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As used in this chapter
(1) "department" means the Department of Health and Social Services;
(2) "general government contract" means the employment contract described in 7 AAC 78.320(7) ;
(3) "home-based service" means a program in which a teacher visits the participant's home on a weekly basis, or as close to weekly as is feasible, and provides an instructional plan for the parent to use until the next visit;
(4) "individualized education" means education provided to a child according to that child's strengths and weaknesses without regard to the population as a whole;
(5) "mild or moderate developmental delay" means, for a child less than one year of age, a difference between the developmental and chronological ages which is less than one-half of the chronological age in two or more of the developmental areas tested, and for a child over one year of age, a difference between the developmental and chronological ages which is less than six months in two or more of the developmental areas tested, or for a child of any age, a developmental delay of any degree of severity that is limited to just one of the developmental areas tested, regardless of its magnitude;
(6) "multidisciplinary evaluation" or "multidisciplinary reevaluation" means an evaluation or reevaluation undertaken by an infant-learning program teacher and two or more of the following child-development oriented disciplines: pediatrics and other medical specialties appropriate to the child's disability, psychology, physical therapy, speech pathology, audiology, nursing, occupational therapy, and special education;
(7) "organized parental group" means a nonprofit corporation organized by or on behalf of parents of exceptional children;
(8) "participant" means a child who receives services from a grantee under a program described in 7 AAC 23.090;
(9) "regional resource center" means an entity established under AS 14.12.150 ;
(10) "section of family health" means the organizational unit within the department that administers the infant learning program;
(11) "severe or profound developmental delay" means, for a child less than one year of age, a difference between the developmental and chronological ages which is more than one-half of the chronological age in two or more of the developmental areas tested, and for a child over one year of age, a difference between the developmental and chronological ages greater than six months in two or more of the developmental areas tested;
(12) "acute" means having a rapid onset, a short course, and pronounced symptoms;
(13) "case-responsible physician" means a physician that provides a substantial, direct service to a handicapped child, and does not include a physician that merely consults or evaluates the child;
(14) "casualty loss" means the uninsured loss of realty or tangible personal property by theft, fire, flood, automobile accident, or similar unforeseeable and unusual cause;
(15) "director" means the director of the division of public health within the department;
(16) "exhaustion" of alternate resources means a good faith effort to secure the benefit of those resources, including applying for the resources if one appears to be eligible for them and
(A) accepting all benefits for which one is qualified; or
(B) having one's application for the resources denied, and filing any appeals for which one has reasonable grounds;
(17) "family" means the handicapped child, the child's parents, the child's siblings by full blood, and the child's siblings by half blood that live in the same household with
(A) the child; or
(B) the custodial parent of the child with whom the child spends most of his or her time;
(18) "good cause" for failure to cooperate in verifying a child's eligibility for the handicapped children's program means that cooperation is reasonably certain to result in severe physical or emotional harm to the child or the child's parent because the child was conceived through rape or incest, or because of circumstances with similar potential for harm;
(19) "handicapped children's program" means the program described in 7 AAC 23.110 - 7 AAC 23.220; and
(20) "severe impairment" includes conditions that are more than two standard deviations from the mean for abnormalities subject to normative testing; a medical diagnosis of blindness or deafness; conditions that affect more than one body system in a synergistic fashion; and other similar conditions indicative of significant functional impairment.
History: Eff. 10/15/82, Register 84; am 6/28/85, Register 94
Authority: AS 18.05.010
Note to HTML Version:
The Alaska Administrative Code was automatically converted to HTML from a plain text format. Every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, but neither Touch N' Go Systems nor the Law Offices of James B. Gottstein can be held responsible for any possible errors. This version of the Alaska Administrative Code is current through June, 2006.
If it is critical that the precise terms of the Alaska Administrative Code be known, it is recommended that more formal sources be consulted. Recent editions of the Alaska Administrative Journal may be obtained from the Alaska Lieutenant Governor's Office on the world wide web. If any errors are found, please e-mail Touch N' Go systems at E-mail. We hope you find this information useful. Copyright 2006. Touch N' Go Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Last modified 7/05/2006