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Deanna Smith v. State of Alaska, Department of Corrections (2/21/2025) sp-7750

          Notice:  This opinion is subject to correction before  publication in the  PACIFIC REPORTER.  

          Readers are requested to bring errors to the attention of the Clerk of the Appellate Courts,   

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                          THE SUPREME  COURT OF  THE STATE  OF ALASKA   


  DEANNA SMITH,                                                 )     

                                                                )   Supreme Court No.  S-18340   

                     Appellant,                                 )     

                                                                )   Superior Court No. 3AN-18-04293 CI   

            v.                                                  )     


                                                                )   O P  I N I O N   

  STATE OF ALASKA,  DEPARTMENT   )                                    


  OF CORRECTIONS,                                               )   No.  7750  -  February 21, 2025   


                     Appellee.                                  )   


                    Appeal  from  the  Superior Court of  the  State of Alaska,  Third   

                    Judicial District,  Anchorage,  Andrew Guidi, Judge.   


                    Appearances:   Eric Croft, The  Croft Law Office, Anchorage,  

                    for  Appellant.       Mark   Cucci,    Chief   Assistant   Attorney   

                    General, Anchorage, and Treg R.  Taylor,  Attorney General,  

                    Juneau, for  Appellee.   


                    Before:     Maassen,  Chief  Justice,   and  Carney,  Borghesan,   

                    Henderson,  and Pate,  Justices.   


                    MAASSEN, Chief  Justice.   



                    A man   on probation was   subject  to a   domestic violence  protective   order  

(DVPO)   that required   him to give a day's   notice   to security personnel   whenever he   

needed to visit the medical center   where   his former girlfriend worked.     The woman   

alleges that  the man violated this notice  provision many times over a three-year period   

by  coming  to  her  workplace  unannounced  or  with  insufficient   notice.    The   man's  

----------------------- Page 2-----------------------

probation officer  investigated  the  alleged violations that were  brought  to her  attention,  

but  she  decided not  to revoke  the  man's probation or otherwise  penalize  him.    

                  The   woman  brought  suit  against  the  probation  officer  and  the   Alaska  

Department of Corrections (DOC)   for  their   allegedly  negligent supervision, claiming   

that  the man's  repeated violations   of the DVPO caused her severe emotional   distress   

and ultimately  cost  her her  job.   The  superior  court  granted  summary  judgment  for  the   

State, determining that there were no genuine issues of material fact, that the probation   

officer  fulfilled  her  duty  of  reasonable  care,  and  that  her  actions  were  also  shielded  by   

discretionary function immunity.   The woman appealed.    

                  We conclude that there is no genuine   issue   of material fact   to preclude   

summary  judgment  for  the    State  on  whether   the  probation  officer   fulfilled  her   

operational  duty to investigate  the alleged violations  that were brought to her attention.   

We further conclude that  the  probation  officer's  subsequent  decisions were of the sort   

committed  to executive branch employees and thus shielded from  suit by discretionary   

function immunity.   Agreeing with the superior court,  we affirm its grant of summary   



         A. 	     Facts   

                  1. 	    Initial  assault  and Smith's domestic violence protective  orders   

                          against Harrison    

                  Kosmos  Harrison and Deanna  Smith were in a romantic relationship and   

have  a  child together.   In  December 2012 Harrison violently assaulted Smith,  seriously   




----------------------- Page 3-----------------------


injuring her.                                                                                                                              

                       He was convicted of second-degree assault and sentenced to eight years'  



imprisonment with six years suspended. 

                     Smith was granted an ex parte DVPO the day after the assault, then long- 


term DVPOs that were either issued or extended year to year through 2016.  In 2013,  


while   Harrison   was   still   incarcerated,   Smith   began   working   for                                       Southcentral  


Foundation (Southcentral), located in Anchorage on the Alaska Native Health Campus  


that includes the Alaska Native Medical Center (ANMC).  


                     In  April  2014  Harrison  was  released  from  prison,  on  both  mandatory  


                                                      3   His  probation  conditions  required,  among  other  

parole  and  probation  conditions.                                                                                                        


things, that he "[c]omply with all municipal, state and federal laws" and that he "[a]bide  


by any special instructions given by the court or any of its duly authorized officers,  





                     See Harrison v. State, No. A-11849, 2017 WL 5186308, at *1 (Alaska  


App. Nov. 8, 2017).  During the incident Harrison "grabbed Smith's arm and twisted it  


behind her back," "grabbed her by the hair and slammed her head against the kitchen  


cabinet and countertop," and forced food and a dishrag into her mouth.  Id.  Their child  


was awake in the home during the assault.  Id.  "Smith was taken to the hospital, where  


she was treated for injuries to her head, face, neck, shoulder, arm, and hand.   Later,  


when Smith took a shower, clumps of her hair came out.   Smith eventually required  


surgery to repair the injury to her shoulder."  Id.  



                     Id. at *2.  



                     The State conduct at issue here occurred while Harrison was on probation,  


his period of mandatory parole having expired in December 2014.  We recognize that  


there are "prominent and significant" differences between probation and parole.  State  


v. Staael, 807 P.2d 513, 517 & n.5 (Alaska App. 1991).  But the duties of probation and  


parole officers do not differ in any way meaningful to our analysis.  See, e.g., State v.  


Howard, 357 P.3d 1207, 1209 (Alaska App. 2015) (observing that although defendant  


"faced different consequences for violating his parole and probation, the same person  


served as his parole and probation officer, and that person was simultaneously tasked  


with  overseeing  [the  defendant's]  compliance  with  both  his  parole  and  probation  


conditions" (first citing AS 33.05.045(5) (providing that probation officer supervising  


parolees is deemed parole officer); and then citing AS 33.16.190 (providing that person  


appointed as probation officer or parole officer may discharge duties of either office))).  



                                                                  -3-                                                            7750

----------------------- Page 4-----------------------


including probation officers of the Department of Corrections."  In the years to follow  


Harrison had a number of probation officers, but the one relevant to this appeal is Eileen  


Farrar, who supervised him in 2015 and 2016.  


