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Title 29. Municipal Government.
Reference Tables
Because of the extensive repeal of existing sections and the simultaneous enactment of new sections in AS 29, effective January 1, 1986, set out below are one table listing the sections that were effective until January 1, 1986 and the related sections effective as of that date and another table listing the sections effective as of January 1, 1986 and the related sections that were effective until that date.
Prior Law to Current Law
Prior Law 1985 Revision
29.08.010 29.04.010
29.08.020 29.04.020
29.08.030 29.04.030
29.08.040 29.04.040
29.08.045(a) 29.04.050
29.08.045(a) 29.04.060
29.08.045(b) 29.04.050
29.08.045(c) 29.04.060
29.13.010 29.10.010
29.13.010 29.10.040(a)
29.13.020 29.10.040(b)
29.13.030 29.10.050
29.13.040 29.10.060
29.13.050 29.10.030
29.13.060 29.10.070
29.13.070 29.10.080(a)
29.13.070(b) 29.10.090(a)
29.13.080 29.10.100
29.13.100 29.10.200
29.13.100(9) 29.26.360
29.18.011 29.05.011
29.18.020 29.05.021
29.18.030 29.05.031(a)
29.18.050 29.05.060
29.18.060 29.05.070
29.18.070 29.05.080(a)-(b)
29.18.080(a) 29.05.080(c)
29.18.080(b) 29.05.090
29.18.090 29.05.100
29.18.110 29.05.110
29.18.120 29.05.120
29.18.130 29.05.130
29.18.140 29.05.140
29.18.150 29.05.150
29.18.180 29.05.180
29.18.180 29.05.190
29.18.201 29.65.010
29.18.202 29.65.020
29.18.203 29.65.030
29.18.204 29.65.040
29.18.205 29.65.050
29.18.206 29.65.060
29.18.207 29.65.070
29.18.208 29.65.080
29.18.209 29.65.090
29.18.210 29.65.100
29.18.211 29.65.110
29.18.212 29.65.120
29.18.213 29.65.130
29.23.010 29.20.050
29.23.021 29.20.060
29.23.023 29.20.070
29.23.025 29.20.080
29.23.027 29.20.090
29.23.029 29.20.100
29.23.031 29.20.110
29.23.033 29.20.120
29.23.040 29.20.150
29.23.050 29.20.140(a)-(c), (e)
29.23.060(a) 29.20.160(b)
29.23.060(b) 29.20.160(a)
29.23.060(c) 29.20.160(e)-(f)
29.23.060(c) 29.20.170
29.23.060(d) 29.20.160(c)-(d)
29.23.070 29.20.400
29.23.080 29.20.170
29.23.080 29.20.180(a), (c)
29.23.130(a) 29.20.250(a)
29.23.130(b) 29.20.240
29.23.130(c) 29.20.230(a)
29.23.130(e) 29.20.510
29.23.130(f) 29.20.280(a)
29.23.140 29.20.500
29.23.150 29.20.260
29.23.160 29.20.250(b)
29.23.170 29.20.270
29.23.180 29.20.280(b)
29.23.200 29.20.140(a)-(c), (e)
29.23.200 29.20.150
29.23.200(a) 29.20.130
29.23.200(a), (c) 29.20.220(a)
29.23.210(a) 29.20.160(b)
29.23.210(b) 29.20.160(e)-(f)
29.23.210(b) 29.20.170
29.23.210(c) 29.20.160(c)-(d)
29.23.220 29.20.170
29.23.220 29.20.180(a), (c)
29.23.240 29.20.160(a)
29.23.240 29.20.220(a)-(b)
29.23.250(a) 29.20.240
29.23.250(b) 29.20.230(a)
29.23.250(c) 29.20.230(b)
29.23.250(c) 29.20.240
29.23.250(d) 29.20.230(a)-(b)
29.23.255 29.20.280(a)
29.23.260 29.20.250(b)
29.23.270 29.20.270
29.23.280(a) 29.20.280(b)
29.23.280(b) 29.20.280(c)
29.23.290 29.20.250(a)
29.23.290 29.20.500
29.23.310 29.20.300
29.23.340 29.20.310
29.23.360 29.20.360
29.23.370 29.20.370
29.23.380 29.20.380
29.23.390 29.20.390
29.23.399 - rep.
