- Alaska Statutes.
- Title 43. Revenue and Taxation
- Chapter 90. Alaska Gasline Inducement Act
- Section 130. Application Requirements.
Section 120. Request for Applications for the License.
Section 140. Initial Application Review; Additional Information Requests; Complete Applications.
AS 43.90.130. Application Requirements.
An application for a license must be consistent with the terms of the request for applications under AS 43.90.120 and must
- (1) be filed by the deadline established by the commissioners in the request for applications;
- (2) provide a thorough description of a proposed natural gas pipeline project for transporting natural gas from
the North Slope to market, which description may include multiple design proposals, including different design proposals for pipe
diameter, wall thickness, and transportation capacity, and which description must include
- (A) the route proposed for the natural gas pipeline, which may not be the route described in AS 38.35.017 (b);
- (B) the location of receipt and delivery points and the size and design capacity of the proposed natural gas
pipeline at the proposed receipt and delivery points, except that this information is not required for in-state delivery points unless
the application proposes specific in-state delivery points;
- (C) an analysis of the project's economic and technical viability, including a description of all pipeline
access and tariff terms the applicant plans to offer;
- (D) an economically and technically viable work plan, timeline, and associated budget for developing and
performing the proposed project, including field work, environmental studies, design, and engineering, implementing practices for
controlling carbon emissions from natural gas systems as established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, and complying
with all applicable state, federal, and international regulatory requirements that affect the proposed project; the applicant shall
address the following:
- (i) if the proposed project involves a pipeline into or through Canada, a thorough description of the applicant's
plan to obtain necessary rights-of-way and authorizations in Canada, a description of the transportation services to be provided and a
description of rate-making methodologies the applicant will propose to the regulatory agencies, and an estimate of rates and charges for
all services;
- (ii) if the proposed project involves marine transportation of liquefied natural gas, a description of the
marine transportation services to be provided and a description of proposed rate-making methodologies; an estimate of rates and charges
for all services by third parties; a detailed description of all proposed access and tariff terms for liquefaction services or, if third
parties would perform liquefaction services, identification of the third parties and the terms applicable to the liquefaction services;
a complete description of the marine segment of the project, including the proposed ownership, control, and cost of liquefied natural
gas tankers, the management of shipping services, liquefied natural gas export, destination, regasification facilities, and pipeline
facilities needed for transport to market destinations, and the entity or entities that would be required to obtain necessary export
permits and licenses or a certificate of public convenience and necessity from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for the
transportation of liquefied natural gas in interstate commerce if United States markets are proposed; and all rights-of-way or
authorizations required from a foreign country;
- (3) commit that if the proposed project is within the jurisdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the
applicant will
- (A) conclude, by a date certain that is not later than 36 months after the date the license is issued, a binding
open season that is consistent with the requirements of 18 C.F.R. Part 157, Subpart B (Open Seasons for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation
Projects) and 18 C.F.R. 157.30 - 157.39;
- (B) apply for Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approval to use the prefiling procedures set out in 18 C.F.R.
157.21 by a date certain, and use those procedures before filing an application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity,
except where the procedures are not required as a result of sec. 5 of the President's Decision issued under 15 U.S.C. 719 et seq.
(Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976); and
- (C) apply for a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission certificate of public convenience and necessity to authorize
the construction and operation of the proposed project described in this section by a date certain;
- (4) if the proposed project is within the jurisdiction of the Regulatory Commission of Alaska, commit to
- (A) conclude, by a date certain that is not later than 36 months after the date the license is issued, a
binding open season that is consistent with the requirements of AS 42.06; and
- (B) apply for a certificate of public convenience and necessity to authorize the construction and operation
of the proposed project by a date certain;
- (5) commit that after the first binding open season, the applicant will assess the market demand for additional
pipeline capacity at least every two years through public nonbinding solicitations or similar means;
- (6) commit to expand the proposed project in reasonable engineering increments and on commercially reasonable
terms that encourage exploration and development of gas resources in this state; in this paragraph,
- (A) "commercially reasonable terms" means that, subject to the provisions of (7) of this section, revenue from
transportation contracts covers the cost of the expansion, including increased fuel costs and a reasonable return on capital as
authorized by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or the Regulatory Commission of Alaska, as applicable, and there is no impairment
of the proposed project's ability to recover the costs of existing facilities;
- (B) "reasonable engineering increments" means the amount of additional capacity that could be added by
compression or a pipe addition using a compressor size or pipe size, as applicable, that is substantially similar to the original
compressor size and pipe size;
- (7) commit that the applicant
- (A) will propose and support the recovery of mainline capacity expansion costs, including fuel costs, from all
mainline system users through rolled-in rates as provided in (B) and (C) of this paragraph or through a combination of incremental and
rolled-in rates as provided in (D) of this paragraph;
- (B) will propose and support the recovery of mainline capacity expansion costs, including fuel costs, from all
mainline system users through rolled-in rates; an applicant is obligated under this subparagraph only if the rolled-in rates would
increase the rates
