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Peter Chapman v. Julia Chapman (2/14/2025) sp-7748

         Notice:  This opinion is subject to correction before publication in the PACIFIC REPORTER.   

         Readers are requested to bring errors to the attention of the Clerk of the Appellate Courts,  

         303 K Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501, phone (907) 264-0608, fax (907) 264-0878, email  





  PETER CHAPMAN,                                         )         

                                                         )        Supreme Court No.  S-18761  

                             Appellant,                  )         

                                                         )        Superior Court No.  4FA-18-02589 CI  

           v.                                            )         

                                                         )        O P I N I O N  

  JULIA CHAPMAN,                                         )         

                                                         )       No. 7748 - February 14, 2025  

                             Appellee.                   )  




                   Appeal  from  the  Superior  Court  of  the  State  of  Alaska,  

                   Fourth Judicial District, Fairbanks, Paul R. Lyle, Judge.  


                   Appearances:  Mila A. Neubert, Neubert Law Office, LLC,  

                   Fairbanks, for Appellant.  John Foster Wallace, Zimmerman  

                   & Wallace, Fairbanks, for Appellee.  


                   Before:    Maassen,  Chief  Justice,  and  Carney,  Borghesan,  

                   Henderson, and Pate, Justices.  


                   CARNEY, Justice.  



                   A father appeals a child support modification order that increased his child  

support  obligation.    The  superior  court  found  that  the  father's  acquisition  of  new  

businesses  and  access  to  income  from  a  newly  created  trust  constituted  a  material  

change of circumstances to justify the increased child support.  The court found that the  

father had access to his trust's income of more than $800,000 in 2021 and that he was  

----------------------- Page 2-----------------------

in control of its distributions, regardless of whether he chose to take them.  The parties  

previously stipulated to a child support arrangement based on their respective incomes  

which resulted in a $31.35 monthly obligation for the father.  The court factored in the  

trust's income, imputed the income cap of $126,000, and increased his monthly child  

support obligation to $1,167.35.  

                Because the superior court did not clearly err by finding a material change  

of circumstances or abuse its discretion by imputing income to the father, we affirm its  

child support order.  


        A.      Facts  

                Peter  and Julia  Chapman married in 2007 and have one minor child.  In  

2018 Julia filed for legal separation, and the following August she and Peter agreed that  

they would equally share custody and that child support would be calculated pursuant  

to Alaska Rule  of Civil Procedure  90.3.   In July  2020 they entered a stipulation  that  

Peter would pay $500 per month in child support through December 31, 2020, and that  

the  amount  would  be  modified  in  January  2021  "based  on  the  parties'  then  current  

earned income at the time of modification."   The superior court entered a decree of  

divorce  in  July  2020  and  adopted  their  stipulation.    The  child  support  award  was  

modified in April 2021 based on Peter's 2020 income of $45,000, which, after a credit  

for health insurance premiums, resulted in Peter owing Julia monthly child support in  

the amount of $31.35.   

                During their marriage, Peter  and Julia owned Alaska Auto Rentals, Inc.  


(AAR).   Peter was employed by AAR at the date of the evidentiary hearing, and since  

2009 his salary has ranged from $26,000 to $100,000.  A year after the divorce, Peter  


        1       As part of a property settlement agreement, the parties agreed  that all of  

Julia's stock in AAR would be redeemed for $480,000, with payments completed by  

2025.  But they amended the timeline in their July 2020 stipulation due to concerns for  

the business's viability during the pandemic.   

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----------------------- Page 3-----------------------

established the Cephas Trust and moved AAR and other property he had acquired into  

the trust.   The property in the trust  included Affordable Used Cars, LLC and several  


real estate holdings LLCs.    Cephas Trust is an inter vivos trust  of which Peter is the  

grantor, primary beneficiary, and investment trustee.   

        B.       Proceedings  

                 Representing herself, Julia moved to modify child support in May 2022.   

In  her  motion  she  indicated  that  she  believed  Peter's  income  was  greater  than  the  

$45,000 salary on which the 2021 child support order was based because he informed  


her that he did not qualify for the federal child tax credit  and because he "has several  

successful businesses and properties connected to his name through various LLCs and  


trusts."    Peter opposed modification, arguing Julia had not presented proof that his  


income had changed.    

                 Because Julia was representing herself the court interpreted her motion as  


her  annual  request  for  proof  of  Peter's  income  under  Rule  90.3(e)(2).     The  court  

ordered Peter to provide proof of all  sources of income  and  instructed Julia that she  

would have 60 days to inform the court whether she intended to pursue the motion to  

modify child support.   


        2        AAR and the other businesses are pass-through entities for tax purposes.   

        3        The income limit to qualify for the child tax credit in 2021 was $150,000  

if filing a joint return,  $112,500  for head of household, or $75,000 if filing single or  



QUESTIONS (July 2022),  

        4        Julia  also  noted  there  was  a  change  in  their  son's  medical  expenses  

because a new diagnosis required weekly therapy and she could not afford to pay half  

of the cost of those appointments.   

        5        Peter also argued that there was no evidence their son's medical insurance  

would not cover the additional expenses.   