                     A  few  weeks  after  Harrison's  release  from  prison,  Smith  saw  his  car  


parked next to hers on the medical campus.  Both Harrison and his mother were entitled  


to receive treatment at ANMC, but Harrison denied knowing that Smith worked on the  


medical campus, as the DVPO then in effect showed her working at a medical office in  


another part of town.   The superior court accordingly modified the DVPO  in August  


2014, adding the provision that "Harrison is required to notify security at least one day  


in advance  of any non-emergency or scheduled medical care he has  on the Medical  


Campus," and defining "Medical Campus" as "Southcentral Foundation including the  


Alaska Native Medical Center or Hospital."  When the DVPO was issued for another  


year  on  December 31, 2014, it contained a nearly identical provision:                                              "Harrison is  


required to notify security of Southcentral Foundation at least one day in advance  of  


any non-emergency or scheduled medical care he has on the Alaska Native Medical  



                                                                                                 The DVPO also required  

Campus; or if he will be escorting his mother on campus." 


Harrison to "authorize Southcentral Foundation and Alaska Native Medical Campus to  


notify Deanna Smith when . . . he will be on campus either for his own appointment or  



to escort his mother."                 The  order extending the DVPO  through  2016 had  the same  






                     Smith characterizes the DVPO's requirement of notice "at least one day  


in advance" as a requirement of at least 24 hours' notice, as opposed to simply notice  


the day before.  Interpreting the language one way or the other is not necessary to our  



           5         The record does not indicate whether Harrison ever provided the required  


authorization, as Southcentral's security officers testified that they were unsure what  


information  about  Harrison's  medical  appointments  they  could  disclose  to  Smith  




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                     The  chronological  notes  compiled  by  Harrison's  parole  and  probation  


officers acknowledge his dangerous history, including not just the underlying crime but  


also threats he made against Smith shortly after his release from prison in April 2014.  


The notes  also  reflect the officers' periodic  instruction to  Harrison  over the  ensuing  


years that he was to inform them, as well  as Southcentral security, "prior to" or "the  



                                                                                                 According to Farrar, her  

day before" going to the medical campus  for any reason. 


requirement was that Harrison give her prior notice:  "He doesn't have to give me a  


day's notice.  He could have e-mailed me the same day. . . .  The day's notice only  


applied to ANMC."  


                     2.	       Harrison's visits to the medical campus and Smith's allegations  


                                of DVPO violations  


                     Smith  alleges  that  Harrison  violated  the  DVPO's  notice  provision  a  


number of times by failing to provide 24 hours' notice to Southcentral security before  


coming to the medical campus.  She alleges that Harrison violated the DVPO at least  




20 times, with a particularly "intense period in April and May 2016." 



without violating federal law.  See Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act  


(HIPAA), Pub. L. No. 104-191, 110 Stat. 1936 (1996) (codified as amended in scattered  


sections of 18, 26, 29, and 42 U.S.C.); Harrold-Jones v. Drury , 422 P.3d 568, 570-73  


(Alaska 2018) (summarizing HIPAA's protective scope and exceptions).  

           6         See, e.g., June 16, 2014 entry:  "D[efendant] reminded he needs to contact  


PO  prior  to  going  to  ANMC,  stay  in  the  area  of  his  [appointment],  and  provide  


documentation"; September 9, 2014 entry:   "PO instructed this defendant that if he  


needed to go to ANMC, he is to call the day before he goes to notify PO"; March 16,  


2016 entry:  "[Defendant] will continue to coordinate with security and assigned PO  


when he will be on the [medical] campus."  


           7         This time period is the focus of Smith's briefing on appeal.   Other than  


the three incidents in 2015 and 2016 discussed below, the only allegations that involve  


Harrison's visits to the medical campus were in April, May, and November 2014, April  


2015, and February 2016.  The 2014 allegations precede the amendment of the long- 


term  DVPO  to  add  the  requirement  of  prior  notice  to  Southcentral  and  Farrar's  




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----------------------- Page 6-----------------------


                     Smith's focus is on three incidents in 2015 and 2016 when the Anchorage  


Police Department (APD) became involved.  She alleges that in January 2015 she saw  


Harrison  in  the  lobby of  one of  the medical  campus  buildings, "was  terrified,"  and  


called APD.  Southcentral security confirmed that it had not received notice of a visit  


that day, and APD contacted Harrison's then-probation officer to ask about the DVPO's  


conditions.  The probation officer's notes reflect that  she called Harrison in the next  


day, and he denied having been at the medical campus.  The probation officer instructed  


him "that he needs to keep a log of anytime he enters the hospital for any reason," and  


he gave her the dates of upcoming visits.  The officer's notes also reflect that APD was  


"going to check the video tapes to see if the defendant entered the hospital"; the police  


ultimately did not pursue charges.  


                     Smith next alleges that Harrison gave insufficient notice to Southcentral  


on March 30, 2016, notifying security at approximately 10:00 a.m. that he would be on  


campus later that day for a 2:30 p.m. appointment.  APD was called the next day and  


investigated the incident.   According to the police report, Farrar, who had assumed  


responsibility for Harrison's case  the previous  January, informed APD  that Harrison  


"contacts  her  via  email  or  phone  when  he  or  his  mother  have  appointments  at  the  


medical campus" and "that she received two emails from him about the appointment on  


3/30/2016 and in the email he informed her that he had called security and notified them  



of the appointment."                Ultimately, the investigating APD officer "was unable to verify  


that the violation [of the DVPO] had actually taken place," and he was advised by the  



appointment as Harrison's probation officer.  There is no evidence Farrar was informed  


of  either  the  April  2015  incident  (when  Smith  "witnessed  Harrison's  vehicle  again  


parked  next  to  hers  at  her  workplace")  or  the  February  2016  incident  (when  Smith  


"encountered Harrison's mother, whom he had been escorting to appointments, at her  





                     Our record  contains only one email from Harrison to Farrar before the  


appointment, but there is also a follow-up email from Harrison the day after.  



