Alaska Statutes.
Title 18. Health, Safety, Housing, Human Rights, and Public Defender
Chapter 62. Certificates of Fitness
Section 50. Issuance and Contents of Certificate.
previous: Section 40. Cancellation and Duration of Certificate.
next: Section 60. Power of the Department.

AS 18.62.050. Issuance and Contents of Certificate.

   (a) If, upon investigation and examination by the department, the applicant is found competent by reason of training and experience, the department shall issue a certificate of fitness. The certificate shall set out the competency of the applicant and provide for positive identification of the applicant, and shall be carried on the person engaged in work subject to the requirement of a certificate of fitness under this chapter.
   (b) [Repealed, § 23 ch 81 SLA 1984].
   (c) Verification by an Alaska-based labor union of a member's qualification to meet the requirements for a certificate of fitness may be accepted in lieu of examination or other requirement for issuing a certification under this chapter.
   (d) Except for a plumber utility trainee level certificate of fitness, the department may not issue a trainee level certificate of fitness under (a) of this section unless the applicant is indentured in an apprenticeship program registered with the United States Department of Labor, Office of Apprenticeship, or a state apprenticeship agency recognized by the United States Department of Labor, Office of Apprenticeship.

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