        6        See Cook v. State, 312 P.3d 1072, 1090 (Alaska 2013).  

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----------------------- Page 4-----------------------

                 Julia  hired  counsel.    Peter  provided  his  2021  W-2  form  from  AAR,  

showing his salary was $55,356.81, along with an affidavit stating his gross income for  

2022 would be the same amount.  Julia also requested Peter's 2021 federal income tax  

return, which he provided and which indicated his adjusted gross income for 2021 was  

$861,382.    Julia  gave  notice  to  the  court  that  she  intended  to  pursue  the  motion  to  

modify child support, and  she filed her reply to Peter's opposition to the motion.   She  

stated  that Peter's 2021 tax return demonstrated  a material change  of  circumstances.   

Julia also stated that calculating child support under Rule 90.3 based on the income in  

Peter's  2021  tax return would result in a monthly payment of $1,224.35, which was  

more than a  15% change from the existing support order and therefore amounted to a  


change  of  circumstances.     She  argued  that  if  Peter  chose  not  to  realize  all  of  this  

income, the court should impute that income to him.   

                 The court held an evidentiary hearing at which Peter was the only witness.   

He testified that his primary source of income was his AAR salary and that his salary  

and time commitment fluctuated  depending upon his role at the time.   Peter testified  

that he had stepped down as AAR's general manager to work as fleet manager after his  

divorce because it provided more flexibility to spend time with their child.   

                 Peter testified that despite the $861,382 listed as gross income on his W- 

2, he  listed his $55,356.81 salary from AAR  on his child support affidavit because it  

was "the only income I receive personally."  He testified that the remaining income was  

from business activities and assets in the  Cephas Trust,  and because the trust is not a  

separate tax entity, the tax liabilities from those assets flow to his personal tax return  

but the income does not.  He testified that he considered the businesses' income held  

by the trust "as separate and independent from me."  And he testified that any residual  

money in the trust is reinvested in "business activities to grow . . . the financial health  


        7        See Alaska R. Civ. P. 90.3(h)(1).   

                                                     -4-                                                 7748  

----------------------- Page 5-----------------------

or strength of the business or pay off [business] debt," which he testified amounted to  

over $30 million.   

                 Peter  stated  he  established  the  trust  after  he  and  Julia  divorced  on  the  

advice  of  his  attorney  and  accountant  before  his  second  marriage,  "to  grow  the  

businesses, employ [] more people, and to build a legacy" for their child, as well as to  


protect the assets in case that marriage "didn't work out."   Peter testified that because  

his past child support obligation had been calculated based only on his W-2 wages, he  

did not believe that the income generated by his businesses had any bearing on his child  

support obligation.  He asserted that he was not trying to deprive their child of support  

when he transferred property into the trust.   

                 Peter described the Cephas Trust.  The court interjected to ask about the  

trust's name.    "Cephas being Peter?   Is that right?  . . .  Cephas is the Bible name for  


Peter?"    Peter acknowledged it was.   He stated that  the trust  is irrevocable,  he  has  

authority over its trust activities, and while he has a right to benefit from trust assets, he  

does not "try to take advantage of that right now."   

                 Peter testified that he had selected  an  independent trustee for the trust.   

Peter  stated  that  he  chose  a  surveyor  with  whom  he  had  worked  in  the  past  as  the  

independent  trustee,  and  that  the  trustee  is  the  only  one  who  decides  whether  

distributions  are  made  from  the  trust.    Peter  testified  that  he  had  only  asked  for  a  

distribution once, and the trustee had granted his request to cover the trust's tax liability.   

Peter  acknowledged that  distributions  could be made to him at any time, but that any  


         8       Peter testified that his marriage to his second wife  ended in  divorce  and  

that she received a settlement of $20,000 in cash, which he paid from a personal savings  


         9       See John  1:42 (English Standard Version)  ("  'You are Simon the son of  

John.  You shall be called Cephas,' (which means Peter).").  

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----------------------- Page 6-----------------------

distributions  to  other  beneficiaries  would  require  his  permission.    He  testified  the  

undistributed income remains in the trust.   

               Peter acknowledged that he is in control of the LLCs within the trust.  He  

confirmed that the trust makes a profit from the rental income from one of the real estate  

LLCs and the businesses in the trust use properties controlled by other LLCs in the trust.   

He  also testified that  he lives rent-free in a home owned by his mother after  paying  

$60,000 to renovate the house.   

               Because Peter's  accountant  was not available to testify,  Peter's counsel  

made an offer of proof.  She stated the accountant would have testified that because the  

trust is irrevocable, Peter, as the grantor, does not have the ability to revoke or amend  

it; that Peter is not entitled to the income that flows into the trust unless  a distribution  

is approved by the independent trustee; and that the trust states the independent trustee  

cannot be Peter.  Peter's attorney  stated that the accountant would have explained the  

businesses were in trust to provide legal separation, and that placing the businesses in a  

trust would have protected them in the event of divorce.  She said the accountant would  

have  testified  that  this  arrangement  is  not  an  uncommon  strategy  for  his  similarly  

situated clients in new marriages and that a purpose of the trust was to maximize Peter's  

income tax return.   

               The court made oral findings, first observing that the 2020 stipulation was  

made when the pandemic had "upended the business."  It noted that it did not believe  

the stipulation, "which was entered  . . . when the business was at risk, was intended to  

control child support for future years," observing that the risk came from the pandemic.   

