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Michelle Stone Bittner v. State of Alaska, Board of Game; and Douglas Vincent-Lang, Commissioner, Department of Fish & Game, in an official capacity (2/14/2025) sp-7745

         Notice:  This opinion is subject to correction before publication in the PACIFIC REPORTER.   

         Readers are requested to bring errors to the attention of the Clerk of the Appellate Courts,  

         303 K Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501, phone (907) 264-0608, fax (907) 264-0878, email  





MICHELLE STONE BITTNER,                                     )          

                                                            )         Supreme Court No. S- 18944  

                            Appellant,                      )          

                                                            )         Superior Court No.  3AN-23-07487 CI  

         v.                                                 )          

                                                            )         O P I N I O N  

STATE OF ALASKA, BOARD OF                                   )          

GAME; and DOUGLAS VINCENT-                                  )        No. 7745 - February 14, 2025 

LANG, COMMISSIONER,                                         )  

DEPARTMENT OF FISH & GAME, in                               )  

an official capacity,                                       )  


                            Appellees.                      )  


                   Appeal from the Superior Court of the State of Alaska, Third  

                   Judicial District, Anchorage, Andrew Guidi, Judge.  


                   Appearances:    Michelle  S.  Bittner,  Anchorage,  Appellant.   

                   Cheryl  R.  Brooking,  Senior  Assistant  Attorney  General,  

                   Anchorage, and Treg Taylor, Attorney General, Juneau, for  



                   Before:    Maassen,  Chief  Justice,  and  Carney,  Borghesan,  

                   Henderson, and Pate, Justices.  


                   PATE, Justice.  




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                 A resident of Alaska filed a lawsuit to challenge amendments to the State's  

predator control program.   The resident  alleged in her complaint that she returned to  

Katmai  National  Park  to  view  bears  after  the  implementation of  the  changes  to  the  

predator control program and observed that the brown bear population was noticeably  

smaller.    The  superior  court  dismissed  the  complaint,  concluding  that  the  resident  

lacked standing and that she was not entitled to a declaratory judgment on the validity  

of  the  regulatory  change.    The  resident  appeals  dismissal  of  her  lawsuit  and  an  

associated award of attorney's fees.  

                 We hold that because the resident returned to Katmai National Park after  

the bear population was allegedly reduced by the State's program,  she has alleged an  

injury to her interest in viewing bears there sufficient to demonstrate standing.  We also  

conclude that she is entitled to a declaratory judgment on the validity of the regulation.   

We reverse the dismissal of her  complaint, vacate the  associated  award of attorney's  

fees, and remand for further proceedings.  


        A.       Background  

                 The  State  operates  a  predator  control  program  in  southwest  Alaska  

through  regulations  adopted  by  the  Board  of  Game  (the  Board)  which  are  then  

implemented by the Alaska Department of Fish & Game (ADF&G).1  The goal of the  

program  is  to  boost  the  population  of  the  Mulchatna  caribou  herd  by  reducing  the  

population of wild predators.2  Prior to the regulatory change at issue in this case, the  


         1       See AS  16.05.255(a); AS 16.05.020; AS  16.05.050.  

        2        See 5 Alaska Administrative Code (AAC) 92.111(c)(1).  

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program authorized the targeted killing of wolves on state land in an area southwest of  


                 In 2021  the  Board  announced  that  it  would  consider  changes  to  the  

predator control program at its January 2022 meeting.4  The Board gave notice of a plan  

by ADF&G, which the Board labeled Proposal 21, to expand the program to allow the  

targeted  killing  of  wolves  on  federal  lands  adjacent  to  the  program's  existing  

geographic range.  5   The notice for Proposal 21 did not reference bears as a targeted  

          6                                                                     7 

species.   The deadline for submitting comments was January 7.   