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----------------------- Page 7-----------------------

municipal prosecutor's office that "without an admission from [Harrison,] [there] was  


not sufficient evidence to charge him."  Farrar's own notes reflect that she spoke to the  


investigating APD officer on April 1, and "with investigation it does NOT appear the  


def[endant] violated any part of the DV[P]O."  She concluded:  "From what information  


has been given so far the def[endant] is in compliance."  


                     The next incident Smith points to occurred several days later, on April 4,  


when she received notice at approximately 10:00 a.m. of Harrison's 11:00 a.m. medical  


appointment.   Smith called APD to report this as a  violation of the DVPO, and two  


officers  responded.               As  part  of  their  investigation,  the  APD  officers  interviewed  


Southcentral  security  as  well  as  Harrison.                         The  police  officers  also  spoke  with  an  


assistant district attorney, who  advised them that he believed Harrison was following  


the DVPO and should not be arrested.  Once again APD "did not find any crimes had  


been committed."  


                     Harrison emailed Farrar to inform her of this contact with APD.  The next  


day Farrar called the assistant district attorney herself to discuss the police reports on  


the March 30 and April 4 incidents; her notes reflect her conclusion that "there is still  


no crime or violation of the DV[P]O or probation conditions."  But Farrar did reiterate  


in her case notes that Harrison "will still need to email or call [his probation  officer]  


about his or his mother['s] medical [appointments] at ANMC; as well as notify ANMC  




                     In March 2016  Smith  applied  for  leave  under  the  Family  and  Medical  


Leave Act  due to the strains on her mental health, and by May her "symptoms were  


such that she could no longer function at work."  The parties agree that Harrison filed a  


pro  se  request  for  early  termination  of  his  probation  in  late  2016,  that  Farrar  


recommended early termination, and that Smith opposed it; they also agree that an April  



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----------------------- Page 8-----------------------



2017 search of Harrison's residence found items prohibited by his terms of release                                                  and  


that a probation officer filed a petition to revoke Harrison's probation the day after the  




           B.        Proceedings  


                     Smith filed suit in January 2018 against Farrar and DOC, alleging that  


both were negligent in their supervision of Harrison and that DOC was negligent in its  



                                       Smith alleged that Farrar and the State breached their duties of  

supervision of Farrar. 


care by  "failing  to  appropriately supervise Harrison,  failing  to investigate  his parole  


violations,  failing  to  search  his  residence,  and  failing  to  follow  Department  of  


Corrections  policies  governing  supervision  of  parolees."                                       She  alleged  that  these  


breaches of duty caused her such severe emotional distress that she had to seek mental  


health treatment and was eventually unable to work, losing her job at Southcentral as a  



                     The State moved for summary judgment.  It argued that it did not breach  


its  duty  of  reasonable  care  in  its  supervision  of  Harrison  because  Farrar  never  had  


probable  cause  to  believe  he  had  committed  a  "serious  violation"  of  his  probation  


conditions  that would require her  to initiate  revocation  proceedings.  The State also  


argued that regardless of whether it satisfied its duty of care, Smith's suit was barred by  


discretionary function immunity.  


                     Smith opposed the motion, arguing that there were factual disputes over  


whether Farrar had adequately investigated each alleged violation and whether she had  




                     These included a crossbow and arrows, a bottle of beer, and a urinalysis  


test strip.  



                     The State was  later  substituted as a defendant with regard to the claims  


against  Farrar.   See  AS  09.50.253(c)  (allowing  substitution  upon  attorney  general's  


certification "that the state employee was acting within the scope of the employee's  


office or employment at the time of the incident out of which the claim arose").  



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----------------------- Page 9-----------------------

probable  cause to  believe  a  serious  violation  had occurred.   Smith argued that  Farrar's   

actions  were not entitled to immunity  because Harrison's repeated  visits to  the medical   

campus   with  inadequate  notice   necessarily   amounted  to   a   "serious   violation"  of   his  

probation  conditions,   and   a   probation  officer  has  a   nondiscretionary   duty  to  revoke   

probation for  a "serious violation."    

                    The court  granted summary judgment  for  the State,  concluding that  Farrar  

had  fulfilled her duty of care.    The court  discussed discretionary function   immunity   

only briefly, stating   that   "the evidence supports the   [State's]   contention that [Farrar]   

maintained the  discretion to act in the way [she] chose, thus discretional  [sic]  immunity   


[applies.]"          The court entered judgment against  Smith  and awarded attorney's fees  to   

the State under  Alaska Civil Rule 82.   Smith appeals.    




                    "We  review  a  grant  of  summary  judgment  de  novo,  applying  our  


independent  judgment  and  adopting  the  rule  'that  is  most  persuasive  in  light  of  



precedent, reason, and policy.' "                     "Summary judgment 'is affirmed if the evidence in  


the record fails to disclose a genuine issue of material fact and the moving party is  


                                                                  "When making this  determination,  we draw   

entitled to judgment as a matter of law.' " 


all  reasonable inferences in favor  of the non-moving party."                                  




                     Smith filed a motion for reconsideration which the court did not address  


and which was therefore deemed denied.  Alaska R. Civ. P. 77(k)(4).  

          12         Ware v. Ware, 161 P.3d 1188, 1192 (Alaska 2007) (first citing Charles v.  


Interior Reg 'l Hous. Auth., 55 P.3d 57, 59 (Alaska 2002); and then quoting Guin v. Ha,  


591 P.2d 1281, 1284 n.6 (Alaska 1979)).  




                    Id.  (quoting Dayhoff v. Temsco Helicopters, Inc., 848 P.2d 1367, 1369  


(Alaska 1993), overruled on other grounds by Buntin v. Schlumberger Tech. Corp., 487  


P.3d 595 (Alaska 2021)); see also Alaska R. Civ. P. 56(c).  