The court noted that "Covid's over" and found that Peter had available assets that he  

had chosen not to withdraw.   

               The court found that Peter was not hiding money, but that he  exercised  

considerable control over the trust.   It explained that the money in the trust was "his  

money," that Peter could "get anything out of that trust he wants to," and that the trust  

document allowed Peter to take a distribution "anytime he wants to."   The  court also  

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----------------------- Page 7-----------------------

found  that  because  Peter  controls  selection  of  the  independent  trustee  it  "isn't  very  


                 The court next found, based on the businesses' net profit of $861,000, that  

Peter's $55,000  annual salary  was an artificial distribution.    It  determined Peter was  

taking  an  artificially  low  salary  from  successful  businesses  so  money  could  be  

reinvested.  It found Peter had a legal obligation to support his son "at a rate of income  

that  truly  reflects  his  resources"  and  concluded  the  appropriate  amount  should  be  

calculated based on Rule 90.3's income cap of $126,000 "because it's clear he makes  

far more than that."   The court observed that  Peter "has access to a whole lot more  

money" but  based on the evidence presented,  it could not "determine precisely how  


                 The court granted  the motion to modify child support,  adopting  its oral  

findings and requiring Peter to pay $1,167.35 monthly.  Peter appeals.  


                 "Trial courts have broad discretion in deciding whether to modify child  

support orders."10  "We review a trial court's determination of whether to modify child  

support  for  abuse  of  discretion."11    "Whether  an  item  qualifies  as  income  for  the  

purposes of Rule 90.3 is a question of law that  we review  de novo, adopting the rule  

that 'is most persuasive in light  of precedent, reason and policy.' "12    A trial court's  

decision to impute income is reviewed for abuse of discretion.13  We review its factual  


         10      Wilhour v. Wilhour, 308 P.3d 884, 887 (Alaska 2013).  

         11      Id.  

         12      Fredrickson  v.  Button ,  426  P.3d  1047,  1052  (Alaska  2018)  (quoting  

Robinson v. Robinson , 961 P.2d 1000, 1002 (Alaska 1998)).  

         13      Fredrickson, 426 P.3d at 1052 (citing Reilly v. Northrop , 314 P.3d 1206,  

1212 (Alaska 2013)).  

                                                    -7-                                                 7748  

----------------------- Page 8-----------------------

findings, including findings regarding the amount of income to impute, for clear error.14   

"A finding is clearly erroneous if we are left with a definite and firm conviction that the  

trial court has made a mistake."15  


        A.       The Court Did Not Clearly  Err  By  Finding  A Material Change Of  


                 Alaska  Civil  Rule  90.3(h)(1)  allows  for  a  child  support  award  to  be  

modified upon a  showing of a material change of circumstances.  "A material change  

of  circumstances  can arise  from 'certain  fact  changes  occurring after  the  entry of  a  

judgment' or from 'certain changes in the law.'  "16  Under the rule, "[a] material change  

of circumstances will be presumed if support as calculated under this rule is more than  

 15 percent greater or less than the outstanding support order."17  The burden falls on the  

moving party to show by a preponderance of the evidence that there has been a material  


                 Peter argues Julia failed to demonstrate there was a material change  of  

circumstances because she admits she was aware at the time of their stipulation that the  

businesses made "substantial revenues" and that his income was based only on his AAR  

salary as reflected on his W-2.  But Peter acquired new businesses and created the trust  

after the stipulation was adopted by the court, and as the court noted, "Covid's over."   


         14      Reilly, 314 P.3d at 1212.  

         15      Fredrickson,  426  P.3d  at  1052  (internal  quotations  omitted)  (quoting  

Heustess v. Kelley-Heustess, 259 P.3d 462, 468 (Alaska 2011)).  

         16      Mitchell v. Mitchell , 370 P.3d 1070, 1078 (Alaska 2016) (quoting Bunn v.  

House, 934 P.2d 753, 758 (Alaska 1997)).  

         17      Alaska R. Civ. P. 90.3(h)(1).   

         18      See  Ward v. Urling, 167 P.3d 48, 53 (Alaska 2007).  

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----------------------- Page 9-----------------------

                 In Mitchell v. Mitchell, we held that a father's withdrawal of funds from  

his retirement account constituted a material change of circumstances.19  This was true  

even  though  the  funds  were  withdrawn  before  the  child  support  order  was  entered.   

Because the  father did not include the withdrawal in his  income estimate, the mother  

had  no  way  to  know  the  amount  he  withdrew  until  she  received  his  tax  return  the  

following year.20    The father asserted that the mother should have been barred from  

arguing for the withdrawal to be included in his income because she did not appeal the  

previous child support order, which  the  father  claimed was  a final judgment on that  

issue.21  We disagreed and explained that "the appropriate framework for analyzing a  

motion to modify child support is not res judicata but rather the changed circumstances  

doctrine under Civil Rule 90.3."22    

                 Unlike the father in Mitchell, Peter did not take distributions or withdraw  

funds.23  But he acquired new property and placed it, along with AAR, into a trust that  

he created after the court approved and adopted the stipulation.  Neither Julia, when she  

entered the stipulation, nor the court,  when it calculated child support in April 2021  

according to the stipulation's terms, could have considered assets whose existence had  

not been made known.  Once Julia had reason to believe that Peter had more assets than  

the  stipulation  addressed,  she  filed  a  motion  to  modify  the  child  support  order  that  

identified the reason:  Peter did not qualify for the child tax credit .24  Peter's tax return  