29.23.410 - 29.20.460
29.23.430 29.20.470
29.23.440 29.20.480
29.23.450 - 29.20.490
29.23.470 rep.
29.23.480 29.20.520
29.23.500 29.20.600
29.23.510 29.35.010(2)
29.23.520 29.20.610
29.23.530 29.20.620
29.23.540 29.20.630
29.23.550 29.20.410
29.23.555 29.20.010
29.23.560 29.20.640
29.23.570 29.20.170
29.23.570 29.20.280(a)
29.23.580 29.20.020
29.28.010 29.26.010
29.28.015 29.26.020
29.28.020(a) 29.26.040
29.28.020(b) 29.26.030
29.28.030 29.26.050
29.28.040 29.26.060
29.28.050 29.26.070
29.28.060 29.26.100
29.28.065 29.26.120
29.28.070 29.26.130
29.28.073 29.26.140
29.28.075 29.26.150
29.28.077 29.26.160
29.28.080 29.26.170
29.28.090 29.26.180
29.28.110 29.26.190
29.28.130 29.26.240
29.28.140 29.26.250
29.28.150 29.26.270
29.28.150 - 29.26.280
29.28.160 - 29.26.290
29.28.180 29.26.300
29.28.190 29.26.310
29.28.200 29.26.320
29.28.210 29.26.330
29.28.220 rep.
29.28.230 - 29.26.340
29.28.250 29.26.350
29.33.010(a) 29.35.150
29.33.010(b) 29.35.250
29.33.030 29.35.170
29.33.050 29.35.160
29.33.070 29.40.010
29.33.080(a)-(b) 29.40.020
29.33.085 29.40.030
29.33.090(a) 29.40.040(a)
29.33.110(a)-(b) 29.40.050
29.33.110(c) 29.40.040(b)
29.33.120 rep.
29.33.130(a)-(b) 29.40.060(a)
29.33.130(c) rep.
29.33.130(d)-(e) 29.40.060(b)
29.33.150(a) 29.40.070 - 29.40.080
29.33.150(b)-(g) 29.40.200
29.33.160(a)-(b) 29.40.110
29.33.160(c) rep.
29.33.170 29.40.090(b)
29.33.180 29.40.100
29.33.190 29.40.180
29.33.190 29.40.190
29.33.200 29.40.120
29.33.210 29.40.130
29.33.220 29.40.140
29.33.230 29.40.150
29.33.240 29.40.160
29.33.245 29.40.170
29.33.250 29.35.200(c)
29.33.250 29.35.210(d)
29.33.250 29.35.300
29.33.260 29.35.310
29.33.270 - 29.35.320
29.33.290(b) 29.35.330
29.33.290(c) 29.35.330
29.33.290(c) 29.35.340
29.38.010 29.35.200(a)
29.38.020 29.35.210(a)
29.38.030 - 29.35.210(c)
29.38.030 - 29.35.320
29.38.050(b)-(c) 29.35.330
29.41.010 29.35.220
29.41.010 29.35.300
29.41.010(b) 29.35.320
29.41.010(b) 29.35.490(a)-(b)
29.43.010 29.35.260(a)
29.43.020 29.45.550
29.43.030 29.35.260(b)
29.43.040 29.35.260(c)
29.43.040(b) 29.35.250
29.43.100 - rep.