                 During its meeting on January 24, ADF&G  submitted an amendment to  

Proposal  21 -  after  the  comment  period  had  closed -  that  further  expanded  the  

program to allow the targeted killing of brown and black bears.8  The Board adopted  


        3        See  former 5 AAC 92.111(c)(1)  (2021)  ("[This program] is designed to  

increase  the  caribou  herd's  population  size  and  human  harvest  by  reducing  wolf  

predation on caribou and is expected to make a contribution to achieving the [intensive  

management] objectives in [Game Management] Units 9(B), 17(B), 17(C), 19(A), and  

19(B).");  Game  Management  Unit  (GMU)  Information,  ALASKA  DEP 'T  OF  FISH  &  

GAME,                            (last  

visited  Dec.  11,  2024)  (indicating  that  GMUs  9(B),  17(C),  19(A),  and  19(B)  are  

southwest of Denali).  

        4        ALASKA      BD.    OF   GAME,  NOTICE          OF   PROPOSED       CHANGES       IN   THE  



        5        See    ALASKA       BD.    OF    GAME,      CENTRAL       &    SOUTHWEST         REGION  



        6        Id.   

        7        ALASKA BD. OF GAME, supra note 4.  


AMENDED           LANGUAGE           FOR      PROPOSAL          21      (2022),       https://www.adfg. 


                                                    -3-                                                 7745  

----------------------- Page 4-----------------------


the  amendment  seven  minutes  after  it  was first  read  to  the public.9    The regulation  


implementing these changes took effect in June 2022.                       

         B.       Complaint  

                  In July 2023 Michelle Bittner filed suit against the Board, challenging the  

changes  to  the  predator  control  program.    Bittner  alleged  in  her  complaint  that  the  

Board's decision to approve the changes, including expansion of the program to target  

bears, violated both its constitutional and statutory duties.  First, she maintained that the  

Board violated its duty under the Alaska Constitution to manage and conserve wildlife  

for the benefit of all Alaskans.11  Second, she asserted that the Board violated the Alaska  

Administrative  Procedure  Act  (APA)  by  failing  to  provide  adequate  notice  and  

opportunities  for  public  input  before  adopting  the  changes  to  the  predator  control  


                  Bittner's complaint sought declaratory and injunctive relief, including  a  

judgment  that "the term 'use' in Article VIII, Section 3 [of the Alaska Constitution]  

includes both consumptive and non-consumptive uses of wildlife" and that the Board  

is  required  to  consider  "the  interests  of  all  Alaskans,  including  current  and  future  

generations, when it makes decisions related to wildlife in Alaska."  

                  Bittner amended her complaint in August to name the Commissioner of  

ADF&G  as  an  additional  defendant  and  also  added  a  request  for  an  injunction  

"prohibiting  the  Commissioner  from  implementing  any  further  predator  control  

operations"  under  the  challenged  regulation.12    In  paragraph  13  of  her  amended  

complaint, Bittner described her interest as follows:  


         9        See 5 AAC 92.111(c).  

         10       5 AAC 92.111; 5 AAC Register 242 (July 2022).  

         11       See  Alaska  Const.  art. VIII,  § 3  ("Wherever  occurring  in  their  natural  

state, fish, wildlife, and waters are reserved to the people for common use.").  

         12       See 5 AAC 92.111(c).  

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----------------------- Page 5-----------------------


                 Michelle  Stone  Bittner  ("Plaintiff")  has  been  an  Alaska  

                 resident   since  1979  and  is  a  non-consumptive  user  of  

                 wildlife.    She  has  traveled  extensively  in  Western  Alaska  

                 including fishing in the Brooks River with the brown bears,  

                 some   of   whom   may   have   been   killed   in   the   Alaska  

                 Department  of  Fish  and  Game's  recent  predator  control  

                 program  in  the  western  calving  area  of  the  [Mulchatna  

                 caribou herd].  Despite her extensive travels around the state  

                 and in the wilderness, Plaintiff has only ever seen one wolf.   

Elsewhere in her amended complaint, Bittner alleged that "[f]or people who are non- 

consumptive  users  of  wildlife,  watching  and/or  knowing  [Alaska's]  animals  are  

declining is devastating and concerning.  These wild animals provide a connection to  

the land and are part of people's longtime identity and experience as Alaskans."  She  

further alleged that "non-consumptive uses" of wildlife include "conservation, wildlife  

viewing, photography, and just knowing that the wildlife is flourishing in Alaska."  