        19       Mitchell, 370 P.3d at 1078.  

        20       Id. at 1077-78.  

        21       Id. at 1077.  

        22       Id.   

        23       See id. at 1072, 1078.  

        24       INTERNAL REVENUE SERV., supra note 3.  

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----------------------- Page 10-----------------------

provided  in  response  to  Julia's  motion  made  clear ,  as  in  Mitchell,  the  value  of  the  

additional assets that were otherwise unknown.25   

                Peter's acquisition of new businesses  and creation of the Cephas Trust  

significantly increased his available income.  The creation of the trust alone marked a  

significant and material change in circumstances after the stipulation was entered.  The  

superior court did not clearly err by finding a material change of circumstances.26   

        B.      The  Court  Did  Not  Abuse  Its  Discretion  By  Imputing  Income  To  


                Under Rule 90.3(a)(4), "[t]he court may calculate child support based on  

a determination of the potential income of a parent who voluntarily and unreasonably  

is unemployed or underemployed."  "The court also may impute potential income for  

non-income or low income producing assets."27  And a parent need not be unemployed  

or underemployed for potential income to be imputed for an underperforming asset.28  

                1.      The superior court  did not err by analogizing the trust to  an  

                        underperforming asset.   

                Our  case  law  treats  imputed  income  from  underemployment  and  from  

underperforming assets  as separate calculations.29   Courts are given broad discretion  


        25      Mitchell, 370 P.3d at 1075-78.  

        26      Peter also argues that the parties intended the 2020 stipulation to control  

all future child support calculations.  However, despite the court's invitation to argue  

this point during the hearing, Peter did not raise it  and thus failed to preserve it.  See  

Sea Lion Corp. v. Air Logistics of Alaska, Inc., 787 P.2d 109, 115 (Alaska 1990).  

        27      Alaska R. Civ. P. 90.3(a)(4)(D).  

        28      Shepherd v. Haralovich, 170 P.3d 643, 647 (Alaska 2007).  

        29      Id. (suggesting that Rule 90.3(a)(4)(D) indicates income from low or non- 

income producing assets is different than employment based income); compare  Ward  

v. Urling, 167 P.3d 48, 55-57 (Alaska 2007) (declining to impute income for voluntarily  

unemployed parent), and Sharpe v. Sharpe, 366 P.3d 66, 69-73 (Alaska 2016) (imputing  

income where parent's decision to leave employment and move was unreasonable),  

with Shepherd,  170 P.3d at 647 (Alaska 2007) (imputing income where parent failed to  

reinvest property sale proceeds).  

                                                  -10-                                               7748  

----------------------- Page 11-----------------------

when  imputing  income  based  on  the  circumstances  of  the  particular  case.30    When  

imputing income for child support calculations, the court must ensure that the imputed  

income  is  a  "realistic  estimate  of  an  obligor's  adjusted  annual  income."31    When  

determining  whether  a  parent  is  underemployed,  the  court  considers  the  parent's  

particular      circumstances        including      "work      history,     qualifications,      and     job  

opportunities."32  To determine whether a parent has underperforming assets, the court  

considers whether  funds from the asset  "would have been available for support if the  

family  had  remained  intact"  and  whether  the  assets  at  issue  were  entered  into  or  

concealed by the obligor in order to reduce a child support obligation.33  

                 The  superior  court  did  not  clearly  explain  the  basis  for  its  decision  to  

impute income.  It repeatedly mentioned Peter's "low" salary in relation to the trust's  

income.    And  Peter's  forgoing  of  available  income  within  a  trust  that  generates  

substantial  income  for  him  does  not  fit  neatly  under  either  heading  -  he  is  not  

underemployed and the trust is clearly not underperforming.    

                 Peter  argues  the  court  must  have  found  that  he  was  underemployed  

because it found his wages were unreasonably low in relation to the trust's reported  

income.  And he argues it failed to address the factors required to impute income due  


        30       Beaudoin v. Beaudoin, 24 P.3d 523, 530-31 (Alaska 2001).  

        31       Neilson v. Neilson , 914 P.2d 1268, 1273 (Alaska 1996) (quoting Zimin v.  

Zimin, 837 P.2d 118, 123 (Alaska 1992)); see also Beaudoin, 24 P.3d at 530-31.  

        32       Ward v. Urling, 167 P.3d 48, 55 (Alaska 2007) (quoting Alaska R. Civ. P.  

90.3 cmt. III.C.).  

        33       Alaska R. Civ. P. 90.3 cmt. III.A.; see Ogard v. Ogard, 808 P.2d 815, 819  

n.6  (Alaska  1991)  (noting  courts  may  impute  earnings  in  situations  where  parent  

reduced  income  by  selling  assets  and  applied  proceeds  to  mortgage  on  his  or  her  

dwelling); Laybourn v. Powell , 55 P.3d 745, 747 (Alaska 2002) (imputing income for  

parent found to have purposely concealed assets and earnings).  