                    Moore v. Hartley Motors, Inc. , 36 P.3d 628, 630 (Alaska 2001) (quoting  


Parson v. Marathon Oil Co., 960 P.2d 615, 618 (Alaska 1998)).  



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----------------------- Page 10-----------------------

                    "[T]he    existence    and    extent    of    a    duty    of    care"    and    "[w]hether    a   

governmental act is entitled to discretionary function immunity" are also matters of law   

                            15                                                                        16  

reviewed de novo,              as is the  existence or absence of  probable cause.                         


          A. 	      Our   Decisions In  Neakok   And   Cowles   Direct The Outcome Of This   


                    We addressed the State's liability  for its  officers' negligent  supervision of   


parolees in   two cases, Division of Corrections v. Neakok                                 and State, Department of   


Corrections v. Cowles.                  In  Neakok   and   Cowles   we discussed both the scope   of the   

parole officers' duty19                                                                            20  

                                  and  the  applicability  of  statutory  immunity,                   and  the  two  cases   


direct  our decision here.              

                    Neakok  involved a claim against the  State by relatives of  three persons  


murdered by a man who was on supervised mandatory parole after serving time for rape  



and assault.          The  plaintiffs claimed that the  State was  negligent for  "failing to impose   

special conditions of   release at the time of [the parolee's] release, to supervise [the   



                    State,  Dep't of Corr. v. Cowles, 151 P.3d 353, 358 (Alaska 2006).   



                    Greywolf  v.  Carroll,  151  P.3d  1234,  1241  (Alaska  2007)  ("Once  the  


historical facts have been established, the existence or absence of probable cause is  'a  


purely legal question ' that we review de novo." (quoting In re J.A., 962 P.2d  173, 175  

(Alaska 1998))).   


                    721 P.2d 1121, 1125-37 (Alaska   1986), overruled in  part by  Cowles, 151   

P.3d at 360.     


                    151  P.3d at 358-65.   


                    Neakok, 721 P.2d at 1125-32;  Cowles, 151 P.3d at 362-65.   


                    Neakok, 721 P.2d at 1132-35;  Cowles, 151 P.3d at 358-62.   


                    Because  Neakok  and  Cowles  were  parolees,  these  cases  necessarily  refer   

to parole.  But as discussed at note 3,  supra, the duties of probation and parole officers   

do not  differ in any way meaningful  to  our analysis.     


                    Neakok, 721 P.2d at   1123.   




                                                             -10-	                                                       7750 

----------------------- Page 11-----------------------


parolee] adequately while he was on parole, in allowing him to return to a small, isolated  


community without police officers or alcohol counseling[,] and in failing to warn his  



victims of his dangerous propensities." 

                     First addressing whether the State owed a duty to the parolee's victims,  


we considered the so-called "D.S.W. factors"24  for determining the existence of such a  


duty, concluding that the most important factor was foreseeability.25                                         We held that the  


State's long history with the parolee as a prisoner and its authority over him as a parolee  


meant  that  there  was  "a  special  relationship"  between  them,  "both  because  of  [the  


State's] increased ability to foresee the dangers the parolee poses and because of its  


                                                                      26     We  continued:    "Given  this  special  

substantial  ability  to  control  the  parolee."                                                                                         


relationship, it is not unreasonable to impose a duty of care on the [S]tate to protect the  


                                    27      And   the   victims   in  Neakok   -   one   of   the   parolee's  

victims   of   parolees."                                                                                                                 


stepdaughters, her boyfriend, and her aunt -  were reasonably foreseeable given the  


parolee's history of violence toward family members and the fact that "[a]ll three were  


residents of an isolated community of fewer than 100 residents into which [the parolee]  




was released."             Whether the State breached its duty of care to these victims "by failing  





                     Id.  at  1125   (describing   factors   adopted   in   D.S.W.   v.   Fairbanks   N.   Star   

Borough Sc         h. Dist., 628 P.2d 554, 555  (Alaska 1981),  which  "include  foreseeability of   

harm, the closeness of connection between the defendant's conduct and the  plaintiff's   

injury, the moral blame attached to the defendant's conduct, the  policy of preventing   

further  harm,  the  extent  of  the   burden  to  the  defendant   and  consequences  to  the   

community  of  imposing   a   duty of   care,   and  the   availability,   cost   and  prevalence   of   

insurance for the risk involved").   






                     Id. at 1126.  



                     Id. at 1126-27.  



                     Id. at 1128-29.  



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----------------------- Page 12-----------------------


to supervise [the parolee] more closely, to impose special conditions of parole, to warn  


the  residents  of  [his  community]  of  his  dangerous  propensities,  or  to  take  other  



protective measures" remained a question of fact for a jury to decide. 

                     We then considered whether the State in Neakok was nonetheless entitled  


to "discretionary function" immunity under AS                                     This statute provides that  


no one may bring a tort action against the State "based upon the exercise or failure to  


exercise or perform a discretionary function or duty on the part of a state agency or an  


                                                                                                               31   We applied  

employee of the state, whether or not the discretion involved is abused."                                            


the "planning-operational test" to determine whether the State actions at issue were  


immune:  "Under this planning-operational test, only decisions that rise to the level of  


basic planning or policy formulation will be considered discretionary; decisions that  


implement  policy  decisions  and  are  ministerial  or  operational  in  nature  will  not  be  


               32     We  decided  that  the  plaintiffs'  claims  against  the  State  were  "based  


primarily on day-to-day acts of corrections personnel" that were operational rather than  


policy-making:  formulating a parole plan (to include the selection of special conditions  


regarding  alcohol consumption, rehabilitation programs, and  residence);  supervising  


the  defendant;  and  "deciding  not  to  appoint  a  parole  liaison  advisor,  not  to  inform  


appropriate people in the small community . . . of  [the defendant's] parole status, and  


not   to   warn   his   stepdaughter   and   other   potential                            victims   of   his   dangerous  


                     33   We held that these sorts of decisions by parole officers "took place 'at  




                    Id.  at 1132.   


