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(a) Northern District: waters on the north (Bering Sea) side of the Alaska Peninsula west of a line from Cape Menshikof (57ΓΈ 28.34' N. lat., 157ΓΈ 55.84' W. long.) to Cape Newenham (58ΓΈ 39.00' N. lat., 162ΓΈ W. long.) and the longitude of Moffet Point (162ΓΈ 35.50' W. long.), excluding the waters of Moffet Bay (also known as Moffet Lagoon);
(1) Cinder River Section: waters of the Northern District east of 158ΓΈ 20.00' W. long.;
(2) Port Heiden Sections:
(A) Outer Port Heiden Section: waters located between 158ΓΈ 20.00' W. long. and the longitude of Strogonof Point (158ΓΈ 50.45' W. long.) excluding the waters of the Inner Port Heiden Section;
(B) Inner Port Heiden Section: waters of Port Heiden Bay south and east of a line from Strogonof Point at 56ΓΈ 53.50' N. lat., 158ΓΈ 50.45' W. long. to the mainland shore of the northeast entrance to the bay at 56ΓΈ 56.50' N. lat., 158ΓΈ 41.50' W. long.;
(3) Ilnik Section: waters between the longitude of Strogonof Point (158ΓΈ 50.45' W. long.) and the longitude of Three Hills (159ΓΈ 49.45' W. long.);
(4) Three Hills Section: waters between the longitude of Three Hills (159ΓΈ 49.45' W. long.) and the longitude of Cape Seniavin (160ΓΈ 08.25' W. long.);
(5) Bear River Section: waters between the longitude of Cape Seniavin (160ΓΈ 08.25' W. long.) and the longitude of Wolf Point (160ΓΈ 48.47' W. long.), excluding the waters of the Herendeen-Moller Bay Section;
(6) Port Moller Bight Section: waters enclosed by a line from Entrance Point to Harbor Point;
(7) Herendeen-Moller Bay Section: waters enclosed by a line from Harbor Point to Entrance Point to Wolf Point to Point Edward on Cape Rozhnof;
(8) Nelson Lagoon Section: waters of Nelson Lagoon inside the bars and inside a line extending from Lagoon Point to Wolf Point to Point Edward on Cape Rozhnof;
(9) Caribou Flats Section: waters between the longitude of Wolf Point (160ΓΈ 48.47' W. long.) and the longitude of Frank's Point (161ΓΈ 49.00' W. long.), excluding the waters of the Nelson Lagoon Section;
(10) Black Hills Section: waters between the longitude of Frank's Point (161ΓΈ 49.00' W. long.) and the longitude of Moffet Point (162ΓΈ 35.50' W. long.), excluding the waters of Moffet Bay (also known as Moffet Lagoon).
(b) Northwestern District: waters on the north (Bering Sea) side of the Alaska Peninsula between the longitude of Moffet Point (162ΓΈ 35.50' W. long.) and the longitude of Cape Sarichef Light on Unimak Island (164ΓΈ 55.70' W. long.), including all waters of Moffet Bay (also known as Moffet Lagoon) and the waters of Bechevin Bay and Isanotski Strait north of a line from the False Pass cannery dock to Nichols Point;
(1) Izembek-Moffet Bay Section: waters between the longitude of Moffet Point (162ΓΈ 35.50' W. long.) and the longitude of the easternmost tip of Chunak Point (163ΓΈ 27.00' W. long.) including all of Moffet Bay (also known as Moffet Lagoon), excluding the waters of the Bechevin Bay Section;
(2) Bechevin Bay Section: waters of Bechevin Bay and Isanotski Strait enclosed on the north by a line from the easternmost tip of Chunak Point to the westernmost tip of Cape Kretnitzin and enclosed on the south by a line from the False Pass cannery dock to Nichols Point;
(3) Swanson Lagoon Section: waters on the north side of Unimak Island between the longitude of the easternmost edge of Chunak Point (163ΓΈ 27.00' W. long.) and east of the longitude of Otter Point (163ΓΈ 47.00' W. long.), excluding the waters of the Bechevin Bay Section;
(4) Urilia Bay Section: waters on the north side of Unimak Island west of the longitude of Otter Point (163ΓΈ 47.00' W. long.) and east of the longitude of the northernmost tip of Cape Mordvinof (164ΓΈ 26.00' W. long.), including Peterson and Christianson Lagoons;
(5) Dublin Bay Section: waters on the northwest side of Unimak Island west of the longitude of the northernmost tip of Cape Mordvinof (164ΓΈ 26.00' W. long.) and east of the longitude of Cape Sarichef Light (164ΓΈ 55.70' W. long.).