                 Bittner maintained that after the changes to the predator control program  

were implemented, ADF&G killed 94 brown bears, five black bears,  and five wolves  

"over the course of just 17 days" in May 2023.   She asserted that after ADF&G took  

these actions, "the population of brown bears at Brooks Fall[s]," a popular bear-viewing  

destination,  "appear[ed]  to be noticeably smaller . . . than in other years."  She also  

claimed  that  after ADF&G  implemented the expanded predator control program,  she  

"visited and spoke to members of the staff at Katmai National Park and learned that  

some of the bears who return every year to fish in the Brooks River have not returned  

this year."  

        C.       Proceedings  

                 The Board moved to dismiss Bittner's complaint, arguing that she lacked  

standing to challenge the changes to the predator control program and that she was not  

                                                     -5-                                                 7745  

----------------------- Page 6-----------------------


an "interested person" entitled to a declaratory judgment under the APA.13  The Board  

also pointed out that Bittner did not participate in its January 2022 meeting or provide  

comments on the proposed regulatory changes.  

                 Bittner opposed the motion to dismiss and moved for leave to amend her  

complaint a second time.  Bittner requested to expand paragraph 13 of her complaint to  

include allegations that she was "personally devastated" by the Board's actions "to the  

point that she has spent hundreds of hours researching the facts and law relating to these  

matters" and expended time and effort to file and litigate this case.  

                 The  superior  court  granted  the  motion  to  dismiss  Bittner's  complaint,  

concluding that she had not alleged an injury sufficient to support standing and was not  

an "interested person" within the meaning of the APA.14  The court also denied Bittner's  

motion for leave to amend her complaint, agreeing with the Board that her proposed  

amendment was futile.  The Board then moved for an award of attorney's fees,15  which  

the court granted.  

                 Bittner appeals.  


                 We review the dismissal of a complaint for failure to state a claim de novo,  

applying  our  independent  judgment.16    Whether  a  litigant  is  an  "interested  person"  

entitled to a declaratory judgment on the validity of a regulation is an issue of statutory  


         13      See AS 44.62.300(a) ("An interested person may get a judicial declaration  

on the validity of a regulation by bringing an action for declaratory relief in the superior  


         14      See id.  

         15      See Alaska R. Civ. P. 82(b)(2) (providing for award of attorney's fees to  

"prevailing party").  

         16      Larson v. State, Dep 't of Corr., 284 P.3d 1, 6 (Alaska 2012); Kanuk ex  

rel. Kanuk v. State, Dep 't of Nat. Res., 335 P.3d 1088, 1092 (Alaska 2014).  

                                                       -6-                                                   7745  

----------------------- Page 7-----------------------


interpretation.17      We  review  issues  of  statutory  interpretation  by  applying  our  


independent judgment.             


                 The  superior  court  dismissed  Bittner's  complaint  for  lack  of  standing,  

reasoning that she was not personally affected because she did not travel to the location  

of the predator control program.  Our view of standing is not so limited.  Because Bittner  

alleged that she returned to an area plausibly impacted by the predator control program  

expanded by the Board, she  articulated  an injury to her interest in viewing bears in  

Katmai National Park that is both specific and personal.  Having demonstrated interest- 

injury standing, Bittner is an "interested person" under the APA entitled to a declaratory  

judgment  on the validity of the regulation she  challenges.  We therefore reverse the  


order dismissing her complaint.              

         A.      Bittner Has Interest-Injury Standing Because She Alleged An Interest  

                 In  Observing  Katmai  Bears  That  Was  Harmed  By  The  Board's  


                 Standing is a prudential doctrine that requires us to ask whether a plaintiff  

is "a 'proper party to request an adjudication of a particular issue' "20  in light of the  

principle that courts "should only hear cases in which a genuine adversarial relationship  

exists" between the parties.21  "[W]e 'interpret the concept [of standing] broadly' with  


         17      See AS 44.62.300(a).  

         18      Antenor v. State, Dep 't of Corr., 462 P.3d 1, 10 (Alaska 2020).  

         19      Because we reverse the order dismissing Bittner's complaint, we do not  

reach her argument that the court erred by denying her motion for leave to amend the  


         20      PLC, LLC v. State, Dep't of Nat. Res., 484 P.3d 572, 577 (Alaska 2021)  

(quoting Trs. for Alaska v. State, Dep 't of Nat. Res., 736 P.2d 324, 327 (Alaska 1987)).  