                                                    -11-                                                 7748  

----------------------- Page 12-----------------------

to voluntary unemployment or underemployment.34  Julia argues the Cephas Trust is an  

underperforming  asset  because  Peter  decided  not  to  take  advantage  of  the  income  

generated by the businesses in the trust.  She points to the court's finding that Peter had  

access to that income.    Peter  responds that  the trust is not an underperforming asset  

because it generates substantial income.   

                 In  Shepherd,  we  held  that  a  court  could  properly  impute  income  to  a  

mother who sold a rental property.35  The mother netted over $95,000 in capital gains  

which was reflected by an increase in the amount she owed in federal income taxes.36   

But because she no longer received rental income from the property, the income she  

reported decreased by approximately $21,000.37  As a result, the mother's child support  

obligation would have  decreased as well.38  But the superior court concluded that the  

mother "could have . . . safely reinvested" the proceeds from the sale of the property.39   

The court recognized that it was not improper for the mother to sell the property "to  

offset liabilities  [which] would presumably improve the parent's financial situation,"  

but concluded that it would be unreasonable to decrease her child support obligation  

based  solely  on  the  "loss"  of  an  asset.40    The  court  "only  considered  the  net  sale  

proceeds  insofar  as  they  could  have  been  reinvested  to  provide  a  source  of  regular  


        34       See Fredrickson v. Button,  426 P.3d 1047, 1058 (Alaska 2018) ("[T]he  

superior  court  must  find  that  the  obligor  is  both  voluntarily  and  unreasonably  

unemployed or underemployed .  . . . [T]he superior court's method for calculating the  

obligor's actual earning capacity must be supported by adequate factual findings, based  

upon the obligor's work history, qualifications, and job opportunities.")   

        35       Shepherd v. Haralovich, 170 P.3d 643, 647 (Alaska 2007).  

        36       Id. at 649.  

        37       Id. at 644-46.  

        38       See id. at 644-45.  

        39       Id. at 646.  

        40       Shepherd, 170 P.3d at 648.  

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----------------------- Page 13-----------------------

income,"  distinguishing  this  type  of  income  from,  for  example,  a  one-time  capital  


                 Julia also analogizes to Shepherd.42  She argues that Peter's actions were  

equivalent to the sale of a rental property.  She asserts that placing profit-making entities  

into the trust and  not taking  the profits generated by those entities  was the same as  

selling a rent-producing property, investing the proceeds, and asking that the money  

generated by the asset not be considered in calculating child support payments.   

                 In Ogard v. Ogard, we observed that the superior court might have good  

cause to impute earnings "where an obligor parent has reduced his or her income by  

liquidating income-producing assets and applying the proceeds to the mortgage on his  

or her dwelling."43  Peter did not sell assets, but he arranged to remove significant funds  

from his income, thereby removing them from consideration in calculating his support  

obligation.  As we explained in Shepherd,  "selling one investment to offset liabilities  

would presumably improve the parent's financial situation, and it is not obvious why it  

would be reasonable to decrease the parent's share of child support based on the 'loss'  

of the asset."44  

                 Similarly, the  superior court here focused on whether it was reasonable  

for Peter to forego  significantly higher income  and instead rely only on his reported  

salary from one of the businesses in the trust he controlled.  The court concluded that  


        41       Id.  at 649.    The court also noted that capital gains were not necessarily  

disallowed from being treated as income but they should be treated as income only "to  

the extent they represent a regular source of income."  Id . at 645 n.1 (quoting Alaska R.  

Civ. P. 90.3 cmt. III.A.(16)).   

        42       Id. at 645.  We approved of imputation in this situation but remanded for  

recalculation with respect to certain tax liabilities.  Id . at 647, 650.  

        43       808 P.2d 815, 819 n.6 (Alaska 1991).  

        44       Shepherd, 170 P.3d at 648.  

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----------------------- Page 14-----------------------

to accurately reflect Peter's "total income from all sources"45 the trust income had to be  

considered.  The commentary to Rule 90.3 supports the court's conclusion, indicating  

that an obligor's total income for purposes of calculating child support should include  

"benefits  which  would  have  been  available  for  support  if  the  family  had  remained  


                 The   court's     factual   findings   appear   to   equate   the   trust   with   an  

underperforming   asset.     It  questioned  whether  the  owner  of  several  successful  

businesses should have an income of only roughly $55,000 - coming entirely from his  

employment  with  only  one  of  those  businesses  -  when  the  businesses  generated  

hundreds  of  thousands  of  dollars  of  income  to  which  he  was  entitled.    The  court  

concluded that Peter's decision not to take distributions of that income made the trust  

constructively non-income producing.   

                 In  much  the  same  way  that  the  mother  in  Shepherd  decided  to  forgo  

investment income from the sale of her property, Peter made a unilateral decision to  

forgo  income  from  a  potential  income-producing  asset.47    Neither  the  mother  in  

Shepherd 's   forgone   investment   income   nor   Peter's   forgone   trust   income   are  

underperforming assets, but both artificially lowered the income on which child support  

obligations depended.  And although the superior court recognized that Peter's reasons  

for building the trust's value were "all laudable goals," it was not reasonable for him to  

exclude the trust income from consideration of his child support obligation.   Peter's  

decision decreased the  funds available to support their child,  and the court concluded  

that his treatment of the trust income was similar to an underperforming asset .  Because  

the court imputed income on the basis of an underperforming asset, it did not err by  


        45       Alaska R. Civ. P. 90.3(a)(1).  

        46       Alaska R. Civ. P. 90.3 cmt. III.A.  

        47       See Shepherd, 170 P.3d at 645-48.  

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----------------------- Page 15-----------------------

failing  to  make  findings  that  would  have  been  required  to  impute  income  for  


                 2.      The court did not clearly err by finding that Peter has control  

                         over the trust assets and the independent trustee.   

