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- Alaska Statutes.
- Title 23. Labor and Workers' Compensation
- Chapter 15. Employment Services
- Section 580. Functions of the Board.
Section 575. Board as State Planning Entity.
Section 585. Administration.
AS 23.15.580. Functions of the Board.
(a) As the lead state planning and coordinating entity, the Alaska Workforce Investment Board has responsibility, to the
extent authorized by federal and state law, for planning and coordinating federal, state, and local efforts in human
resource programs in this state related to employment training, including the work activities of the Alaska temporary
assistance program under AS 47.27.
(b) The board shall
(1) facilitate the development of statewide policy for a coordinated and effective employment training and education
system in this state;
(2) identify the human resource investment needs in the state and develop a plan to meet those needs;
(3) review the provision of services and the use of money and resources by the human resource programs listed in AS 23.15.575;
(4) assume the duties and functions of the state boards described under the laws relating to the federal human resource
programs listed in AS 23.15.575;
(5) advise the governor, state and local agencies, the University of Alaska, and other training entities on the
development of state and local standards and measures relating to applicable human resource programs;
(6) submit, to the governor and the legislature, a biennial strategic plan to accomplish the goals developed to meet human
resource investment needs;
(7) monitor for the implementation and evaluate the effectiveness of the strategic plan developed by the board;
(8) adopt regulations that set standards for the percentage of program expenses that may be used for administrative costs;
the regulations must clearly identify and distinguish between program expenses that may be included in administrative
costs and those that may not be included in administrative costs; the percentage allowed for administrative costs may
not exceed the lesser of 20 percent of program expenses in the prior fiscal year or the amount permitted under the
requirements of a federal program, if applicable;
(9) report annually to the legislature, by the 30th day of the regular legislative session, on the performance and
evaluation of training programs in the state subject to review under (f) of this section;
(10) identify ways for agencies operating programs subject to oversight by the board to share resources, instructors, and
curricula through collaboration with other public and private entities to increase training opportunities and reduce
(11) adopt regulations under AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act)
to carry out the purposes of AS 23.15.550
- 23.15.585; and
(12) perform duties assigned in AS 23.15.620 — 23.15.660
for the state training and employment program.
(c) The board may receive money designated for human resource programs and may disburse money, including grants, to human
resource projects in accordance with AS 37.07 (Executive Budget
Act). The board may enter into partnership agreements through appropriate administrative agencies with private industry
training entities within the state in order to facilitate the coordination of training opportunities.
(d) The board shall provide oversight for the planning and coordination of employment-related education training programs
operated by the state or operated under contract with the state that are described in (f) of this section. The board
shall require a training program listed in (f) of this section to meet the requirements of this subsection. The board
shall, by regulation, establish appropriate penalties for programs that fail to meet the requirements of this
subsection. The board may recommend to the legislature changes to enhance the effectiveness of the training programs it
oversees under this section. A training program described in (f) of this section funded with money appropriated by the
legislature must
(1) meet the standards adopted by the board concerning the percentage of a grant that may be spent on administrative
(2) be operated by an institution that holds a valid authorization to operate issued under AS 14.48 by the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education if the
program is a postsecondary educational program operated by a postsecondary educational institution subject to
regulation under AS 14.48;
(3) provide to the Department of Labor and Workforce Development the information required by the department for the
preparation of the statistical information necessary for the board to evaluate programs by the standards set out in (e)
of this section.
(e) The board shall develop standards that encourage agencies to contract for training programs that meet local demands
and maximize the use of resources. The board shall adopt standards for the evaluation of training programs listed in
(f) of this section with regard to the following:
(1) the percentage of former participants who have a job one year after leaving the training program;
(2) the median wage of former participants seven to 12 months after leaving the program;
(3) the percentage of former participants who were employed after leaving the training program who received training under
the program that was related to their jobs or somewhat related to their jobs seven to 12 months after leaving the
training program;
(4) the percentage of former participants of a training program who indicate that they were satisfied with or somewhat
satisfied with the overall quality of the training program;
(5) the percentage of employers who indicate that they were satisfied with the services received through the workforce
development system.
