Repealed, § 15 Ch 94 SLA 1980].
- Section 790. Eligibility of Students. [Repealed, § 2 Ch 98 SLA 1971].
- Section 791. - 14.40.796 Eligibility of Students; Application and Certification. [Repealed, § 15 Ch 94 SLA 1980].
- Section 799. Definitions.
- Section 800. Selection of Criteria. [Repealed, § 2 Ch 98 SLA 1971].
- Section 801. Fiscal and Business Management Practices. [Repealed, § 7 Ch 246 SLA 1976].
- Section 802. Education Trust of Alaska.
- Section 803. Alaska Advance College Tuition Savings Fund.
- Section 805. Powers and Duties of the Commissioner of Revenue. [Repealed, § 14 Ch 3 SLA 2000].
- Section 806. [Renumbered as AS 14.43.160]
- Section 807. Contribution to the Alaska Advance College Tuition Savings Fund.
- Section 809. Powers and Duties of the University of Alaska.
- Section 810. [Renumbered as AS 14.43.250]
- Section 811. Advance College Tuition Savings Contracts.
- Section 815. [Renumbered as AS 14.43.255]
- Section 817. Definitions.
- Section 820. [Renumbered as AS 14.43.300
- Section 821. Creation and Termination of Corporation. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.010.]
- Section 825. [Renumbered as AS 14.43.305]
- Section 826. Board of Directors. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.020.]
- Section 830. [Renumbered as AS 14.43.310]
- Section 831. Chair and Vice-Chair. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, §4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.030.]
- Section 835. [Renumbered as AS 14.43.315]
- Section 836. Meetings; Staff. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.040.]
- Section 840. [Renumbered as AS 14.43.320]
- Section 841. Alaska Aerospace Corporation Fund. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.050.]
- Section 845. [Renumbered as AS 14.43.325]
- Section 846. Insurance Coverage; Safety Program. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.060.]
- Section 849. Definitions. [Repealed, § 2 Ch 98 SLA 1971].
- Section 850. Declaration of Purpose. [Repealed, § 22 Ch 136 SLA 1974].
- Section 851. Space Activities Location. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.070.]
- Section 855. Fund Created. [Repealed, § 22 Ch 136 SLA 1974].
- Section 856. Licenses and Permits. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.080.]
- Section 860. Limits On Loans and Grants. [Repealed, § 22 Ch 136 SLA 1974].
- Section 861. Purpose of the Corporation. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.090.]
- Section 865. Conditions of Loans and Grants. [Repealed, § 22 Ch 136 SLA 1974].
- Section 866. Powers and Duties of the Corporation. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.100.]
- Section 870. Repayment of Loans. [Repealed, § 22 Ch 136 SLA 1974].
- Section 871. Regulations. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.110.]
- Section 875. Selection Criteria. [Repealed, § 22 Ch 136 SLA 1974].
- Section 876. Exercise By Corporation of Powers Within Municipalities. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.120.]
- Section 880. Discrimination Prohibited. [Repealed, § 22 Ch 136 SLA 1974].
- Section 881. Trade Secrets Confidential. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.130.]
- Section 885. Administering Authority. [Repealed, § 22 Ch 136 SLA 1974].
- Section 886. Approval of Projects By Legislature. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.140.]
- Section 890. Funding. [Repealed, § 22 Ch 136 SLA 1974].
- Section 891. Issuance of Bonds, Notes, and Refunding Bonds. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.150.]
- Section 896. Security For Bonds. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.160.]
- Section 899. Limitation of Liability On Bonds. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.170.]
- Section 900. Contractual Agreements. [Repealed, § 2 Ch 98 SLA 1971].
- Section 901. [Renumbered as AS 14.42.010]
- Section 902. Issuance and Sale of Bonds and Notes. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.180.]
- Section 903. - 14.40.905 [Renumbered as AS 14.42.015 - 14.42.020].
- Section 906. Bonds Exempt From Taxes. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.190.]
- Section 907. [Renumbered as AS 14.42.025]
- Section 908. Independent Financial Advisor. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.200.]
- Section 909. [Renumbered as AS 14.42.030]
- Section 910. Exceptions. [Repealed, § 2 Ch 98 SLA 1971].
- Section 911. [Renumbered as AS 14.42.035]
- Section 912. Additional Powers to Secure Bonds or Obligations Under Leases. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.210.]
- Section 913. - 14.40.915 [Renumbered as AS 14.42.040 - 14.42.045].
- Section 916. Right of Obligee of Corporation to Bring Injunction. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.220.]
- Section 917. - 14.90.919 [Renumbered as AS 14.42.050 - 14.42.055].
- Section 920. [Renumbered as AS 14.43.080]
- Section 921. Power of Corporation to Confer Upon Obligee Right to Bring Action or Proceeding. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.230.]
- Section 926. Exemption of Real Property of Corporation From Execution or Other Process. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.240.]
- Section 930. [Renumbered as AS 14.43.400]
- Section 931. Power of Corporation to Obtain Federal Aid and Cooperation. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.250.]
- Section 935. [Renumbered as AS 14.43.405]
- Section 936. Exemption From Taxes and Assessments. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.260.]
- Section 940. [Renumbered as AS 14.43.410]
- Section 941. Disposal of Surplus Property. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.270.]
- Section 945. [Renumbered as AS 14.43.415]
- Section 946. Public Loans or Donations to or Cooperation With Corporation. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.280.]
- Section 950. [Renumbered as AS 14.43.420]
- Section 951. Reserve Fund. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.290.]
- Section 956. Cooperation With Other Authorities. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.300.]
- Section 960. [Renumbered as AS 14.43.500]
- Section 961. Investment of Revenue. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.310.]
- Section 966. Legality of Corporation Bonds as Investments. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.320.]
- Section 990. Definitions. [Repealed, E.O. No. 115, § 4 (2011). For current law see AS 26.27.900.]
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This version of the Alaska Statutes is current through December, 2022. The Alaska Statutes were automatically converted to HTML from a plain text format. Every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, but this can not be guaranteed. If it is critical that the precise terms of the Alaska Statutes be known, it is recommended that more formal sources be consulted. For statutes adopted after the effective date of these statutes, see, Alaska State Legislature
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