                 Peter  argues  the  trust  documents  permitted  but  did  not  require  the  

independent trustee to make distributions to  him  and there was no evidence that the  

independent trustee was easily influenced by him.  Julia argues that it was up to the trial  

court to weigh the evidence, and the court "found Peter had control of the businesses in  

the [trust]. . . ."49   

                 The superior court found:   

                 [T]he fact that he hasn't [requested a distribution from the  

                 trust] doesn't mean he can't do it.    And if he does it, he's  

                 going to receive what he requests.  Because he's the primary  

                 beneficiary, and he controls the assets. . . . [T]he trust may  

                 be the owner of the property, but he's in control of whether  

                 the assets that come into the trust come back out of the trust  

                 in terms of payments to him during his lifetime.   

                 . . . .   

                 And this trust document allows him to take a draw anytime  

                 he wants to.  And he gets  to control who the independent  

                 trustee is, which isn't very independent.  So he has access to  

                 these funds, and he's choosing not to access those funds so  

                 that he can serve other personal interests. . . .   

                 Peter has, as the investment trustee, "sole and absolute authority" over the  

investment of trust assets, permitting him to purchase and sell assets as he wishes.  He  

also has a right to "benefit from the things in the trust."   


        48       See  id.  at  647  ("[I]t  would  not  have  been  error  to  impute  investment  

income to [the obligor] without first finding deliberate underemployment.").  

        49       See Wasserman v. Bartholomew, 38 P.3d 1162, 1166-67 (Alaska 2002)  

("In a bench trial, the judge is the trier of fact, determining the credibility of witnesses  

and  deciding  how  to  weigh  the  evidence  presented.    Making  a  finding  based  on  

conflicting evidence is rarely clearly erroneous.").  

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----------------------- Page 16-----------------------

                 The trust document states:  

                 The Independent Trustee may, but shall not be required to,  

                 distribute as much of the net income and/or principal of the  

                 Lifetime Trust as the Independent Trustee may at any time  

                 and from time to time determine, to such one or more of the  

                 Eligible Beneficiaries in such amounts or proportions as the  

                 Independent Trustee may from time to time select, for any  



                 No evidence was presented regarding any metric the independent trustee  

uses  to  determine  whether  to  make  a  distribution .    The  trust  document  grants  the  

independent trustee the authority to make distributions to Peter "for any purpose," and  

Peter received one  distribution upon request in the past.  Under the trust's terms, any  

net  income  not  distributed  is  accumulated  and  annually  added  to  the  principal .   

Therefore,  by  declining  to  take  distributions  Peter  is  improving  his  own  financial  

situation.51  The court did not clearly err by finding Peter had control over both the trust  


        50       The  independent  trustee  must  give  Peter  30  days'  notice  before  a  

distribution to eligible beneficiaries other than Peter  and cannot make  a distribution  

without Peter's agreement.   

        51       Peter also argues the court erred by imputing income without considering  

whether his son's actual needs had materially changed, and he claimed the resulting  

modification would improperly elevate his son's lifestyle.  He cited our  discussion of  

commentary to Civil Rule 90.3 in Sharpe v. Sharpe, 366 P.3d 66, 71 (Alaska 2016), to  

show  that  imputing  income  to  elevate  a  child's  lifestyle  is  inappropriate,  especially  

"when a parent's economic decisions are likely to significantly and ultimately benefit  

the  child."    But  Sharpe  actually  refutes  Peter's  assertion,  noting  that  "the  'relevant  

inquiry' when imputing income is 'whether a parent's current situation and earnings  

reflect a voluntary and unreasonable decision to earn less than the parent is capable of  

earning.' "  Sharpe, 366 P.3d at 71 (quoting Reilly v. Northrop , 314 P.3d 1206, 1213  

(Alaska 2013)).  Our  discussion in Sharpe  is directed at career changes that result in  

reduced income that would lower the parent's child support obligation and "inevitably  

affect[]  the  child's  well-being."    Id.    Sharpe  therefore  undermines  Peter's  position  

because  he is not only "capable" of earning $800,000, he  is  earning $800,000.   The  

court did not clearly err in its findings relating to the income Peter is capable of earning.  

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----------------------- Page 17-----------------------

and the independent trustee and therefore had access to the funds despite choosing not  

to access them.   

                 3.      The  court  did  not  err  by  relying  upon  Peter's  tax  return  to  

                         determine the amount of income generated by the trust.   

                 Peter  challenges  the amount of income imputed to him, arguing that he  

had never made $126,000 in wages during the marriage and usually earned  far less.52   

He argues the court simply imputed the income cap without any analysis beyond finding  

that the trust's earnings were substantial in 2021.   