29.48.010 29.35.010(3)-(14)
29.48.010(1) 29.20.320
29.48.010(2) 29.35.010(1)
29.48.020(1) 29.35.210(a)(2)
29.48.020(2) 29.35.210(a)(3)
29.48.020(5) 29.35.210(a)(4)
29.48.020(6) 29.35.210(a)(6)
29.48.020(7) 29.35.210(a)(7)
29.48.020(8) 29.35.210(a)(9)
29.48.020(9) 29.35.210(a)(10)
29.48.030 29.35.200(b)
29.48.030(a)(12) 29.35.210(a)(1), (b)(1)
29.48.033 29.35.050
29.48.035(a)(5), (b) 29.35.210(a)(3), (b)(2)
29.48.035(a)(10) 29.35.080
29.48.035(a)(17), (b) 29.35.210(a)(6)
29.48.035(a)(17), (b) 29.35.210(b)(4)
29.48.035(a)(18), (b) 29.35.210(a)(5)
29.48.035(a)(18), (b) 29.35.210(b)(3)
29.48.035(a)(20), (b) 29.35.210(b)(5)
29.48.035(b) 29.35.200(b)
29.48.035(b) 29.35.250
29.48.036 29.35.140
29.48.037 29.35.020
29.48.040 29.35.020
29.48.050(a)-(b) 29.35.060
29.48.050(c) rep.
29.48.060 29.35.070
29.48.070 - rep.
29.48.108 29.55.010
29.48.110 29.55.020
29.48.130 29.25.010
29.48.140 - 29.25.020
29.48.160 29.25.030
29.48.170 29.25.040
29.48.180 29.25.050
29.48.185 29.25.060
29.48.190 29.35.100
29.48.200 29.25.070
29.48.210 29.35.110
29.48.220 29.35.120
29.48.250 rep.
29.48.260 29.35.090
29.48.270 29.35.040
29.48.310 29.35.400
29.48.320 29.35.410
29.48.330 29.35.420
29.53.010 29.45.010
29.53.020 29.45.030
29.53.025 29.45.050
29.53.030 rep.
29.53.035 29.45.060
29.53.040 29.45.070
29.53.045 29.45.080
29.53.050 29.45.090
29.53.055 29.45.100
29.53.060 29.45.110
29.53.070 29.45.120
29.53.080 29.45.130
29.53.090 29.45.140
29.53.095 29.45.150
29.53.100 29.45.160
29.53.103 29.45.103
29.53.105 29.45.105
29.53.110 29.45.170
29.53.120 29.45.180
29.53.130 29.45.190
29.53.135 29.45.200(a)-(b)
29.53.140 29.45.210
29.53.150 29.45.220
29.53.160 29.45.230
29.53.170 29.45.240
29.53.180 29.45.250
29.53.200 29.45.290
29.53.210 29.45.300
29.53.220 29.45.310
29.53.230 29.45.320
29.53.240 29.45.330
29.53.250 29.45.340
29.53.260 29.45.350
29.53.270 29.45.360
29.53.280 29.45.370
29.53.290 29.45.380
29.53.300 29.45.390
29.53.310 29.45.400
29.53.320 29.45.410
29.53.330 29.45.420
29.53.340 29.45.430
29.53.350 29.45.440
29.53.360 29.45.450
29.53.370 29.45.460
29.53.375 29.45.470
29.53.380 29.45.480
29.53.385 29.45.490
29.53.390 29.45.500
29.53.400 29.45.560
29.53.405 29.45.580
29.53.410 29.45.590
29.53.415 29.45.650
29.53.420(a) 29.45.670
29.53.440 - 29.45.700
29.53.460 29.45.710
29.58.010 29.47.010
29.58.020 29.47.020
29.58.040 29.47.030
29.58.050 29.47.040
29.58.060 29.47.400
29.58.070 29.47.080
29.58.080 29.47.090
29.58.090 29.47.100
29.58.100 29.47.110
29.58.110 29.47.120
29.58.120 29.47.130
29.58.130 29.47.140
29.58.140 29.47.400
29.58.150 29.47.180
29.58.160 29.47.190
29.58.170 29.47.410
29.58.180 29.47.200
29.58.200 29.47.240
29.58.200(c) 29.47.390
29.58.205 29.47.250
29.58.210 29.47.410
29.58.220 rep.
