Alaska Rules of Appellate Procedure

Copyright © 1997 Touch N' Go Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No claim made to official government works.

Rule 305.Procedure When Hearing Granted.

(a) Unless the order granting a hearing specifies otherwise,

(1) hearing is granted as to all points raised in the petition (see Rule 303(b) (4)), and

(2) the case shall be briefed in the manner prescribed in Rule 212. The petitioner shall serve and file the petitioner's opening brief within 30 days after service of the order granting a hearing.

(b) Either party may serve and file a written request for oral argument in the court of discretionary review within the time allowed by Rule 213(a). If oral argument is timely requested, it will automatically be scheduled. When a request is made by one party, the right to oral argument extends to all parties. Oral argument shall be scheduled and held as provided in Rule 505.

(c) The party which filed the initial petition for hearing shall be entitled to open and close the argument. Where there are cross-petitions, the petition and cross-petition shall be argued together. In such cases, the order of oral argument shall be determined by the court of discretionary review at the request of either party or upon its own motion.

(SCO 439 effective November 15, 1980; amended by SCO 582 effective February 1, 1984; and by SCO 1153 effective July 15, 1994)


There were a number of changes to the court rules made by the Alaska Legislature, but are not included because they did not make the publication deadline.  Some of these changes are significant.   The  Legislative Changes to Rules of Court. should be consulted in order to obtain these changes.
These are the 1997-1998 version of the Court Rules supplied electronically by the Alaska Court System and automatically converted to HTML (Hyper-Text Markup Language). Every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, but neither Touch N' Go Systems, Inc., The Alaska Legal Resource Center, nor the Law Offices of James B. Gottstein are responsible for their accuracy or for any damages arising out of any possible inaccuracy. If any mistakes are found, please let us know at one of the addresses listed below.

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Copyright 1997 by Touch N' Go Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. No copyright claim is made to the text of the rules.

Last Modified 9/7/97