         21      Bowers  Off.  Prods.,  Inc.  v.  Univ.  of  Alaska,  755  P.2d  1095,  1097-98  

(Alaska 1988).  

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----------------------- Page 8-----------------------


an  eye  toward  increased  access  to  justice."22    One  way  a  plaintiff  can  demonstrate  


standing is to show an "interest-injury" regarding the subject matter of the case.                          

                 Under the interest-injury approach, a plaintiff must allege a  "sufficient  

personal stake in the outcome of the controversy to ensure the requisite adversity"24 and  

"an interest which is adversely affected by the complained-of conduct."25  "The affected  

interest  may  be  economic  or  intangible,  such  as  an  aesthetic  or  environmental  

interest,"26  and "the degree of injury to the interest need not be great."27   "The basic  


         22      PLC, LLC, 484 P.3d at 577 (second alteration in original) (quoting Kanuk  

ex rel. Kanuk v. State, Dep 't of Nat. Res., 335 P.3d 1088, 1092 (Alaska 2014)).  

         23      Id.  Litigants can also demonstrate citizen-taxpayer standing to maintain  

suit, but that type is not at issue here.  See Ruckle v. Anchorage Sch. Dist., 85 P.3d 1030,  

1034  (Alaska  2004)  (noting  that plaintiff  can  establish  citizen-taxpayer  standing  by  

demonstrating that case "is one of public significance" and plaintiff is "appropriate in  

several respects").  

         24      Kanuk, 335 P.3d  at  1092  (quoting Larson v. State, Dep't of Corr. , 284  

P.3d 1, 12 (Alaska 2012)).  

         25      PLC, LLC, 484 P.3d at 578 (quoting Keller v. French , 205 P.3d 299, 304  

(Alaska 2009)).  

         26      Kanuk, 335 P.3d at 1092 (quoting Friends of Willow Lake v. State, Dep 't  

of Transp. & Pub. Facilities, Div. of Aviation & Airports, 280 P.3d 542, 547 (Alaska  

2012)); accord Lujan  v. Defs. of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555, 562-63 (1992) ("Of course, the  

desire  to  use  or  observe  an  animal  species,  even  for  purely  esthetic  purposes,  is  

undeniably a cognizable interest for purpose of standing."); Sierra Club v. Morton, 405  

U.S. 727, 734  (1972)  ("Aesthetic and environmental well-being, like economic well- 

being, are important ingredients of the quality of life in our society, and the fact that  

particular environmental interests are shared by the many rather than the few does not  

make them less deserving of legal protection through the judicial process.").  

         27       Trs. for Alaska v. State, Dep't of Nat. Res. , 736 P.2d 324, 327 (Alaska  


                                                       -8-                                                   7745  

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idea," we have explained, "is that an identifiable trifle is enough for standing to fight  

out a question of principle."28  

                  When analyzing a plaintiff's standing at the motion to dismiss stage, we  

construe the plaintiff's complaint liberally, accept its allegations as true, and "draw all  

reasonable  inferences  in  [the  plaintiff 's]  favor."29    Applying  these  standards,  we  

conclude that  Bittner  has alleged a  cognizable  interest in observing bears in  Katmai  

National Park, and it is reasonable to infer from her allegations that the Board's actions  

have adversely affected that interest.  

                  Bittner demonstrated an interest in observing bears in Katmai by way of  

allegations  in  her  complaint  that  she  has  "traveled  extensively  in  Western  Alaska,"  

including visiting Katmai and "fishing in the Brooks River with the brown bears" before  

ADF&G  implemented the changes  to the predator control program.   Bittner  also has  

alleged that after ADF&G implemented those changes, she returned to Katmai National  

Park at least once, spoke to staff members there, and "learned that some of the bears  

who return every year to fish in the Brooks River have not returned this year."  