                    Id. at 1132-35.   


                    Id.  at 1132  (quoting  former  AS 09.50.250(1)  (1965)).   While this statute   

has     been      amended          since      Neakok,         the    relevant        language         remains        the    same.    

AS  09.50.250(1).     



                    Neakok, 721 P.2d at 1133.  


                    Id.  at 1133-34.   


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----------------------- Page 13-----------------------



the lowest, ministerial rung of official action,' and cannot be immunized."                                                   It was  


therefore up to the jury to determine whether the decisions were negligent:  "If these  


decisions were made reasonably and carefully, the [S]tate will not be held liable even  




if, in retrospect, an alternative decision may have averted the murders." 



                     We considerably narrowed Neakok 's holding 20 years later in  Cowles. 


That case involved a defendant released on mandatory parole who killed himself and  



his  girlfriend  while  still  under  parole  supervision.                                    The  girlfriend's  personal  


representative  sued  DOC  for  "negligence  by  failing  to  implement  and  enforce  an  


appropriate parole plan, to require appropriate post-release therapy, to enforce parole  


                                                                                                                         The State  

violations, to properly supervise [the parolee], and to revoke his parole." 


moved for summary judgment, urging that "Neakok  should be overruled and therefore  




that the State owes no duty of care to victims of crimes committed by parolees." 



superior court denied the motion, and we accepted the State's petition for review. 


                     We declined to overrule Neakok 's holding "that the State has an actionable  



duty of care in supervising parolees."                        Acknowledging the significant policy concerns  


that militate against such a duty - for example, that it "could lead the State to err on  



                     Id.  (internal  citations omitted)  (quoting Tarasoff v. Regents  of the Univ. of   

Cal., 551 P.2d 334,  350 (Cal. 1976), superseded by statute, Cal. Civ. Code § 43.92, as  

recognized in  Shalghoun v. N.  L.A.   Cnty.  Reg 'l Ctr., Inc., 317 Cal. Rptr.  3d 641 (Cal.   

App.  2024).   


                     Id.  at 1135.   


                     151 P.3d 353 (Alaska 2006).   


                     Id.  at 356-57.   


                     Id.  at 357.   






                     Id.  at 364.   


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----------------------- Page 14-----------------------


the side of continued detention to avoid liability" - we concluded that the availability  


of  "discretionary  function  immunity  for  policy  decisions  will  protect  the  State's  


rehabilitative  goals  while  encouraging  parole  officers  to  carry  out  their  mandated  



operational duties in a non-negligent manner." 

                     On the subject of discretionary function immunity, however, we decided  


that Neakok had gone too far, specifically in ruling that " '[f]ormulation of [a] parole  


plan, and selection of special [parole] conditions' are not planning activities entitled to  


                  43   Citing DOC policies, we concluded that parole officers had no discretion,  


"and  thus  no  immunity,"  when  faced  with  probable  cause  that  the  defendant  has  


committed a "serious violation," a term encompassing felonies, class A misdemeanors,  


and "technical violations that constitute a criminal act or jeopardize the property or  


                                        44   But parole officers did retain discretion to decide whether  

safety of another person."                                                                                                              


certain  misdemeanors  or  technical  violations  should  instead  be classified  as  "minor  


violations" that did not justify the revocation of parole, because the decision whether to  


revoke parole involved the weighing of  such policy considerations  as "public safety,  


the need to rehabilitate and reintegrate offenders, the allocation of resources available  




to treat and supervise parolees, and potential prison overcrowding."                                           We concluded,  



therefore, that the parole officer's "decision not to pursue revocation in response to [the  






                     Id. at 360 (alterations in original) (quoting Div. of  Corr., Dep't of Health  


& Soc. Servs. v. Neakok, 721 P.2d 1121, 1134 (Alaska 1986)).  


                     Id.   at  360-61;   see  also   Alaska  Dep't  of  Corr.  Pol'ys   &   Proc.,  920.01:    

Community   Corrections   Definitions ,  DEP'T  OF   CORR.:     OFF.   OF  THE   COMM'R  (last   

visited   Aug.  19,  2024),   (to   

view   this  policy,  under   subheading   "Policies   &  Procedures"  select   "Probation  &   

Parole" and then "Chapter  920 -  Definitions").    


                     Cowles,   151  P.3d   at  359-60   (reciting  policy  considerations  relevant  to   

parole  board's  discretionary  decision-making);   id.   at  361   (concluding  that  parole   

officer's decision-making "involves the same weighing of  policy matters").   



                                                                -14-                                                          7750

----------------------- Page 15-----------------------


parolee's] technical violations" was an exercise of judgment protected by discretionary  


function immunity.                 

                     Not entitled to immunity, however, were  "[t]he day-to-day supervisory  


activities of a parole officer, such as filling out risk assessment scales and investigating  




the apparent commission of a serious violation."                                   "Discretionary function immunity  



does not apply to these activities because a parole officer is not required to choose  


between competing policy concerns in performing these duties, but merely to exercise  



                                                                                                      But we cautioned that  

some judgment in carrying out established DOC directives." 


the duty to investigate arises only with regard to parole violations of which the parole  


officer has notice, because "seeking out possible parole violations of which the parole  


officer has no notice" involves "policy judgments in deciding how to allocate time and  


resources among various clients" and therefore falls within the scope of discretionary  


function immunity.                  


                     In light of the holding in Neakok as narrowed in Cowles, Smith argues that  


Farrar's failure to investigate Harrison's alleged violations of his probation conditions  


is not an immune discretionary decision because she had notice - of both the DVPO  


and Harrison's repeated violations of its terms - sufficient to require her to investigate  


further.  She argues that further investigation would have revealed to Farrar the extent  


of Harrison's violations and that those violations were serious, necessitating a violation  


report and a petition to revoke Harrison's probation.  


