- Alaska Statutes.
- Title 46. Water, Air, Energy, and Environmental Conservation
- Chapter 14. Air Quality Control
- Section 400. Local Air Quality Control Programs.
Section 320. Compliance Advisory Panel.
Section 410. Inadequacy of Local Program.
AS 46.14.400. Local Air Quality Control Programs.
- (a) With the approval of the department, a municipality may establish and administer within its jurisdiction a local air
quality control program that operates in lieu of and is consistent with all or part of the department's air quality
program as established under this chapter. A first or second class borough may administer an air quality control
program approved by the department under this subsection on an areawide basis and is not subject to the restrictions
for acquiring additional areawide powers specified in AS 29.35.300
- 29.35.350. A third class borough may administer a
local air quality control program approved by the department under this subsection only in a service area formed under
AS 29.35.490
(b) or (c).
- (b) With the approval of the department, two or more municipalities or other entities may create a local air quality
district for the purpose of jointly administering a local air quality control program within the boundaries of the air
quality district.
- (c) If the department finds that the location, character, or extent of particular concentrations of population, air
pollutant emissions units, the geographic, topographic, or meteorological considerations, or a combination of these
factors make impracticable the maintenance of appropriate levels of air quality without an areawide air pollution
control program, the department may determine the boundaries within which a local air quality control program is
necessary and direct that a local air quality control program spanning those boundaries is the only acceptable
alternative to direct state administration.
- (d) A municipality or a local air quality district seeking department approval for a local air quality control program
shall enter into a cooperative agreement with the department that is designed to avoid unnecessary duplication of
responsibilities. The cooperative agreement must include provisions specifying
- (1) the respective duties and authority of the department and the municipality or local air quality district in the
administration of the local air quality control program;
- (2) the authority of the municipality or the local air quality district to employ staff to administer the local air
quality control program;
- (3) duties of staff employed under (2) of this subsection;
- (4) the procedures that must be followed by the municipality or local air quality district when requesting money from the
clean air protection fund to cover the costs of implementing the municipality's or district's air quality program;
- (5) the procedures that will be used by the department in approving a request under (4) of this subsection and submitting
it to the legislature for funding;
- (6) respective enforcement responsibilities of the department and the municipality or the local air quality district;
- (7) that if the municipality or local air quality control district seeks authority to take action under (f) of this
section, the municipality or local air quality control district will use procedures that are substantially equivalent
to those required under AS 46.14.010
and 46.14.015.
- (e) A local air quality control program shall provide for the exemption of a locally registered motor vehicle from motor
vehicle emission requirements adopted under AS 46.14.510
if the motor vehicle is not used within the program's jurisdiction.
- (f) A municipality or a local air quality district administering a program under this section shall administer its local
air quality control program according to this chapter, regulations adopted under those sections, and its cooperative
agreement under (d) of this section. A municipality or local air quality district's program may, upon a finding by the
local agency and an affirmative agreement by the department, establish a more stringent requirement than the stationary
emissions unit permit program authorized under this chapter if public health or air quality effects provide a reasonable
basis to regulate the emissions unit with the additional or more stringent requirement and the municipality or district
has used procedures substantially equivalent to those required under AS 46.14.010
- 46.14.015 before establishing the more stringent
requirement. This subsection does not prohibit a municipality or local air quality control district from establishing a
mobile source emissions program more stringent than the state program without making findings of public health or air
quality effects or using procedures substantially equivalent to those required under AS 46.14.010
- 46.14.015. In this subsection, "mobile source" does
not include tank vessels or other watercraft.
- (g) A determination, order, permit, or permit action issued under a local air quality control program is considered to be
a determination, order, permit, or permit action of the department.
- (h) Notwithstanding any other law or rule of law, the department may not delegate or enable another department or
government entity to establish fee rates or collect fees under AS 46.14.240
or 46.14.250.
- (i) If a municipality or a local air quality district administering a program under this section requires emissions
inspection for a motor vehicle, emission inspection may not be required more than once every two years.
- (j) A person who operates a motor vehicle in violation of emissions requirements imposed under this section is guilty of a
violation and, upon conviction, shall be fined an amount not to exceed $500. It is the intent of the legislature that
money collected under this subsection be appropriated to promote air quality control programs in municipalities.
All content © 2008 by Touch
N' Go/Bright Solutions, Inc.
Note to HTML Version:
This version of the Alaska Statutes is current through December, 2007. The Alaska Statutes were automatically converted to HTML from a plain text format. Every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, but this can not be guaranteed. If it is critical that the precise terms of the Alaska Statutes be known, it is recommended that more formal sources be consulted. For statutes adopted after the effective date of these statutes, see, Alaska State Legislature
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