29.58.240 29.47.300
29.58.250 29.47.310
29.58.260 29.47.320
29.58.270 29.47.330
29.58.280 29.47.340
29.58.300 29.47.400
29.58.310 29.47.420
29.58.315 rep.
29.58.320 29.47.430
29.58.340 29.47.440
29.58.345 rep.
29.58.350 rep.
29.63.010 29.46.010
29.63.015 29.46.020
29.63.020 29.46.030
29.63.025 29.46.040
29.63.030 29.46.050
29.63.040 29.46.060
29.63.040(a) 29.46.110(b)
29.63.050 29.46.070
29.63.060 29.46.080
29.63.065 29.46.090
29.63.070 29.46.100
29.63.080 29.46.120
29.63.085 29.46.140
29.63.090(a) 29.35.450
29.63.090(a) 29.35.480
29.63.090(a) 29.35.490(a)
29.63.090(b) 29.35.470
29.63.090(c) 29.35.460
29.63.090(d) 29.35.450
29.63.090(e) 29.35.470 - 29.35.480
29.63.090(e) 29.35.490(a)
29.63.090(f) 29.35.490(c)
29.68.010 29.06.040
29.68.020 29.06.050
29.68.030 29.06.090
29.68.040 29.06.100
29.68.050 - 29.06.110
29.68.070(b) 29.06.120
29.68.080 29.06.130
29.68.090 29.06.140
29.68.100 29.06.150
29.68.110 29.06.160
29.68.240 29.06.190
29.68.250 29.06.200
29.68.260 29.06.210
29.68.270 29.06.220
29.68.280 - 29.06.250(a)-(c)
29.68.300 29.06.260
29.68.310 29.06.240
29.68.320 29.06.270
29.68.330 29.06.280
29.68.340(a)-(d) 29.06.290
29.68.340(e) 29.06.300
29.68.340(f) 29.06.310
29.68.350 29.06.320
29.68.350(a) 29.06.230
29.68.360 29.06.330
29.68.370 29.06.340
29.68.380 29.06.350
29.68.390(a) 29.06.360(a)
29.68.390(b)-(d) 29.06.360(b)-(d)
29.68.390(e) 29.06.300
29.68.400 29.06.370
29.68.410 29.06.380
29.68.420 29.06.390
29.68.430 29.06.400
29.68.440 29.06.410
29.68.500 29.06.450
29.68.510 29.06.460
29.68.520 29.06.470
29.68.530 - 29.06.480
29.68.550 29.06.490
29.68.560 29.06.500(a)
29.68.570 29.06.510
29.68.580 29.06.520
29.68.635(a) 29.06.360(a)
29.73.020 29.35.030
29.73.030 29.71.010
29.73.040 29.71.030
29.73.050 29.06.010
29.73.060 29.45.040
29.73.062 29.45.045
29.73.070(a) 29.45.020
29.73.070(b) 29.45.660
29.73.070(c) 29.45.020
29.73.070(c) 29.45.660
29.73.080 29.35.130
29.78.010 29.71.800
29.88.010 29.60.010
29.88.015 29.60.020
29.88.020 29.60.030
29.88.025 29.60.040
29.88.030 29.60.050
29.88.035 29.60.060
29.88.040 29.60.070
29.88.045 29.60.080
29.89.010 29.60.100
29.89.020 29.60.110
29.89.030 29.60.120
29.89.040 29.60.130
29.89.050 29.60.140
29.89.060 29.60.150
29.89.070 29.60.160
29.89.080 29.60.170
29.89.090 29.60.180
29.89.100(2)-(3) 29.60.120
29.89.110 29.60.400 - 29.60.440
29.95.010 29.60.280
29.95.020 29.60.290
29.95.030 29.60.300
43.20.016 29.60.350 - 29.60.370
* * * * *
Current Law to Prior Law
1985 Revision Prior Law
29.04.010 29.08.010
29.04.020 29.08.020
29.04.030 29.08.030
29.04.040 29.08.040
29.04.050 29.08.045(a)-(b)
29.04.060 29.08.045(a), (c)
29.05.011 29.18.011