                     But we disagree.  As explained below, there is evidence that Farrar learned  


of several of the possible DVPO violations Smith identifies, but the evidence also shows  



                     Id.  at 361.   






                     Id.  at 362.   


                                                                 -15-                                                            7750


----------------------- Page 16-----------------------


that she performed her operational duty of investigating them, and her conclusion that  


she lacked probable cause to find a violation was a reasonable one.   Her subsequent  


decisions - whether to investigate further or take other action - were protected by  


discretionary immunity.  


          B.	        Farrar  Performed  Her  Operational  Duty  To  Investigate  Alleged  


                     Violations Of Which She Was Aware; Her Subsequent Decisions Are  


                     Protected By Discretionary Function Immunity.  


                     Before we decide whether statutory immunity applies, we first determine  


whether "a defendant otherwise owes a duty of care to the plaintiff and thus would be  



                                                                       Such a duty exists here.   As we held in  

liable in the absence of such immunity." 


Neakok and affirmed in Cowles, the State has a duty to exercise due care in supervising  

                     51  and this duty is owed to the probationer's foreseeable victims, whether  


"a particular individual or [an] identifiable group."52                            Smith, like the victims in Neakok  


and Cowles, was a foreseeable victim.53   Because the State does not dispute that it owed  


Smith a duty of care, the determinative issue for purposes of summary judgment was  


whether discretionary function immunity applied.  


                     Smith  argues  that  Farrar  was  negligent  both  because   she  failed  to  


investigate  alleged  violations  of  the  probation  conditions  and  because  she  failed  to  


conclude that they were serious enough to require  action.   These arguments invoke  





                     Div. of Corr., Dep't of Health & Soc. Servs.  v. Neakok, 721 P.2d 1121,  


 1125 (Alaska 1986) (quoting Davidson v. City of  Westminster, 649 P.2d 894, 896 (Cal.  


 1982)), overruled in part on other grounds by Cowles, 151 P.3d 353.  



                     Cowles, 151 P.3d at 363-64.  



                     Id. at 363; see also Neakok, 721 P.2d at 1129 ("We agree with those courts  


which have held that the inability to predict the special victim of a dangerous person  


does not absolve a custodian from a duty to use due care to protect others who might  


foreseeably be endangered by that person.").  



                     See Neakok, 721 P.2d at 1129; Cowles, 151 P.3d at 363-64.  


                                                                -16-	                                                         7750


----------------------- Page 17-----------------------


different applications of the discretionary immunity analysis, and we discuss them in  


turn below.  


                     1.	        There is no evidence that  Farrar  failed to investigate alleged  


                                violations  of  probation  conditions  that  were  brought  to  her  




                     DOC  policy  provides   that   probation   officers   "shall   investigate   all  

                                                                                           54   A probation officer has no  


allegations of violations of the conditions of supervision." 

discretion  whether  to  perform  this  duty;  she  must  investigate.55                                     As  noted  above,  


discretionary function immunity does not apply to this duty.56                                         In  Cowles, a parolee  


reported to his parole officer that the police had come to his house to arrest him.57   The  


parole officer allegedly "took no action to find out from the police why they had tried  


to arrest [the parolee]."58   We held that because parole officers have no discretion as to  


whether to investigate, the officer's potential failure to follow up meant that the State  


was not entitled to summary judgment and immune from suit.59                                           We also emphasized,  






                     Alaska Dep't of Corr. Pol'ys & Proc., 902.14:   Violation Of Supervision  


 Conditions (effective Nov. 27, 2002) (on file with the court).  This was the policy in  


effect during  the time period  in question.   It  was  repealed on January 1, 2017,  and  


replaced  by  DOC  Policy  902.16.                        Alaska  Dep't  of  Corr.,  Pol'ys  &  Proc.,  902.14:  

                                                               EP 'T OF CORR.:    OFF.  OF THE                COMM'R  (Jan. 1,   

 Violation Of Supervision Conditions, D 

2017),                             (noting        DOC         Policy            902.14   

incorporated into DOC Policy 902.16).     

           55	       Cowles, 151 P.3d at 361.  




                     Id.  ("Discretionary function immunity does not apply to these activities  


because a parole officer is not required to choose between competing policy concerns  


in  performing  these  duties,  but  merely  to  exercise  some  judgment  in  carrying  out  


established DOC directives.").  

           57        Id. at 357.  


           58        Id.  


           59        Id.  at  361-62  (noting  that  "[i]ssues  of  material  fact  preclude  summary  


judgment for the State on this issue" because "there is a question of fact as to what  





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----------------------- Page 18-----------------------


however, that the State cannot be liable for a parole officer "failing to take affirmative  



action to discover parole violations of which she had no notice." 

                     Violating a DVPO is a crime.61                        A  violation of the DVPO  in this case  


would also be a violation of Harrison's probation conditions because of the requirement  


that he obey all laws and special instructions of the court.  But Smith does not dispute  


Farrar's testimony that as a probation officer she was authorized to investigate only  


probation violations, not new crimes.  Instead of investigating an alleged crime herself,  


she was required to notify local law enforcement of information that could lead to new  


criminal charges  and await the results of their investigation before looking into any  


corresponding violation of probation conditions.  And that appears to be what she did.  


At her  deposition  she acknowledged receiving "calls from APD saying there was an  


alleged violation of a DV[P]O, and  [that she] also got their reports that said . . . they  


didn't charge any crime.  They didn't find enough evidence to say there was a new  


crime."   The evidence supports the State's position that  after  learning  of the alleged  


violations in April 2016,  Farrar  investigated them:   she spoke with the investigating  


officers and the assigned prosecutor and learned that APD had already concluded there  


was no probable cause to arrest Harrison.  


                     Other  than  the  two  2016  incidents  involving  police  contacts,  Farrar  


testified:   "No one ever contacted m[e] telling me  [that]  they never got [the] notice  


[required by the DVPO] . . . .  As for talking to Ms. Smith, she never called me."  Smith  




happened at the meeting at which [the parolee] gave [the officer] the monthly report  


stating that the police had come to arrest him").  