(f) The following training programs are subject to the provisions of (d) and (e) of this section:
(1) in the Department of Labor and Workforce Development or operated by the department:
(A) programs under 29 U.S.C. 2801 - 2945 (Workforce Investment Act of 1998), assisting communities in moving toward a
self-sustainable economy and providing training;
(B) the state training and employment program under AS 23.15.620 — 23.15.660;
(C) employment-related adult basic education;
(D) employment training services operated as part of the Alaska temporary assistance program (ATAP);
(E) unemployment insurance grants provided under the federal training relocation assistance program;
(F) Alaska works programs, assisting with the welfare-to-work program;
(G) Kotzebue Technical Center;
(H) Alaska Vocational Technical Center;
(2) in the Department of Education and Early Development or operated by the department, the non-public-school portions of
(A) vocational education and technical preparation program; and
(B) Alaska Career Information System.
(g) The board shall assess the programs listed in this subsection and make recommendations to the legislature in its
report required under (b)(9) of this section about whether to include one or more of these programs under the
requirements of (f) of this section:
(1) in the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development or operated by the department:
(A) local government assistance training and development, including the rural utility business advisory program;
(B) energy operations, providing training in management and administration of electric utilities and bulk fuel storage
(2) in the Department of Corrections:
(A) Correctional Academy, training individuals applying for a correctional officer position;
(B) inmate programs, providing vocational technical training and education courses for inmates preparing to be released
from a correctional facility;
(C) employment of prison inmates, providing inmates with jobs while they are incarcerated;
(3) in the Department of Environmental Conservation:
(A) remote maintenance worker program, providing training and technical assistance to communities to keep drinking water
and sewage disposal systems running, and providing on-the-job training to local operators;
(B) water and wastewater operator training and assistance;
(C) federal drinking water operator training and certification;
(4) in the Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs: educational benefits for members of the Alaska National Guard and
the Alaska Naval Militia;
(5) in the Department of Public Safety:
(A) fire service training to maintain emergency training skills for existing firefighter staff and volunteers and
individuals interested in becoming firefighters;
(B) Public Safety Training Academy, training trooper recruits;
(6) in the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities:
(A) engineer-in-training program, providing on-the-job training for apprentice engineers to enable them to gain the
experience necessary to be certified;
(B) statewide transportation improvement program, offered by the United States National Highway Institute;
(C) local technical assistance program, transferring technical expertise to local governments;
(D) Native technical assistance program, transferring technical expertise to Native governments;
(E) border technology exchange program, to coordinate highway issues with the Yukon Territory;
(7) in the Department of Labor and Workforce Development: vocational rehabilitation client services and special work
projects, employment services, including job development, assisting individuals in finding employment, and assisting
employed individuals in finding other employment.
(h) The University of Alaska shall evaluate the performance of its training programs using the standards set out in (e) of
this section and shall provide a report on the results to the board for inclusion in the board's annual report to the
(i) The board shall review each program listed in (f) of this section to determine whether it is in compliance with the
standards set out in (d) and (e) of this section. If the board finds that a program has failed to comply with the
standards set out in (d) and (e) of this section, it shall notify the program director of the failure. If the program
director fails to improve the performance of the program within a reasonable time, the board shall notify the governor
and the Legislative Budget and Audit Committee that the program is out of compliance. A contract entered into by a
state agency relating to a training program set out in (f) of this section must contain terms consistent with this
(j) A department that operates or contracts for a training program listed in (f) of this section shall pay to the board a
management assessment fee not to exceed .75 percent of the program's annual operating budget. The total amount received
as management assessment fees may not exceed the board's authorized budget for the fiscal year. The board shall, by
regulation, establish a method to determine annually the amount of the management assessment fee. If the amount the
board expects to collect under this subsection exceeds the authorized budget of the board, the board shall reduce the
percentages set out in this subsection so that the total amount of the fees collected approximately equals the
authorized budget of the board for the fiscal year. The board shall adopt regulations under AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act) necessary to administer this
(k) Upon the enactment of a new federal or state program relating to work force development, the board shall
(1) advise the governor and the legislature on whether the board should provide oversight for the new program under this
section; and
(2) make recommendations necessary to streamline and coordinate state efforts to meet the guidelines of the new program.
(l) For purposes of this section, "program"
(1) does not refer to the overall activities of an individual institution or individual fields of study or courses that
are not associated with programs for which the board has oversight responsibility;
(2) may include a certificate or associate degree course or a course that is not for credit, whether it is offered by a
public or private institute or contracted for by the private sector, so long as it is related to employment.
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Note to HTML Version:
This version of the Alaska Statutes is current through December, 2022. The Alaska Statutes were automatically converted to HTML from a plain text format. Every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, but this can not be guaranteed. If it is critical that the precise terms of the Alaska Statutes be known, it is recommended that more formal sources be consulted. For statutes adopted after the effective date of these statutes, see, Alaska State Legislature
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