- Alaska Statutes.
- Title 41. Public Resources
- Chapter 21. Parks and Recreational Facilities
- Section 161. Wood-Tikchik State Park Established.
Section 160. Purpose of AS
Section 162. Designation of Management Responsibility.
AS 41.21.161. Wood-Tikchik State Park Established.
- (a) The state-owned or acquired land and water lying within the following parcel, containing approximately 1,428,320
acres, is designated as the Wood-Tikchik State Park: beginning at the SE corner of T7S, R54W, S.M., which is the true
point of beginning; thence westerly to the NE corner of T8S, R58W, S.M.; thence southerly to the SE corner of T8S,
R58W, S.M.; thence westerly to the SW corner of T8S, R58W, S.M.; thence northerly to the NW corner of T5S, R58W, S.M.;
thence westerly to the SW corner of Section 34, T4S, R58W, S.M.; thence northerly to the NE corner of Section 4, T1S,
R58W, S.M.; thence westerly to the SW corner of T1N, R57W, S.M.; thence northerly to the NW corner of T2N, R57W, S.M.;
thence easterly to the NE corner of T2N, R57W, S.M.; thence northerly to the NW corner of T4N, R56W, S.M.; thence
easterly to the SW corner of T5N, R55W, S.M.; thence northerly to the NW corner of T5N, R55W, S.M.; thence easterly to
the NE corner of T5N, R55W, S.M.; thence southerly to the SE corner of T5N, R55W, S.M.; thence easterly to the NE
corner of T4N, R54W, S.M.; thence southerly to the SE corner of T4N, R54W, S.M.; thence easterly to the NE corner of
T3N, R53W, S.M.; thence southerly to the SE corner of T3N, R53W, S.M.; thence easterly to the NE corner of T2N, R52W,
S.M.; thence southerly to the SW corner of T1N, R51W, S.M.; thence easterly to the NE corner of T1S, R52W, S.M.; thence
southerly to the SE corner of T2S, R52W, S.M.; thence easterly to the NE corner of T3S, R51W, S.M.; thence southerly to
the SE corner of T3S, R51W, S.M.; thence westerly to the NE corner of T4S, R53W, S.M.; thence southerly to the SE
corner of T4S, R53W, S.M.; thence westerly to the NE corner of T5S, R54W, S.M.; thence southerly to the SE corner of
T7S, R54W, S.M., which point is the true point of beginning.
- (b) All or part of the state-owned or acquired land and water within the following adjacent parcel, containing
approximately 126,720 acres may be added to the Wood-Tikchik State Park by proclamation of the governor: beginning at
the SE corner of T7S, R54W, S.M., which point is the true point of beginning; thence southerly to the SE corner of T8S,
R54W, S.M.; thence westerly to the NE corner of T9S, R55W, S.M.; thence southerly to the SE corner of the NE quarter of
T9S, R55W, S.M.; thence westerly to the SW corner of the NW quarter of T9S, R57W, S.M.; thence northerly to the NW
corner of T9S, R57W, S.M.; thence westerly to the SE corner of T8S, R58W, S.M.; thence northerly to the NE corner of
T8S, R58W, S.M.; thence easterly to the SE corner of T7S, R54W, S.M., which point is the true point of beginning.
- (c) Land lying within the parcels described in (a) or (b) of this section upon which there are valid entries or that is
withdrawn for or selected by Native village or regional corporations under 43 U.S.C. 1610, 1611 and 1613 (P.L. 92-203,
Sec. 11, 12 and 14 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act), is excepted from (a) and (b) of this section. However,
if any land excepted under this subsection is subsequently relinquished to the state, it shall be included as part of
the Wood-Tikchik State Park.
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This version of the Alaska Statutes is current through December, 2007. The Alaska Statutes were automatically converted to HTML from a plain text format. Every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, but this can not be guaranteed. If it is critical that the precise terms of the Alaska Statutes be known, it is recommended that more formal sources be consulted. For statutes adopted after the effective date of these statutes, see, Alaska State Legislature
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