29.05.021 29.18.020
29.05.031(a) 29.18.030
29.05.031(b) none
29.05.060 29.18.050
29.05.070 29.18.060
29.05.080(a)-(b) 29.18.070
29.05.080(c) 29.18.080(a)
29.05.090 29.18.080(b)
29.05.100 29.18.090
29.05.110 29.18.110
29.05.120 29.18.120
29.05.130 29.18.130
29.05.140 29.18.140
29.05.150 29.18.150
29.05.180 29.18.180
29.05.190 29.18.180
29.05.200 none
29.05.210 none
29.06.010 29.73.050
29.06.040 29.68.010
29.06.050 29.68.020
29.06.060 none
29.06.090 29.68.030
29.06.100 29.68.040
29.06.110 29.68.050 - 29.68.070
29.06.120 29.68.070(b)
29.06.130 29.68.080
29.06.140 29.68.090
29.06.150 29.68.100
29.06.160 29.68.110
29.06.170 none
29.06.190 29.68.240
29.06.200 29.68.250
29.06.210 29.68.260
29.06.220 29.68.270
29.06.230 29.68.350(a)
29.06.240 29.68.310
29.06.250(a)-(c) 29.68.280 - 29.68.290
29.06.250(d) none
29.06.260 29.68.300
29.06.270 29.68.320
29.06.280 29.68.330
29.06.290 29.68.340(a)-(d)
29.06.300 29.68.340(e)
29.06.300 29.68.390(e)
29.06.310 29.68.340(f)
29.06.320 29.68.350
29.06.330 29.68.360
29.06.340 29.68.370
29.06.350 29.68.380
29.06.360(a) 29.68.390(a)
29.06.360(a) 29.68.635(a)
29.06.360(b)-(d) 29.68.390(b)-(d)
29.06.370 29.68.400
29.06.380 29.68.410
29.06.390 29.68.420
29.06.400 29.68.430
29.06.410 29.68.440
29.06.420 none
29.06.450 29.68.500
29.06.460 29.68.510
29.06.470 29.68.520
29.06.480 29.68.530 - 29.68.540
29.06.490 29.68.550
29.06.500(a) 29.68.560
29.06.500(b) none
29.06.510 29.68.570
29.06.520 29.68.580
29.06.530 none
29.10.010 29.13.010
29.10.020 none
29.10.030 29.13.050
29.10.040(a) 29.13.010
29.10.040(b) 29.13.020
29.10.040(c) none
29.10.050 29.13.030
29.10.060 29.13.040
29.10.070 29.13.060
29.10.080(a) 29.13.070
29.10.080(b) none
29.10.090(a) 29.13.070(b)
29.10.090(b) none
29.10.100 29.13.080
29.10.200 29.13.100
29.20.010 29.23.555
29.20.020 29.23.580
29.20.050 29.23.010
29.20.060 29.23.021
29.20.070 29.23.023
29.20.080 29.23.025
29.20.090 29.23.027
29.20.100 29.23.029
29.20.110 29.23.031
29.20.120 29.23.033
29.20.130 29.23.200(a)
29.20.140(a)-(c) 29.23.050
29.20.140(a)-(c) 29.23.200
29.20.140(d) none
29.20.140(e) 29.23.050
29.20.140(e) 29.23.200
29.20.150 29.23.040
29.20.150 29.23.200
29.20.160(a) 29.23.060(b)
29.20.160(a) 29.23.240
29.20.160(b) 29.23.060(a)
29.20.160(b) 29.23.210(a)
29.20.160(c)-(d) 29.23.060(d)
29.20.160(c)-(d) 29.23.210(c)
29.20.160(e)-if) 29.23.060(c)
29.20.160(e)-(f) 29.23.210(b)
29.20.170 29.23.060(c)
29.20.170 29.23.080
29.20.170 29.23.210(b)
29.20.170 29.23.220
29.20.170 29.23.570
29.20.180(a) 29.23.080
29.20.180(a) 29.23.220
29.20.180(b) none
29.20.180(c) 29.23.080
29.20.180(c) 29.23.220
29.20.220(a) 29.23.200(a), (c)