           60        Id.  at 362  (adopting  dissent of  Matthews, J.,  in Div. of Corr., Dep't of  


Health & Soc. Servs. v. Neakok, 721 P.2d 1121, 1137 (Alaska 1986)).  


           61        See   AS   11.81.900(b)(11)   ("   '[C]rime'  means   .   .   .   a   felony   or   a  


misdemeanor."); AS 11.56.740(a)-(b) (defining "crime of violating a protective order"  


and classifying it as class A misdemeanor).  



                                                                 -18-                                                           7750


----------------------- Page 19-----------------------


cites a number of other instances when Harrison failed to give Southcentral security the  


required notice (i.e., "at least one day in advance"), supporting her argument with the  

                                                                  62  But there is no evidence Farrar knew about  

security employees' deposition testimony.                                                                                                 

these concerns at the time.   Her notes indicate that when Harrison gave her the prior  


notice  she  required  of  him,  he  usually  told  her  that  he  had  already  contacted  


Southcentral security or would do so shortly.  


                     At her deposition  Farrar  explained that she did not confirm  Harrison's  


representations with Southcentral security because she "had not gotten any information  


or an inkling from anyone else, from the victim or anybody [else], that [Harrison] was  


not  doing  what  he  was  supposed  to  be  doing."                                 Again,  there  is  nothing  in  the  


documentary record to contradict her testimony.  


                     In sum, the State cannot be liable for a probation officer's failure "to take  



affirmative  action  to discover  [probation] violations  of  which  she had  no  notice."                                                 


There is no evidence that Farrar knew of alleged violations that would prompt her to  


investigate  beyond  those  few  that  were  brought  to  her  attention  because  of  APD's  


involvement - and she investigated them.  





                     Southcentral's safety manager testified that "there were several instances  


where [Harrison] didn't contact us and showed up on campus" and "other times where  


he contacted the hospital security program instead of notifying us [at Southcentral],"  


which in the witness's view showed an intent "to play the system."  The superior court,  


in granting the State's motion for summary judgment, discussed the incidents involving  


APD  and  concluded  that  "no  evidence  had  been  presented  showing  any  other  


violations"  by  Harrison,  and  "[t]he  evidence  presented . . .  indicate[s]  that  Harrison  


followed the requirements of the DVPO."  Although this finding is contradicted by the  


record, it is not the number of DVPO violations that is relevant here but rather the  


number of which Farrar was aware.  



                     Cowles, 151 P.3d at 362.  


                                                                 -19-                                                           7750


----------------------- Page 20-----------------------


                     2.	       Once she investigated and found no probable cause,  Farrar's  


                               subsequent            decisions          were        protected          by      discretionary  




                     A   probation   officer   investigating   alleged   violations   of   supervision  


conditions must determine whether there is probable cause to conclude that a violation  


has occurred; if there is, the officer must decide whether  the violation  is  serious or  

          64   The applicable probable cause standard is the same one  applied by other law  


enforcement  officers.65                  "Probable  cause  to   arrest  exists  if  the  totality   of   the  


circumstances known to the officer would support a reasonable belief that an offense  


has   been   or   is   being   committed."66                      We   review   an   officer's   probable   cause  


determination  "under an objective standard without regard to the officer's subjective  




                     To decide whether Farrar had probable cause to conclude that Harrison  


had  violated  his  probation  conditions,  we  therefore  consider  "the  totality  of  the  


circumstances known  to [her]."68                      We first observe that  Harrison's offender history  


included references to his dangerousness, including the threats he made to Smith after  


being released from prison in April 2014.  The history also includes the police contact  


in January 2015, when Farrar's predecessors investigated Smith's claim that she saw  


Harrison in a building lobby on the medical campus and called APD to report that he  


had failed to give the required notice.  The probation officers assigned at the time spoke  




                     Alaska Dep't of Corr. Pol'ys  &  Proc.,  902.14:    Violation Of Supervision   

Conditions  (effective Nov. 27,  2002)  (on  file  with  the court)  ("Violations of  supervision   

conditions  will be investigated, and classified as serious or minor," and the "Probation   

Officer  will determine the appropriate response.").     


                     See id.    


                     Simpson v. State, 489  P.3d 1181, 1185  (Alaska App. 2021).   


                     Yi v. Yang,  282 P.3d 340, 347 (Alaska 2012).   


                     Simpson, 489 P.3d at   1185.   


                                                                -20-	                                                         7750


----------------------- Page 21-----------------------


with  APD  and  Harrison  about  the  incident; ultimately  Harrison was  not  arrested  or  


charged.  Farrar took over the file a few weeks later.  


                      The first mention of "Victim contact" in Farrar's own notes occurs over a  


year later, in February 2016, when she asked Harrison "if he had any contact with the  


victim whatsoever" and he "denied all contact," explaining the notification process he  


followed when visiting the medical campus.  The next relevant dates are in early April  


2016,  when  Farrar  learned  of  APD's  investigation  of  the  March  30  and  April  4  


incidents.  As described above, Farrar spoke to the investigating officer about the March  


30 incident and to the assigned prosecutor about both incidents; the prosecutor informed  


Farrar that he had been "briefed by the officer  . . . that there was a report last week as  


well . . . [b]ut there is still no crime or violation of the DV[P]O or probation conditions."  


                      Farrar made the same decision:  that there were no violations of Harrison's  


probation conditions  requiring  further action.  Given what she knew (or should have  


known from the offender history) - that Harrison had made serious threats in the past,  


that he had nonetheless apparently complied with the DVPO conditions for over a year,  


that  APD  had  investigated  the  March  and  April  allegations  and  found  insufficient  


evidence to charge a new crime - we cannot say that her decision was legally incorrect.  


And once having investigated and determined that there was no probable cause to find  


a     violation          of     probation           conditions,           Farrar        had       fulfilled        her      operational,  




nondiscretionary duty and was not required to take further action. 