(c) Unimak District: waters on the south side of Unimak Island between a line extending from Scotch Cap (54ΓΈ 24.17' N. lat., 164ΓΈ 47.60' W. long.) through the easternmost tip of Ugamak Island (54ΓΈ 12.87' N. lat., 164ΓΈ 46.00' W. long.) and a line extending 115ΓΈ from Cape Pankof Light (54ΓΈ 39.60' N. lat., 163ΓΈ 03.70' W. long.), including the Sanak Islands;
(1) Cape Lutke Section: waters of the Unimak District west of the longitude of Rock Island (163ΓΈ 38.00' W. long.);
(2) Otter Cove Section: waters of the Unimak District east of the longitude of Rock Island (163ΓΈ 38.00' W. long.) and north of 54ΓΈ 30.00' N. lat.;
(3) Sanak Island Section: waters of the Unimak District east of the longitude of Rock Island (163ΓΈ 38.00' W. long.) and south of 54ΓΈ 30.00' N. lat.
(d) Southwestern District: waters on the south side of the Alaska Peninsula north and east of a line extending 115ΓΈ from Cape Pankof Light (54ΓΈ 39.60' N. lat., 163ΓΈ 03.70' W. long.) and west of a line extending 106ΓΈ from Arch Point Light (55ΓΈ 12.30' N. lat., 161ΓΈ 54.30' W. long.) to the western boundary of the Southeastern District (longitude of McGinty Point: 160ΓΈ 59.00' W. long.), including Inner Iliasik, Outer Iliasik, Goloi, Dolgoi, Poperechoi, and Deer Islands, waters of Ikatan Bay, and waters of Isanotski Strait south of a line from the False Pass cannery dock (54ΓΈ 51.35' N. lat., 163ΓΈ 24.38' W. long.) to Nichols Point (54ΓΈ 51.43' N. lat., 163ΓΈ 23.23' W. long.);
(1) Ikatan Bay Section: waters of the Southwestern District located south and west of a line from Kenmore Head (54ΓΈ 56.83' N. lat., 163ΓΈ 01.77' W. long.) to Hague Rock (54ΓΈ 33.17' N. lat., 162ΓΈ 24.00' W. long.) and west of a line extending true south from Hague Rock;
(2) Morzhovoi Bay Section: waters of Morzhovoi Bay north of a line from Kenmore Head to Cape Tachilni (54ΓΈ 56.00' N. lat., 162ΓΈ 52.80' W. long.);
(3) Thin Point Section: waters of the Southwestern District east of Kenmore Head (54ΓΈ 56.83' N. lat., 163ΓΈ 01.77' W. long.) and west of Thin Point (54ΓΈ 57.32' N. lat., 162ΓΈ 33.50' W. long.), excluding waters of the Ikatan, Morzhovoi, and Cold Bay Sections;
(4) Cold Bay Section: waters north of a line from Thin Point to Vodapoini Point;
(5) Deer Island Section: waters within one nautical mile from the mean high tide mark around Deer Island;
(6) Belkofski Bay Section: waters between Vodapoini Point and Moss Cape, including Inner and Outer Iliasik Islands, excluding the waters of the Deer Island Section;
(7) Volcano Bay Section: waters between Moss Cape and Arch Point, including Goloi, Dolgoi, and Poperechnoi Islands;
(8) General Section: all remaining waters of the Southwestern District.