29.20.220(a) 29.23.240
29.20.220(b) 29.23.240
29.20.220(c) none
29.20.230(a) 29.23.130(c)
29.20.230(a) 29.23.250(b), (d)
29.20.230(b) 29.23.250(c)-(d)
29.20.230(c) none
29.20.240 29.23.130(b)
29.20.240 29.23.250(a), (c)
29.20.250(a) 29.23.130(a)
29.20.250(a) 29.23.290
29.20.250(b) 29.23.160
29.20.250(b) 29.23.260
29.20.260 29.23.150
29.20.270 29.23.170
29.20.270 29.23.270
29.20.280(a) 29.23.130(f)
29.20.280(a) 29.23.255
29.20.280(a) 29.23.570
29.20.280(b) 29.23.180
29.20.280(b) 29.23.280(a)
29.20.280(c) 29.23.280(b)
29.20.300 29.23.310
29.20.310 29.23.340
29.20.320 29.48.010(1)
29.20.360 29.23.360
29.20.370 29.23.370
29.20.380 29.23.380
29.20.390 29.23.390
29.20.400 29.23.070
29.20.410 29.23.550
29.20.460 29.23.410 - 29.23.420
29.20.470 29.23.430
29.20.480 29.23.440
29.20.490 29.23.450 - 29.23.460
29.20.500 29.23.140
29.20.500 29.23.290
29.20.510 29.23.130(e)
29.20.520 29.23.480
29.20.600 29.23.500
29.20.610 29.23.520
29.20.620 29.23.530
29.20.630 29.23.540
29.20.640 29.23.560
29.25.010 29.48.130
29.25.020 29.48.140 - 29.48.150
29.25.030 29.48.160
29.25.040 29.48.170
29.25.050 29.48.180
29.25.060 29.48.185
29.25.070 29.48.200
29.26.010 29.28.010
29.26.020 29.28.015
29.26.030 29.28.020(b)
29.26.040 29.28.020(a)
29.26.050 29.28.030
29.26.060 29.28.040
29.26.070 29.28.050
29.26.100 29.28.060
29.26.110 none
29.26.120 29.28.065
29.26.130 29.28.070
29.26.140 29.28.073
29.26.150 29.28.075
29.26.160 29.28.077
29.26.170 29.28.080
29.26.180 29.28.090
29.26.190 29.28.110
29.26.240 29.28.130
29.26.250 29.28.140
29.26.260 none
29.26.270 29.28.150
29.26.280 29.28.150 - 29.28.160
29.26.290 29.28.160 - 29.28.170
29.26.300 29.28.180
29.26.310 29.28.190
29.26.320 29.28.200
29.26.330 29.28.210
29.26.340 29.28.230 - 29.28.240
29.26.350 29.28.250
29.26.360 29.13.100(9)
29.35.010(1) 29.48.010(2)
29.35.010(2) 29.23.510
29.35.010(3)(14) 29.48.010
29.35.020 29.48.037
29.35.020 29.48.040
29.35.030 29.73.020
29.35.040 29.48.270
29.35.050 29.48.033
29.35.060 29.48.050(a)-(b)
29.35.070 29.48.060
29.35.080 29.48.035(a)(10)
29.35.090 29.48.260
29.35.100 29.48.190
29.35.110 29.48.210
29.35.120 29.48.220
29.35.130 29.73.080
29.35.140 29.48.036
29.35.145 none
29.35.150 29.33.010(a)
29.35.160 29.33.050
29.35.170 29.33.030
29.35.180 none
29.35.200(a) 29.38.010
29.35.200(b) 29.48.030
29.35.200(b) 29.48.035(b)
29.35.200(c) 29.33.250
29.35.210(a) 29.38.020
29.35.210(a)(l) 29.48.030(a)(l2)
29.35.210(a)(2) 29.48.020(1)
29.35.210(a)(3) 29.48.020(2)
29.35.210(a)(3) 29.48.035(a)(5), (b)
29.35.210(a)(4) 29.48.020(5)
29.35.210(a)(5) 29.48.035(a)(18), (b)
29.35.210(a)(6) 29.48.020(6)
29.35.210(a)(6) 29.48.035(a)(17), (b)
