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- Alaska Statutes.
- Title 13. Decedents' Estates, Guardianships, Transfers, and Trusts.
- Chapter 16. Probate of Wills and Administration
Chapter 15. Probate and Contest of Wills
Section 5. Devolution of Estate at Death; Restrictions.
Chapter 16. Probate of Wills and Administration
- Section 5. Devolution of Estate at Death; Restrictions.
- Section 10. Necessity of Order of Probate For Will.
- Section 15. Necessity of Appointment For Administration.
- Section 20. Claims Against Decedent; Necessity of Administration.
- Section 25. Proceedings Affecting Devolution and Administration; Jurisdiction of Subject Matter.
- Section 30. Proceedings Within the Exclusive Jurisdiction of Court; Service; Jurisdiction Over Persons.
- Section 35. Scope of Proceedings; Proceedings Independent; Exception.
- Section 40. Probate, Testacy, and Appointment Proceedings; Ultimate Time Limit.
- Section 45. Statutes of Limitation On Decedent's Cause of Action.
- Section 55. Venue For First and Subsequent Estate Proceedings; Location of Property.
- Section 60. Appointment or Testacy Proceedings; Conflicting Claim of Domicile in Another State.
- Section 65. Priority Among Persons Seeking Appointment as Personal Representative.
- Section 70. Demand For Notice of Order or Filing Concerning Decedent's Estate.
- Section 80. Informal Probate or Appointment Proceedings; Application; Contents.
- Section 85. Informal Probate; Duty of Registrar; Effect of Informal Probate.
- Section 90. Informal Probate; Proof and Findings Required.
- Section 95. Informal Probate; Unavailable in Certain Cases.
- Section 100. Informal Probate; Registrar Not Satisfied.
- Section 105. Informal Probate; Notice Requirements; Information Distribution.
- Section 110. Informal Appointment Proceedings; Delay in Order; Duty of Registrar; Effect of Appointment.
- Section 115. Informal Appointment Proceedings; Determinations Required; Denial of Application.
- Section 120. Informal Appointment Proceedings; Registrar Not Satisfied.
- Section 125. Informal Appointment Proceedings; Notice Requirements.
- Section 130. Informal Appointment Unavailable in Certain Cases.
- Section 140. Formal Testacy Proceedings; Nature; When Commenced.
- Section 145. Formal Testacy or Appointment Proceedings; Petition; Contents.
- Section 150. Formal Testacy Proceeding; Notice of Hearing On Petition.
- Section 155. Formal Testacy Proceedings; Written Objections to Probate.
- Section 160. Formal Testacy Proceedings; Uncontested Cases; Hearings and Proof.
- Section 165. Formal Testacy Proceedings; Contested Cases; Testimony of Attesting Witnesses.
- Section 170. Formal Testacy Proceedings; Burdens in Contested Cases.
- Section 175. Formal Testacy Proceedings; Will Construction; Effect of Final Order in Another Jurisdiction.
- Section 180. Formal Testacy Proceedings; Order; Foreign Will.
- Section 185. Formal Testacy Proceedings; Probate of More Than One Instrument.
- Section 190. Formal Testacy Proceedings; Partial Intestacy.
- Section 195. Formal Testacy Proceedings; Effect of Order; Vacation.
- Section 200. Formal Testacy Proceedings; Vacation of Order For Other Cause.
- Section 205. Formal Proceedings Concerning Appointment of Personal Representative.
- Section 215. Supervised Administration; Nature of Proceeding.
- Section 220. Supervised Administration; Petition; Order.
- Section 225. Supervised Administration; Effect On Other Proceedings.
- Section 230. Supervised Administration; Powers of Personal Representative.
- Section 235. Supervised Administration; Interim Orders; Distribution and Closing Orders.
- Section 245. Qualification.
- Section 250. Acceptance of Appointment; Consent to Jurisdiction.
- Section 255. Bond Required; Exceptions.
- Section 260. Bond Amount; Security; Procedure; Reduction.
- Section 265. Demand For Bond By Interested Person.
- Section 270. Terms and Conditions of Bonds.
- Section 275. Order Restraining Personal Representative.
- Section 280. Termination of Appointment; General.
- Section 285. Termination of Appointment; Death or Disability.
- Section 290. Termination of Appointment; Voluntary.
- Section 295. Termination of Appointment By Removal; Cause; Procedure.
- Section 300. Termination of Appointment; Change of Testacy Status.
- Section 305. Successor Personal Representative.
- Section 310. Special Administrator; Appointment.
- Section 315. Special Administrator; Who May Be Appointed.
- Section 320. Special Administrator Appointed Informally; Powers and Duties.
- Section 325. Special Administrator Appointed By Court; Power and Duties.