                      Smith argues that Harrison's actions were serious violations, as defined in  


the regulations, because they jeopardized her property or safety.  See Alaska Dep't of  


Corr. Pol'ys & Proc., 920.01:  Community Corrections Definitions, DEP'T OF CORR.:    


OFF.            OF           THE            COMM'R                 (last           visited             Aug.            19,           2024),   (to  view  this  policy,  under   

subheading "Policies & Procedures" select "Probation & Parole" and then "Chapter 920                                                              

-  Definitions").   If a violation is serious, the probation officer "has no discretion, and                                                      

thus no immunity, in responding to felony behavior or other actions that jeopar                                                    dize the   



                                                                     -21-                                                               7750


----------------------- Page 22-----------------------


                     We  acknowledge  that  a  different  probation  officer  could  have  taken  a  


different  tack:           she  could  have  decided  not  to  rely  on  APD's  conclusions  and  the  


prosecutor's advice but instead to investigate further on her own.  But such a decision  


about whether to expand or extend an investigation's scope -  as opposed to whether  


the investigation should be undertaken  at all - is one usually left to the discretion of  



the investigating agency.                     The depth and duration of an investigation implicate the  


same  considerations  that  animated  our  decision  in  Cowles  that  a  parole  officer's  


decision not to "seek[] out possible parole violations of which the parole officer has no  


notice   involves   planning   decisions   that   are   entitled   to   discretionary   function  



immunity."             Whether Farrar would rely on the conclusion of other law enforcement  


officers, or whether she would instead follow up with further investigation of her own,  



property or the safety of another person; in such cases the officer is simply executing a  


pre-existing policy."  State, Dep't of Corr. v. Cowles, 151 P.3d 353, 361 (Alaska 2006).   


We acknowledge that minor violations could cumulatively  amount to a serious one,  


especially in the context of DVPOs, which often address a series of unwanted contacts  


that may be individually innocuous but that add up to harassment or a credible threat to  


safety.  See, e.g., AS 11.41.260 (defining crime of stalking in the first degree and citing  


AS 11.41.270, which defines stalking in the second degree).  However, because Farrar  


reasonably  believed  that  she  lacked  probable  cause  to  conclude  that  violations  had  


occurred, it is not necessary for us to determine whether such violations would have  


been properly classified as minor or serious.  



                     See Alaska State Comm'n on Hum. Rts. v. Anderson, 426 P.3d 956, 964  


(Alaska 2018) ("Any administrative agency empowered to investigate complaints and  


allegations  of  wrongdoing  must  have  a  broad  discretion  if  it  is  to  function  at  all."  


(quoting In re Nowell, 237 S.E.2d 246, 252 (N.C. 1977)));  Yankee v. City & Borough  


of  Juneau,  407  P.3d  460,  464  (Alaska  2017)  ("Generally,  courts  decline  to  review  


executive-branch decisions not to prosecute an individual or not to enforce a law under  


particular circumstances." (emphasis in original)); see also Vickers v. United States,  


228 F.3d 944, 951 (9th Cir. 2000) ("[T]he discretionary function exception protects  


agency decisions concerning the scope and manner in which it conducts an investigation  


so long as the agency does not violate a mandatory directive.").  



                     Cowles, 151 P.3d at 362.  


                                                                 -22-                                                            7750


----------------------- Page 23-----------------------


presumably involved "policy judgments in deciding how to allocate time and resources  


among various clients," balancing "the interests of public safety and rehabilitation of  


offenders  when  deciding  how  much  time  to  devote  to  seeking  out  potential  parole  


violations  as  opposed  to  assisting  clients  with  housing,  rehabilitation,  and  other  




                    Thus, once  Farrar  investigated  the  alleged violations of  which  she had  


notice and found no probable cause that violations had occurred, the rest of her response  


involved discretionary planning decisions that are immune from suit, even if we were  


to view them as wrongheaded.  "In this way, discretionary function immunity 'ensures  


that  courts  do  not  step  into  the  policy  roles  committed  to  other  branches  of  



                           Accordingly, the superior court properly granted summary judgment  

government.' " 


to the State on Smith's claims.                      






                    Id. at 359 (quoting Kiokun v. State, Dep 't of Pub. Safety, 74 P.3d 209, 215  

(Alaska 2003)).   


                    In her  opposition to the State's  motion for summary judgment and in her   

opening brief on appeal, Smith alludes to violations of the requirement of prior  notice   

to the probation officer but does not develop them into a separate argument, focusing  

instead on violations   of the requirement of  prior  notice to Southcentral security.  She   

develops the argument about inadequate notice to Farrar  more  fully in her  reply brief.   

We  do not address the argument separately except to note that the analysis is similar.    

"Violations   of  supervision  conditions   other  than  law  violations"  are  by  definition   

"minor   violations."     Alaska  Dep't  of  Corr.  Pol'ys  &   Proc.,  920.01:    Community   

Corrections Definitions, DEP'T OF CORR.:   OFF.  OF THE  COMM'R (last  visited  Aug. 19,  

2024),   (to   view  this  policy,   

under  subheading  "Policies  &  Procedures"  select  "Probation  &  Parole"   and  then   

"Chapter 920 -  Definitions").   Had Farrar concluded that Harrison was not giving her   

adequate  notice of his  visits to the medical campus, it would  be by definition a "minor   

violation"   which the   probation officer is required to "attempt to resolve . . .   without   

filing a  probation or  parole  violation report,"  employing less  serious  measures  such as   

"counseling,  behavior  contracts,  letters   of  warning,   or   other  appropriate  means."    



                                                             -23-                                                        7750


----------------------- Page 24-----------------------


                   The judgment  of the superior court is AFFIRMED.   



    aska Dep't of Corr. Pol'ys & Proc.,  902.14:   Violation of Supervision Conditions  


(effective Nov. 27, 2002) (on file with the court).  



                                                            -24-                                                          7750  

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