29.35.210(a)(7) 29.48.020(7)
29.35.210(a)(8) none
29.35.210(a)(9) 29.48.020(8)
29.35.210(a)(10) 29.48.020(9)
29.35.210(b)(1) 29.48.030(a)(12)
29.35.210(b)(2) 29.48.035(a)(5), (b)
29.35.210(b)(3) 29.48.035(a)(18), (b)
29.35.210(b)(4) 29.48.035(a)(l7), (b)
29.35.210(b)(5) 29.48.305(a)(20), (b)
29.35.210(c) 29.38.030 - 29.38.050
29.35.210(d) 29.33.250
29.35.220 29.41.010
29.35.250 29.33.010(b)
29.35.250 29.43.040(b)
29.35.250 29.48.035(b)
29.35.260(a) 29.43.010
29.35.260(b) 29.43.030
29.35.260(c) 29.43.040
29.35.260(d) none
29.35.300 29.33.250
29.35.300 29.41.010
29.35.310 29.33.260
29.35.320 29.33.270 - 29.33.290
29.35.320 29.38.030 - 29.38.050
29.35.320 29.41.010(b)
29.35.330 29.33.290(b)-(c)
29.35.330 29.38.050(b)-(c)
29.35.340 29.33.290(c)
29.35.400 29.48.310
29.35.410 29.48.320
29.35.420 29.48.330
29.35.450 29.63.090(a), (d)
29.35.460 29.63.090(c)
29.35.470 29.63.090(b), (e)
29.35.480 29.63.090(a), (e)
29.35.490(a) 29.41.010(b)
29.35.490(a) 29.63.090(a), (e)
29.35.490(b) 29.41.010(b)
29.35.490(c) 29.63.090(f)
29.40.010 29.33.070
29.40.020 29.33.080(a)-(b)
29.40.030 29.33.085
29.40.040(a) 29.33.090(a)
29.40.040(b) 29.33.110(c)
29.40.050 29.33.110(a)-(b)
29.40.060(a) 29.33.130(a)-(b)
29.40.060(b) 29.33.130(d)-(e)
29.40.070 - 29.33.150(a)
29.40.090(a) none
29.40.090(b) 29.33.170
29.40.100 29.33.180
29.40.110 29.33.160(a)-(b)
29.40.120 29.33.200
29.40.130 29.33.210
29.40.140 29.33.220
29.40.150 29.33.230
29.40.160 29.33.240
29.40.170 29.33.245
29.40.180 29.33.190
29.40.190 29.33.190
29.40.200 29.33.150(b)-(g)
29.45.010 29.53.010
29.45.020 29.73.070(a), (c)
29.45.030 29.53.020
29.45.040 29.73.060
29.45.045 29.73.062
29.45.050 29.53.025
29.45.060 29.53.035
29.45.070 29.53.040
29.45.080 29.53.045
29.45.090 29.53.050
29.45.100 29.53.055
29.45.105 29.53.105
29.45.110 29.53.060
29.45.120 29.53.070
29.45.130 29.53.080
29.45.140 29.53.090
29.45.150 29.53.095
29.45.160 29.53.100
29.45.170 29.53.110
29.45.180 29.53.120
29.45.190 29.53.130
29.45.200(a)-(b) 29.53.135
29.45.200(c) none
29.45.210 29.53.140
29.45.220 29.53.150
29.45.230 29.53.160
29.45.240 29.53.170
29.45.250 29.53.180
29.45.290 29.53.200
29.45.300 29.53.210
29.45.310 29.53.220
29.45.320 29.53.230
29.45.330 29.53.240
29.45.340 29.53.250
29.45.350 29.53.260
29.45.360 29.53.270
29.45.370 29.53.280
29.45.380 29.53.290
29.45.390 29.53.300
29.45.400 29.53.310
29.45.410 29.53.320
29.45.420 29.53.330
29.45.430 29.53.340
29.45.440 29.53.350
29.45.450 29.53.360
29.45.460 29.53.370
29.45.470 29.53.375
29.45.480 29.53.380
29.45.490 29.53.385
29.45.500 29.53.390
29.45.550 29.43.020
29.45.560 29.53.400
29.45.570 none
29.45.580 29.53.405