                  It is reasonable to infer from Bittner's allegations that the Board's actions  

adversely affected her interest in observing bears in Katmai.  Bittner alleges that "the  

population of brown bears at Brooks Fall[s] appear[ed] to be noticeably smaller . . . than  

in other years" after ADF&G implemented the expanded predator control program and  

that some of the bears she had previously encountered there "may have been killed" in  

the program.  Because we are reviewing the dismissal of Bittner's complaint, we must  


accept  these  allegations  as  true  and  draw  all  reasonable  inferences  in  her  favor.                       


         28      State  v.  Planned  Parenthood  of  Alaska,  35  P.3d  30,  34  (Alaska  2001)  

(quoting  Wagstaff  v.  Superior  Ct.,  Fam.  Ct.  Div.,  535  P.2d  1220, 1225 n.7  (Alaska  


         29      Kanuk, 335 P.3d at 1092-93 (quoting Waiste v. State, 10 P.3d 1141, 1144- 

45 (Alaska 2000)).  

         30      Id.  

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Drawing all reasonable inferences in Bittner's favor, these allegations show that Bittner  

has a genuine and cognizable "aesthetic or environmental interest" in observing bears  

in Katmai that was harmed during the period between her visits.31  This alleged harm  

to her interest provides her with a sufficient "personal stake" in this case to support a  


claim of interest-injury standing.             

                  We reject the Board's  argument  that Bittner lacks standing because she  

does not allege "she either resides in, has ever visited, or intends to visit" the specific  

areas where ADF&G has carried out predator control targeting bears.  A plaintiff must  

allege an interest that is adversely affected by the defendant's wrongful conduct to have  

standing.33    But  a  plaintiff  need  not  personally  travel  to  the  precise  location  of  the  

defendant's  allegedly  harmful  activity  so  long  as  the  impacts  of  the  activity  are  

plausibly capable of causing harm to the plaintiff's interest elsewhere.34  Here, Bittner  

alleges  that  the  Board  interfered  with  her  ability  to  observe  bears  in  Katmai  by  

authorizing ADF&G to kill bears in neighboring areas where the bears allegedly roam.   

As long as it is plausible that the harm caused by the predator control program extends  

to the area of Katmai that Bittner visited, her allegation is sufficient to support interest- 


injury standing.         


         31       See, e.g., Friends of Willow Lake, 280 P.3d at 547.  

         32      Kanuk, 335 P.3d at 1092 (first quoting Friends of Willow Lake, 280 P.3d  

at 547; and then quoting Larson v. State, Dep't of Corr. , 284 P.3d 1, 12 (Alaska 2012)).  

         33      Neese v. Lithia Chrysler Jeep of Anchorage, Inc., 210 P.3d 1213, 1219  

(Alaska 2009).  

         34       Compare Kanuk, 335 P.3d at  1092-95, 1095 n.27 (holding that plaintiffs  

have  standing  to  contest  State's  alleged  failure  to  mitigate  climate  change  because  

plaintiffs plausibly alleged that the State's failure caused them harm), with Neese, 210  

P.3d at 1219 (holding that plaintiffs failed to allege standing because complaint did not  

claim interest that was harmed by specific defendants).  

         35       See  Kanuk,  335  P.3d  at  1092-93  (holding  that  plaintiff  who  witnessed  

decline in whale population due to State's inaction had standing).  

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----------------------- Page 11-----------------------


                 We also reject the Board's argument that it is not reasonable to infer that  

bears may have travelled between Katmai and the areas where ADF&G has killed bears  

as part of its predator control program.  We take judicial notice36 that Brooks Falls is  

located less than 100 miles from the boundary area of the predator control program  

targeting bears.37  The reasonableness of the inference that bears travel between these  

two areas depends primarily on how far bears travel across Western Alaska, which is a  

factual question.38  At the motion-to-dismiss stage, we must "view the facts in the best  

light for the nonmovant."39  Viewing the facts in the best light for Bittner, we conclude  

that it is reasonable to  infer that some bears may have travelled between Katmai and  

the areas where ADF&G killed bears as part of its predator control program.  