                 We have not previously considered a case in which a parent chose not to  

draw income from a business the parent owned in whole or in part.  The superior court's  

discussion indicates that it, too, recognized the unusual circumstances of this case.  The  

court's specific factual findings were somewhat limited, but it considered a number of  

factors  before  concluding  that  it  was  appropriate  to  calculate  Peter's  child  support  

obligation based upon the maximum income level permitted by rule.53  

                 Courts  have  broad  discretion  to  impute  income  based  on  the  factors  

described  in  Rule  90.3.54    And  commentary  accompanying  the  rule  states  that  a  

"parent's total income from all sources" should be interpreted broadly and includes  


        52       Julia asserts the opposite, arguing it was not unreasonable for the court to  

base its calculations on Peter's 2021 federal income tax return.  She also notes that the  

trust was new and that Peter could have provided his 2022 tax returns at the evidentiary  

hearing but chose not to.   

        53       In  his  reply  brief,  Peter  argued  that  the  court  overlooked  mandatory  

factors, but these requirements appear only in the amended version of the rule which  

was not in effect at the time of the evidentiary hearing.   Compare Alaska R. Civ. P.  

90.3(a)(4)(B) (amended  effective October 16,  2023),  with  former Alaska  R.  Civ. P.  

90.3(a)(4) (2018).  

        54       See  Horne  v.  Touhakis ,  356  P.3d  280,  282  (Alaska  2015)  ("Although  

'courts [have] broad discretion to impute income based on realistic estimates of earning  

potential,' the court's imputed income determination must be based on the four factors  

listed  in  the  rule:    the  parent's  work  history,  qualifications,  job  opportunities,  and  

potential income from non-income or low-income producing assets.").   

                                                    -17-                                                7748  

----------------------- Page 18-----------------------

"income derived from self-employment and from businesses or partnerships."55   The  

American Law Institute has noted that it is appropriate to impute an "ordinary rate of  

return to an asset that yields less than an ordinary rate of return."56  Because the trust is  

made up of multiple businesses that are pass-through entities for tax purposes, imputing  

income from the businesses themselves was a reasonable approach.   

                  Although  we  have  not  directly  addressed  how  to  treat  undistributed  

earnings  of  a  business  that  are  attributable  to  a  parent-shareholder  for  income  tax  

purposes,  courts  in  other  jurisdictions  have.    These  courts  generally  require  a  fact- 

specific   inquiry   into   the   availability   of   undistributed   earnings   to   the   parent- 

shareholder.57   Relevant factors often include the parent-shareholder's access to and  


         55       Alaska R. Civ. P. 90.3 cmt. III.A.; see Alaska R. Civ. P. 90.3(a)(1).  The  

commentary also explains that "[i]ncome from self-employment, rent, royalties, or joint  

ownership of a partnership or closely held corporation includes the gross receipts minus  


the ordinary and necessary expenses required to produce the income."  Alaska R. Civ.  

P. 90.3 cmt. III.B.  

         56       AMERICAN        LAW      INSTITUTE,       PRINCIPLES       OF   THE     LAW   OF     FAMILY  


         57       See, e.g., Zold v. Zold, 911 So. 2d 1222, 1232-33 (Fla. 2005) (declining to  

set bright-line rule to determine whether undistributed pass-through income retained by  

S  corporation  should  be  considered  available  income  for  child  support;  factors  to  

consider include extent shareholder has access to or control over undistributed, retained  

corporate income; purposes for which pass-through income retained by corporation;  

and extent of shareholder's interest in corporation); Merrill v. Merrill , 587 N.E.2d 188,  

191 (Ind. App. 1992) (holding although sole stockholder-parent's choice to "roll over"  

profits  into  business  may  constitute  sound  business  practice,  its  profits  are  income  

nonetheless); In re Marriage of Brand , 44 P.3d 321, 327-28 (Kan. 2002) (concluding  

relevant factors for determining whether to include distributions from S corporations as  

available income for purposes of calculating child support obligation include, inter alia,  

past earnings history of corporation and shareholder 's ability to control distribution or  

retention of profits); J.S. v. C.C. , 912 N.E.2d 933, 942-43 (Mass. 2009) (requiring fact- 

based  inquiry  to  determine  whether  and  to  what  extent  undistributed  earnings  of  S  

corporation  should  be  deemed  available  income  to  meet  child  support  obligation;  


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----------------------- Page 19-----------------------

control  over  the  corporate  income  or  distributions,  the  parent's   interest  in  the  

corporation,  the  purposes  for  which  the  income  is  retained,  and  whether  there  is  

evidence of an attempt to shield the income.58  When the parent is the sole shareholder,  

courts are likely to impute income, but "the portion of retained earnings attributable to  

the  sole  shareholder  parent  is  a  factual  question."59    The  Massachusetts  Supreme  

Judicial Court has distinguished between "[e]arnings retained in order to maintain the  

business as currently operated," which "should not be included in gross income," and  

"[e]arnings  retained  in  order  to  expand  the  business,"  which  "have  the  potential  of  

increasing the business's value and thus the shareholder's personal net worth, and might  

properly  be  viewed  as  income  available  for  child  support  -  just  as  a  distribution  

invested in another corporation would be."60    Some courts shift the burden of proof  

depending on the shareholder's level of control over the corporation, presuming that a  

minority shareholder  does not have access to retained income, while majority or sole  


factors to consider include shareholder's level of control over corporate distributions  

(measured  by  ownership  interest);  legitimate  business  interests  justifying  retained  

corporate  earnings;  and  affirmative  evidence  of  attempt  to  shield  income);  Bleth  v.  