29.45.590 29.53.410
29.45.600 none
29.45.650 29.53.415
29.45.660 29.73.070(b)-(c)
29.45.670 29.53.420(a)
29.45.700 29.53.440 - 29.53.450
29.45.710 29.53.460
29.46.010 29.63.010
29.46.020 29.63.015
29.46.030 29.63.020
29.46.040 29.63.025
29.46.050 29.63.030
29.46.060 29.63.040
29.46.070 29.63.050
29.46.080 29.63.060
29.46.090 29.63.065
29.46.100 29.63.070
29.46.110(a) none
29.46.110(b) 29.63.040(a)
29.46.120 29.63.080
29.46.130 none
29.46.140 29.63.085
29.47.010 29.58.010
29.47.020 29.58.020
29.47.030 29.58.040
29.47.040 29.58.050
29.47.080 29.58.070
29.47.090 29.58.080
29.47.100 29.58.090
29.47.110 29.58.100
29.47.120 29.58.110
29.47.130 29.58.120
29.47.140 29.58.130
29.47.180 29.58.150
29.47.190 29.58.160
29.47.200 29.58.180
29.47.240 29.58.200
29.47.250 29.58.205
29.47.260 none
29.47.300 29.58.240
29.47.310 29.58.250
29.47.320 29.58.260
29.47.330 29.58.270
29.47.340 29.58.280
29.47.390 29.58.200(c)
29.47.400 29.58.060
29.47.400 29.58.140
29.47.400 29.58.300
29.47.410 29.58.170
29.47.410 29.58.210
29.47.420 29.58.310
29.47.430 29.58.320
29.47.440 29.58.340
29.47.450 none
29.55.010 29.48.108
29.55.020 29.48.110
29.60.010 29.88.010
29.60.020 29.88.015
29.60.030 29.88.020
29.60.040 29.88.025
29.60.050 29.88.030
29.60.060 29.88.035
29.60.070 29.88.040
29.60.080 29.88.045
29.60.100 29.89.010
29.60.110 29.89.020
29.60.120 29.89.030
29.60.120 29.89.100(2)-(3)
29.60.130 29.89.040
29.60.140 29.89.050
29.60.150 29.89.060
29.60.160 29.89.070
29.60.170 29.89.080
29.60.180 29.89.090
29.60.280 29.95.010
29.60.290 29.95.020
29.60.300 29.95.030
29.60.350 - 43.20.016
29.60.400 - 29.89.110
29.65.010 29.18.201
29.65.020 29.18.202
29.65.030 29.18.203
29.65.040 29.18.204
29.65.050 29.18.205
29.65.060 29.18.206
29.65.070 29.18.207
29.65.080 29.18.208
29.65.090 29.18.209
29.65.100 29.18.210
29.65.110 29.18.211
29.65.120 29.18.212
29.65.130 29.18.213
29.65.140 none
29.71.010 29.73.030
29.71.020 none
29.71.030 29.73.040
29.71.800 29.78.010
All content © 2008 by Touch N' Go/Bright Solutions, Inc.
Note to HTML Version:
This version of the Alaska Statutes is current through December, 2007. The Alaska Statutes were automatically converted to HTML from a plain text format. Every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, but this can not be guaranteed. If it is critical that the precise terms of the Alaska Statutes be known, it is recommended that more formal sources be consulted. For statutes adopted after the effective date of these statutes, see, Alaska State Legislature If any errors are found, please e-mail Touch N' Go systems at E-mail. We hope you find this information useful.