Touch N' Go(tm), The Desktop In-And-Out Board

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Columbia Daily Tribune

Monday, June 24, 1996
Electronic in-and-out board
tracks comings goings of employees


Gr000001.jpg - 4.3 KAnyone who works in an office environment knows how frustrating it can be to track the daily comings and goings of your fellow co-workers. Many companies use old-fashioned "in and out" boards, but these aren't always convenient and tend to be neglected. Let's face it:The less you know about your workers' whereabouts, the less professional your business is perceived.

Touch N' Go Systems Inc. has devised a near-perfect solution with their self-titled 'Touch N' Go' office personnel tracking software. Though extremely simple in design and function, this program is guaranteed to save you time, money and resources previously wasted tracking down absent employees.


In its present version, the software is network ready, accommodating one server and up to 20 PC workstations on a Local Area Network, or IAN. The company says a new "enterprise edition," which can handle more than 20 employees, is currently in development. The product is compatible with the followingnetwork operating systems: Novell,Windows for Workgroups 3. 11,Windows NT Server 3.5, WindowsNT Workstation 3.51 and Windows95.

The program is essentially anelectronic version of the "in-out"board, displayed in a small windowon the screen Employee names areadded by the server - typically areceptionist or unmanned auxiliaryterminal - although each user canmodify their own status. At aglance, you can see whichemployees are in, out; or in theoffice but away from their desk.

An optional comment line allows users to leave brief descriptions of their availability status: sick, on vacation, at lunch, in a meeting, time in and out, or even "do not disturb" if they are busy and can't take calls. The Touch N' Go window can also be resized to take up less screen space, using color-coded status bars to indicate their availability. The server module automatically queries each workstation every minute to update employee status.

Touch N' Go v1.4 is available for IBM-compatible computers running Microsoft Windows 3.1 or higher. Suggested retail price is $99.95; a 30-day trial version can also be downloaded from the company's Web site: For more information, call Touch N' GoSystems, Inc. (800) 691-6333.

[Miami Herald] [PC Magazine] [Alaska Journal] Columbia Tribune]

Touch N' Go In-And-Out Board
provided by Bright Solutions, Inc.
Box 211032 Anchorage, AK 99521
voice: (907) 338-8188 fax: (907) 333-5869

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