(e) South Central District: waters on the south side of the Alaska Peninsula north and east of a line extending 106ΓΈ from Arch Point Light (55ΓΈ 12.30' N. lat., 161ΓΈ 54.30' W. long.) and west of a line extending south from McGinty Point (55ΓΈ 27.37' N. lat., 160ΓΈ 59.00' W. long.), including Ukolnoi and Wosnesenski Islands;
(1) West Pavlof Bay Section: waters of the South Central District west of 161ΓΈ 34.00' W. long.;
(2) East Pavlof Bay Section: waters of the South Central District east of 161ΓΈ 34.00' W. long., excluding the Canoe Bay and Mino Creek-Little Coal Bay Sections;
(3) Canoe Bay Section: waters of Canoe Bay enclosed by a line from a point at 55ΓΈ 35.55' N. lat., 161ΓΈ 21.60' W. long. to a point at 55ΓΈ 35.65' N. lat., 161ΓΈ 21.80' W. long.;
(4) Mino Creek-Little Coal Bay Section: waters of the South Central District, excluding those of the West and East Pavlof Bay and Canoe Bay Sections, between the longitude of McGinty Point (160ΓΈ 59.00' W. long.) and the longitude of Cape Tolstoi (161ΓΈ 30.00' W. long.).
(f) Southeastern District: waters on the south side of the Alaska Peninsula east of a line extending south from McGinty Point (55ΓΈ 27.37' N. lat., 160ΓΈ 59.00' W. long.) and west of a line extending 135ΓΈ from Kupreanof Point (55ΓΈ 33.98' N. lat., 159ΓΈ 35.88' W. long.), including all of the Shumagin Islands;
(1) Beaver Bay Section: waters of the Southeastern District east of the longitude of McGinty Point (160ΓΈ 59.00' W. long.), west of 160ΓΈ 49.00' W. long., and north of 55ΓΈ 26.00' N. lat.;
(2) Balboa Bay Section: waters of the Southeastern District east of 160ΓΈ 49.00' W. long., north of 55ΓΈ 26.00' N. lat., and west of the longitude of Swedania Point (160ΓΈ 31.50' W. long.);
(3) Shumagin Islands Section: waters of the Southeastern District east of the longitude of McGinty Point (160ΓΈ 59.00' W. long.), west of a line extending 135ΓΈ from Kupreanof Point (55ΓΈ 33.98' N. lat., 159ΓΈ 35.88' W. long.), south of a line from 55ΓΈ 26.00' N. lat., 160ΓΈ 31.50' W. long., to 55ΓΈ 32.20' N. lat., 160ΓΈ 02.60' W. long. (approximately one nautical mile north of Karpa Island), and east to the Alaska Peninsula Area boundary (a line extending 135ΓΈ from Kupreanof Point), excluding the Beaver Bay, Balboa Bay, and Southwest Stepovak Sections;
(4) Southwest Stepovak Section: waters of the Southeastern District south of the latitude of 55ΓΈ 37.33' N. lat., west of 159ΓΈ 52.00' W. long., north of the Shumagin Islands Section, and east of the Balboa Bay Section;
(5) Northwest Stepovak Section: waters of the Southeastern District north of 55ΓΈ 37.33' N. lat. and west of the longitude of Dent Point (159ΓΈ 52.00' W. long.);
(6) Stepovak Flats Section: waters of the Southeastern District north of 55ΓΈ 48.20' N. lat. and east of the longitude of Dent Point (159ΓΈ 52.00' W. long.);
(7) East Stepovak Section: waters of the Southeastern District south of 55ΓΈ 48.20' N. lat., east of the longitude of Dent Point (159ΓΈ 52.00' W. long.), north of 55ΓΈ 32.20' N. lat., and west of a line extending 135ΓΈ from Kupreanof Point (55ΓΈ 33.98' N. lat., 159ΓΈ 35.88' W. long.).
History: In effect before 1985; am 5/11/85, Register 94; am 6/2/88, Register 106; am 6/9/90, Register 114; am 5/28/92, Register 122; am 5/17/95, Register 134; am 10/11/95, Register 136; am 4/18/96, Register 138; am 5/31/98, Register 146; am 6/22/2001, Register 158; am 6/4/2004, Register 170
Authority: AS 16.05.251
Note to HTML Version:
The Alaska Administrative Code was automatically converted to HTML from a plain text format. Every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, but neither Touch N' Go Systems nor the Law Offices of James B. Gottstein can be held responsible for any possible errors. This version of the Alaska Administrative Code is current through June, 2006.
If it is critical that the precise terms of the Alaska Administrative Code be known, it is recommended that more formal sources be consulted. Recent editions of the Alaska Administrative Journal may be obtained from the Alaska Lieutenant Governor's Office on the world wide web. If any errors are found, please e-mail Touch N' Go systems at E-mail. We hope you find this information useful. Copyright 2006. Touch N' Go Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Last modified 7/05/2006