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- Alaska Statutes.
- Title 8. Business and Professions
- Chapter 54. Big Game Guides and Related Occupations
- Section 610. Registered Guide-Outfitter License.
Section 608. Retired Status License.
Section 620. Class-a Assistant Guide License.
AS 08.54.610. Registered Guide-Outfitter License.
- (a) A natural person is entitled to a registered guide-outfitter license if the person
- (1) is 21 years of age or older;
- (2) has practical field experience in the handling of firearms, hunting, judging trophies, field preparation of meat and
trophies, first aid, photography, and related guiding and outfitting activities;
- (3) either
- (A) has passed the qualification examination prepared by the board under AS 08.54.600
; or
- (B) provides evidence of 25 years of experience as a class-A assistant guide or class-A assistant guide-outfitter;
- (4) has passed a certification examination prepared the board under AS 08.54.600
for at least one game management unit;
- (5) has legally hunted big game in the state for part of each of any five years in a manner directly contributing to the person's
experience and competency as a guide;
- (6) has been licensed as and performed the services of a class-A assistant guide or assistant guide, or of a class-A
assistant guide-outfitter or assistant guide-outfitter under former AS 08.54.300
- 08.54.590, in the state for a part of each of three years;
- (7) is capable of performing the essential duties associated with guiding and outfitting;
- (8) has been favorably recommended in writing by eight big game hunters whose recommendations have been solicited by the
department from a list provided by the applicant, including at least two favorable recommendations for each year of any
three years during which the person was a class-A assistant guide or assistant guide, or a class-A assistant
guide-outfitter or assistant guide-outfitter under former AS 08.54.300 - 08.54.590;
- (9) has provided proof of financial responsibility if required by the department under AS 08.54.680
; and
- (10) has applied for a registered guide-outfitter license on a form provided by the department and paid the license application fee
and the registered guide-outfitter license fee.
- (b) A master guide-outfitter license authorizes a registered guide-outfitter to use the title master guide-outfitter, but is for all other purposes
under this chapter a registered guide-outfitter license. A natural person is entitled to receive a renewable master guide-outfitter license
if the person
- (1) is, at the time of application for a master guide-outfitter license, licensed as a registered guide-outfitter under this section;
- (2) has been licensed in this state as a registered guide or a guide-outfitter, under former AS 08.54.010
- 08.54.240, former AS 08.54.300 - 08.54.590, or this
chapter, for at least 12 of the last 15 years, including the year immediately preceding the year in which the person
applies for a master guide-outfitter license;
- (3) submits a list to the department of at least 25 clients for whom the person has personally provided guiding or
outfitting services and the person receives a favorable evaluation from 10 of the clients selected from the list by the
department; and
- (4) has not been convicted of an offense under AS 08.54.720(a) or a similar law in another jurisdiction related to hunting or to
the provision of big game hunting or transportation services within the five years preceding the date of the application for which
- (A) the person was imprisoned for more than one day; or
- (B) an unsuspended fine of more than $1,500 was imposed;
- (5) has not had a hunting, guiding, outfitting, transporter, or similar license suspended or revoked in this state or another jurisdiction within the five years preceding the date of the application; and
- (6) applies for a master guide-outfitter license on a form provided by the department and pays the application fee, if any.
- (c) A registered guide-outfitter may contract to guide or outfit hunts for big game and may provide transportation services,
personally or through an assistant, to big game hunters who are clients of the registered guide-outfitter.
- (d) Notwithstanding AS 08.54.750, a person who is licensed as a registered guide-outfitter may be
employed by another registered guide-outfitter to provide the services of
- (1) a class-A assistant guide in a game management unit if the registered guide-outfitter providing the services of a class-A assistant guide is able to demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the board, adequate knowledge of and experience in the game management unit; and
- (2) an assistant guide in any game management unit.
- (e) A registered guide-outfitter who contracts for a guided hunt shall be primarily in the field supervising and participating in the contracted hunt. The contracting registered guide-outfitter shall also conduct the hunt, unless the hunt, under regulations adopted by the board, is being conducted by a class-A assistant guide or a registered guide-outfitter employed by the contracting registered guide-outfitter.
All content © 2023 by Touch
N' Go/Bright Solutions, Inc.
Note to HTML Version:
This version of the Alaska Statutes is current through December, 2022. The Alaska Statutes were automatically converted to HTML from a plain text format. Every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, but this can not be guaranteed. If it is critical that the precise terms of the Alaska Statutes be known, it is recommended that more formal sources be consulted. For statutes adopted after the effective date of these statutes, see, Alaska State Legislature
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