Bleth,  607  N.W.2d  577,  579  (N.D.  2000)  (holding  corporation's  income  may  be  

considered in determining obligor's earning capacity when obligor is sole stockholder  

of corporation and determines own salary); Fennell v. Fennell, 753 A.2d 866, 867, 869  

(Pa. Super. 2000) (concluding income retained for investment not available for child  

support where minority shareholder lacked control over distributions).  

        58       See Zold, 911 So. 2d at 1232-33; J.S. , 912 N.E.2d at 942-43; In re Brand ,  

44 P.3d at 327.  Where the parent is a minority shareholder and does not have control  

over distributions, many courts have declined to impute corporate income to them.  See  

Fennell, 753 A.2d at 867, 869; McHugh v. McHugh , 702 So. 2d 639, 641-42 (Fla. 1997);  

Mitts v. Mitts , 39 S.W.3d 142, 148 (Tenn. App. 2000).  

        59       In re Brand , 44 P.3d at 327-28.  

        60       J.S. ,  912  N.E.2d  at  943  n.15;  cf.  Merrill,  587  N.E.2d  at  191  (Indiana  

guidelines include retained earnings); In re Brand , 44 P.3d 327 (scrutiny warranted  

where payments on corporate debt increase personal net worth);  but see Fennell, 753  

A.2d at 867, 869 (income retained for investment not available for child support where  

minority shareholder lacked control over distributions).  

                                                    -19-                                                7748  

----------------------- Page 20-----------------------

shareholders  are  presumed  to  have  access.61    Other  courts  place  the  burden  on  the  

shareholder to present evidence that they do not have access to the retained income  

regardless of their ownership percentage in the corporation.62  

                 The superior court grappled with many of the factors other courts have  

identified, finding Peter had access to the trust's income and had control over how much  

money  he  receives.    The  court  noted  he  was  not  hiding  money  but  that  he  was  

reinvesting  the  money  in  the  businesses  so  he  could  pursue  personal  goals,  which  

included funding charitable organizations63 and providing for his son and other family  

members after his death.  Although he did not offer evidence of how income was being  

used to maintain the businesses versus expand them, Peter testified that one of the trust's  

purposes was to grow the businesses and that  its residual income was used  for that  


                 In the absence of any more reliable evidence, it  was reasonable for the  

court to rely on Peter's tax return to determine the amount of income generated by the  

trust.  The court found that he had access to "a whole lot more money" than his reported  

AAR salary.  And even though the court held that it was "clear he makes far more than  

[$126,000]," the court relied only on that cap to calculate his child support obligation.  

                 4.      The court did not abuse its discretion by choosing to impute an  

                         amount equal to Rule 90.3's cap for parental income.   

                 The court based its child support obligation determination on Rule 90.3's  

income  cap of $126,000,  concluding  that Peter  earned  an amount much greater than  


        61      See, e.g., In re Brand, 44 P.3d at 327; Fennell, 753 A.2d at 869.  

        62      See, e.g., J.S. , 912 N.E.2d at 943-44; Zold, 911 So. 2d at 1233;  Walker v.  

Grow, 907 A.2d 255, 281 (Md. Spec. App. 2006); Hubbard Cnty. Health & Hum. Servs.  

v. Zacher, 742 N.W.2d 223, 228 (Minn. App. 2007).  

        63      For example, Peter pledged $200,000 to his church's building fund.   

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----------------------- Page 21-----------------------

that.64  The court also pointed out that much of the $861,382 on Peter's 2021 tax return  

is not captured by imputing the income cap of $126,000.   

                Rule 90.3 provides that the usual child support formula does not apply to  

a parent's adjusted annual income of over $126,000.65  But the commentary indicates  

that the court may order an amount of child support above that limit if the other parent  

proves by a preponderance of the evidence that such an increase is justified.66  Here it  

appears that the court could have chosen to impute more income to Peter than the Rule's  

cap  of $126,000, considering the child's needs, standard of living, and  "the extent to  

which that standard should reflect the supporting parent's ability to pay."67  Neither the  

court's decision to impute income to Peter based on the income cap, nor its decision not  

to impute a larger amount of income than his wages alone, was an abuse of discretion.  

                Peter's child support obligation was $31.35 a month  despite his control  

over  assets in the  Cephas Trust, which generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in  

income annually.  The ultimate aim of child support orders is to meet the needs of the  

children who will benefit from the award, based on their parents' ability to pay it.68  The  

superior court must ensure that this obligation, which is in the child's best interest, is  

enforced and it is granted broad discretion to do so.69  The superior court did not abuse  

its discretion by imputing income to Peter.  


                We AFFIRM the superior court's order.  

        64      Alaska R. Civ. P. 90.3(c)(2).  

        65      Alaska R. Civ. P. 90.3 cmt. VI.D.  

        66      Id .  

        67      Alaska R. Civ. P. 90.3(c)(2).  

        68      Alaska R. Civ. P. 90.3 cmt. I.B.  

        69      Fredrickson v. Button , 426 P.3d 1047, 1055 (Alaska 2018).  

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