- Section 330. Termination of Appointment; Special Administrator.
- Section 340. Time of Accrual of Duties and Powers.
- Section 345. Priority Among Different Letters.
- Section 350. General Duties; Standard of Care; Relation and Liability to Persons Interested in Estate; Standing to Sue.
- Section 355. Personal Representative to Proceed Without Court Order; Exception.
- Section 360. Duty of Personal Representative; Information to Heirs and Devisees.
- Section 365. Duty of Personal Representative; Inventory and Appraisal.
- Section 370. Employment of Appraisers.
- Section 375. Duty of Personal Representative; Supplementary Inventory.
- Section 380. Duty of Personal Representative; Possession of Estate.
- Section 381. Disposition of Unclaimed Estate By Personal Representative.
- Section 385. Power to Avoid Transfers.
- Section 390. Powers of Personal Representatives; in General.
- Section 395. Improper Exercise of Power; Breach of Fiduciary Duty.
- Section 400. Sale, Encumbrance, or Transaction Involving Conflict of Interest Voidable; Exceptions.
- Section 405. Persons Dealing With Personal Representative; Protection.
- Section 410. Transactions Authorized For Personal Representatives; Exceptions.
- Section 415. Powers and Duties of Successor Personal Representative.
- Section 420. Co-Representatives; When Joint Action Required.
- Section 425. Powers of Surviving Personal Representative.
- Section 430. Compensation of Personal Representative.
- Section 435. Expenses in Estate Litigation.
- Section 440. Review of Employment of Agents and Other Persons and Compensation of Personal Representatives and Other Persons.
- Section 450. Notice to Creditors.
- Section 455. Statutes of Limitations.
- Section 460. Limitations On Presentation of Claims.
- Section 465. Manner of Presentation of Claims.
- Section 470. Priority of Claim Payment and Preference.
- Section 475. Allowance of Claims.
- Section 480. Payment of Claims.
- Section 485. Individual Liability of Personal Representative.
- Section 490. Secured Claims.
- Section 495. Claims Not Due and Contingent or Unliquidated Claims.
- Section 500. Counterclaims.
- Section 505. Execution and Levies Prohibited.
- Section 510. Compromise of Claims.
- Section 515. Encumbered Assets.
- Section 520. Administration in More Than One State; Duty of Personal Representative.
- Section 525. Final Distribution to Domiciliary Representative.
- Section 530. Application to Trustees.
- Section 535. Successors' Rights If No Administration.
- Section 540. Distribution; Order in Which Assets Appropriated; Abatement.
- Section 545. Right of Retainer.
- Section 550. Interest On General Pecuniary Devise. [Repealed, § 4 Ch 145 SLA 2003].
- Section 555. Penalty Clause For Contest.
- Section 560. Distribution in Kind; Valuation; Method.
- Section 565. Distribution in Kind; Evidence.
- Section 570. Distribution; Right or Title of Distributee.
- Section 575. Improper Distribution; Liability of Distributee.
- Section 580. Purchasers From Distributees Protected.
- Section 585. Partition For Purpose of Distribution.
- Section 590. Private Agreements Among Successors to Decedent Binding On Personal Representative.
- Section 595. Distributions to Trustee.
- Section 600. Disposition of Unclaimed Assets.
- Section 605. Distribution to Person Under Disability.
- Section 610. Apportionment of Estate Taxes.
- Section 620. Formal Proceedings Terminating Administration; Testate or Intestate; Order of General Protection.
- Section 625. Formal Proceedings Terminating Testate Administration; Order Construing Will Without Adjudicating Testacy.
- Section 630. Closing Estates; By Sworn Statement of Personal Representative.
- Section 635. Liability of Distributees to Claimants.
- Section 640. Limitations On Proceedings Against Personal Representative.
- Section 645. Limitations On Actions and Proceedings Against Distributees.
- Section 650. Certificate Discharging Liens Securing Fiduciary Performance.
- Section 655. Subsequent Administration.
- Section 665. Effect of Approval of Agreements.
- Section 670. Procedure For Securing Court Approval of Compromise.
- Section 680. Collection of Personal Property By Affidavit.
- Section 685. Effect of Affidavit.
- Section 690. Small Estates; Summary Administrative Procedure.
- Section 695. Small Estates; Closing By Sworn Statement of Personal Representative.
- Section 700. Settlement Directed By Court.
- Section 705. Inheritance of Native Corporation Stock.
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Note to HTML Version:
This version of the Alaska Statutes is current through December, 2022. The Alaska Statutes were automatically converted to HTML from a plain text format. Every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, but this can not be guaranteed. If it is critical that the precise terms of the Alaska Statutes be known, it is recommended that more formal sources be consulted. For statutes adopted after the effective date of these statutes, see, Alaska State Legislature
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