                 Finally,  we  reject  the  Board's  argument  that  Bittner  lacks  standing  

because  she  alleges  only  that  the  predator  control  program  "may"  have  caused  the  

deaths  of  bears  she  otherwise  might  have  had  the  opportunity  to  observe,  without  

alleging with certainty that the program has already caused her direct harm.  We do not  


         36      See Alaska R. Evid. 201(b) (providing that courts may take judicial notice  

of facts "not subject to reasonable dispute" that are either "(1) generally known within  

this state or (2) capable of accurate and ready determination by resort to sources whose  

accuracy cannot reasonably be questioned").  

         37      See 5 AAC 92.111(c) (noting program is authorized to operate in Game  

Management   Unit   9(B));   ALASKA               DEP 'T    OF   FISH    &   GAME,   UNIT        9   (2022),  (map  of  Game  

Management Unit 9); Maps: Katmai National Park & Preserve, Alaska, NAT 'L PARK  


Map_for_web.pdf (last visited Dec.  11, 2024).  

                 The Board agreed at oral argument that the distance between Brooks River  

and the nearest borders of the relevant Game Management Units is a proper subject for  

judicial notice.  

         38      The Board agreed at oral argument that bears travel.  

         39      See Kanuk, 335 P.3d at 1092 (quoting Waiste v. State, 10 P.3d 1141, 1144- 

45 (Alaska 2000)).  

                                                     -11-                                                 7745  

----------------------- Page 12-----------------------


always require certainty about causation to establish interest-injury standing based on  

harms with many potential causes; an allegation that a defendant breached a legal duty  

to  the  plaintiff  that  may  have  contributed  to  harm  the  plaintiff  suffered  can  be  



         B.      Bittner Is An "Interested Person" Within The Meaning Of The APA  

                 And Thus Is Entitled To A Declaratory Judgment As To The Validity  

                 Of The Regulation.  

                 The APA provides that "[a]n interested person" may obtain a "judicial  

declaration on the validity of a regulation by bringing an action for declaratory relief in  

the superior court."41  The superior court concluded that Bittner was not an "interested  

person" entitled to a declaratory judgment regarding the validity of the revised predator  

control program because she was not directly affected by the regulation and she did not  

submit comments on the proposed regulatory changes in January 2022.  We disagree.  

                 We reject the  Board's  argument that Bittner is not an interested person  

because she is not "directly impacted by the regulation being challenged."  Although a  

person who is "directly affected" by a regulation is an "interested person,"42 we have  

not held that the APA allows challenges only by people who can prove that they have  

been directly affected by a regulation.  On the contrary, we have explained that the  


         40      See id. at 1095 & n.27.  In Kanuk, the State argued that the plaintiffs lacked  

standing  because  the  alleged  harm  from  global  warming  was  caused  by  global  

emissions, not the State's actions.  Id.  at 1095.  We nevertheless concluded that the  

plaintiffs had standing because the complaint alleged that the State had a legal duty to  

protect and preserve the atmosphere and it failed to do so.  Id.  

         41      AS 44.62.300(a).  

         42      See Rutter v. State,  Com. Fisheries Entry Comm'n, 668 P.2d 1343, 1346  

(Alaska 1983) ("In this case, Rutter is 'interested' in the number of permits issued, for  

his ability to fish commercially is directly affected by the number of trollers using the  

fishery."), superseded in part by statute on other grounds, ch. 22, § 5, SLA 1985, as  

recognized  in  Haynes  v.  State,  Com.  Fisheries  Entry  Comm 'n,  746  P.2d  892,  894  

(Alaska 1987).  

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----------------------- Page 13-----------------------


"interested  person"  requirement  does  not  "deny  standing  to  parties  who  could  

demonstrate at the filing of a complaint only the possibility of harm."43  Accordingly,  

we have held that  "the threat of future injury confers standing to seek judicial aid to  

forestall a possible harm."44  Under this standard, Bittner's allegations are sufficient to  

make her "interested" in the predator control regulation at issue here.  

