Alaska Statutes.
Title 8. Business and Professions
Chapter 48. Architects, Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Landscape Architects
Section 201. Application For Registration.
previous: Section 200. [Repealed, Sec. 1 Ch 179 SLA 1972].
next: Section 210. [Repealed, Sec. 1 Ch 179 SLA 1972].

AS 08.48.201. Application For Registration.

(a) Application for registration as a professional architect, a professional engineer, a professional land surveyor, or a professional landscape architect shall

(1) be on a form prescribed and furnished by the board;

(2) contain statements made under oath, showing the applicant's education and a detailed summary of the applicant's technical experience; and

(3) contain five references, three of whom must be architects for architectural registration, engineers for engineering registration, land surveyors for land surveying registration, and landscape architects for landscape architectural registration, having personal knowledge of the applicant's architectural, engineering, land surveying, or landscape architectural education, training, or experience.

(b) [Repealed, Sec. 54 ch 37 SLA 1985].

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