- (i) not described in (ii) of this subparagraph by not more than 15 percent above the initial maximum recourse
rates for capacity acquired before commercial operations commence; in this sub-subparagraph, "initial maximum recourse rates" means the
highest cost-based rates for any specific transportation service set by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the Regulatory
Commission of Alaska, or the National Energy Board of Canada, as appropriate, when the pipeline commences commercial operations;
- (ii) by not more than 15 percent above the negotiated rate for pipeline capacity on the date of commencement of
commercial operations where the holder of the capacity is not an affiliate of the owner of the pipeline project; for the purposes of
this sub-subparagraph, "negotiated rate" means the rate in a transportation service agreement that provides for a rate that varies from
the otherwise applicable cost-based rate, or recourse rate, set out in a gas pipeline's tariff approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, the Regulatory Commission of Alaska, or the National Energy Board of Canada, as appropriate; or
- (iii) for capacity acquired in an expansion after commercial operations commence, to a level that is not more
than 115 percent of the volume-weighted average of all rates collected by the project owner for pipeline capacity on the date commercial
operations commence;
- (C) will, if recovery of mainline capacity expansion costs, including fuel costs, through rolled-in rate
treatment would increase the rates for capacity described in (B) of this paragraph, propose and support the partial roll-in of mainline
expansion costs, including fuel costs, to the extent that rates acquired before commercial operations commence do not exceed the levels
described in (B) of this paragraph;
- (D) may, for the recovery of mainline capacity expansion costs, including fuel costs, that, under rolled-in rate
treatment, would result in rates that exceed the level in (B) of this paragraph, propose and support the recovery of those costs through
any combination of incremental and rolled-in rates;
- (E) will not enter into a negotiated rate agreement that would preclude the applicant from collecting from any
shipper, including a shipper with a negotiated rate agreement, the rolled-in rates that are required to be proposed and supported by the
applicant under (B) of this paragraph or the partial rolled-in rates that are required to be proposed and supported by the applicant
under (C) of this paragraph;
- (8) state how the applicant proposes to deal with a North Slope gas treatment plant, regardless of whether that
plant is part of the applicant's proposal, and, to the extent that the plant will be owned entirely or in part by the applicant, commit
to seek certificate authority from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission if the proposed project is engaged in interstate commerce,
or from the Regulatory Commission of Alaska if the project is not engaged in interstate commerce; for a North Slope gas treatment plant
that will be owned entirely or in part by the applicant, for rate-making purposes, commit to value previously used assets that are part
of the gas treatment plant at net book value; describe the gas treatment plant, including its design, engineering, construction,
ownership, and plan of operation; the identity of any third party that will participate in the ownership or operation of the gas
treatment plant; and the means by which the applicant will work to minimize the effect of the costs of the facility on the tariff;
- (9) propose a percentage and total dollar amount for the state's reimbursement under AS 43.90.110 (a)(1)(A) and (B) to be specified in the license;
- (10) commit to propose and support rates for the proposed project and for any North Slope gas treatment plant
that the applicant may own, in whole or in part, that are based on a capital structure for rate-making that consists of not less than
70 percent debt;
- (11) describe the means for preventing and managing overruns in costs of the proposed project, and the measures
for minimizing the effects on tariffs from any overruns;
- (12) commit to provide a minimum of five delivery points of natural gas in this state;
- (13) commit to
- (A) offer firm transportation service to delivery points in this state as part of the tariff regardless of
whether any shippers bid successfully in a binding open season for firm transportation service to delivery points in this state; and
- (B) offer distance-sensitive rates to delivery points in the state consistent with 18 C.F.R. 157.34(c)(8);
- (14) commit to establish a local headquarters in this state for the proposed project;
- (15) to the maximum extent permitted by law, commit to
- (A) hire qualified residents from throughout the state for management, engineering, construction, operations,
maintenance, and other positions on the proposed project;
- (B) contract with businesses located in the state;
- (C) establish hiring facilities or use existing hiring facilities in the state; and
- (D) use, as far as is practicable, the job centers and associated services operated by the Department of Labor
and Workforce Development and an Internet-based labor exchange system operated by the state;
- (16) waive the right to appeal the rejection of the application as incomplete, the issuance of a license to
another applicant, or the determination under AS 43.90.180 (b) that no application merits the issuance of a license;
- (17) commit to negotiate, before construction, a project labor agreement to the maximum extent permitted by law;
in this paragraph, "project labor agreement" means a comprehensive collective bargaining agreement between the licensee or its agent and
the appropriate labor representatives to ensure expedited construction with labor stability for the project by qualified residents of
the state;
- (18) commit that the state reimbursement received by a licensee may not be included in the applicant's rate base,
and shall be used as a credit against the licensee's cost of service;
- (19) provide a detailed description of the applicant, all entities participating with the applicant in the
application and the project proposed by the applicant, and persons the applicant intends to involve in the construction and operation of
the proposed project; the description must include the nature of the affiliation for each person, the commitments by the person to the
applicant, and other information relevant to the commissioners' evaluation of the readiness and ability of the applicant to complete the
project presented in the application;
- (20) demonstrate the readiness, financial resources, and technical ability to perform the activities specified
in the application by describing the applicant's history of compliance with safety, health, and environmental requirements, the ability
to follow a detailed work plan and timeline, and the ability to operate within an associated budget.
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