                 We have interpreted the APA's "interested person" requirement broadly,  

often  applying the same  considerations we use  when  deciding  whether a litigant has  

interest-injury standing.45   We take this opportunity to clarify that when a party has  

interest-injury standing to challenge the validity of  a regulation -  as  Bittner does  in  

this case - that party is also an interested person within the meaning of the APA and  

is entitled to a declaratory judgment  on that regulation's validity.  We therefore hold  

that Bittner is an interested person entitled to a declaratory judgment on the validity of  

Proposal 21.  

                 We also reject the Board's argument that Bittner cannot be an interested  

person under the APA because she did not submit comments to the Board before it  

adopted the regulatory changes she challenges.   The  Board's  argument  conflates  the  

APA's interested person requirement with the doctrine of exhaustion.  In some contexts,  

we  have  required  plaintiffs  to   exhaust   administrative  remedies  prior  to  raising  

procedural challenges to agency action, but we have not required plaintiffs to exhaust  

administrative remedies before challenging the validity of administrative regulations  


         43      Johns v. State, Com. Fisheries Entry Comm 'n, 699 P.2d 334, 338 (Alaska  


         44      Id. at 337 (citing Rutter, 668 P.2d at 1343).  

         45      See, e.g., Larson v. State, Dep 't of Corr., 284 P.3d 1, 12 (Alaska 2012);  

Bowers Off. Prods., Inc. v. Univ. of Alaska, 755 P.2d 1095, 1096 n.4, 1098 (Alaska  

1988); Haynes, 746 P.2d at 895.  

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----------------------- Page 14-----------------------


under  the  APA.46    Even  assuming,  without  deciding,  that  a  party  ordinarily  must  

participate in a public comment process to raise a challenge to agency rulemaking under  

the APA, we would excuse Bittner's lack of participation under the circumstances of  

this case.  

                 Bittner alleges the Board failed to provide adequate notice of the proposed  

amendments to the predator control program.  Specifically, she alleges that the proposal  

to add bears as a targeted species was adopted less than seven minutes after it was first  

announced to the public.  Taking these allegations as true,47 we reject the argument that  

Bittner's failure to submit comments -  in the  extremely  short window between the  

time notice was provided and the Board acted - prevents her from being an "interested  

person" where she has otherwise alleged sufficient facts to demonstrate interest-injury  



                  In sum, we conclude that Bittner has interest-injury standing and is an  

"interested person" entitled to a declaratory judgment on the validity of the regulation  

at issue.  We therefore reverse the dismissal of her complaint.  Because we reverse the  

dismissal of Bittner's complaint, we vacate the associated award of attorney's fees to  


         46      See  State,  Dep't  of  Transp.  &  Pub.  Facilities  v.  Fairbanks  N.  Star  

Borough, 936 P.2d 1259, 1260-61 (Alaska 1997); see also Universal Health Servs., Inc.  

v. Thompson, 363 F.3d 1013, 1019 (9th Cir. 2004) (holding that interested parties under  

Clean Air Act forfeit challenges to agency rulemaking on grounds not raised during  

rulemaking proceedings).  

         47      See Kanuk ex rel. Kanuk v. State, Dep't of Nat. Res., 335 P.3d 1088,  1092  

(Alaska  2014)  ("We  review  a  motion  to  dismiss  de  novo,  construing  the  complaint  

liberally and accepting as true all factual allegations.").  

         48       Cf. Bruns v. Mun.  of Anchorage, Anchorage Water & Wastewater Util.,  

32 P.3d 362, 371 (Alaska 2001) (noting, in context of appeal from agency adjudication,  

that "defects in the administrative process," among other factors, "can make pursuit of  

administrative remedies difficult or ineffective, and in some circumstances can excuse  

the . . . failure to exhaust available administrative remedies").  

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----------------------- Page 15-----------------------

the  Board  without  deciding  whether  Bittner  is  exempt  by  statute  from  paying  the  

Board's attorney's fees.49  


              The  superior  court's  decision  is  REVERSED,  the  court's  award  of  

attorney's fees is VACATED, and the case is REMANDED for further proceedings.  

       49     See AS 09.60.010(c)(2); Alaska R. Civ. P. 82(a); see also  City of Valdez  

v. Regul. Comm 'n of Alaska, 548 P.3d 1067, 1086 (Alaska 2024). 

                                            -15-                                        7745  

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