- Alaska Statutes.
- Title 37. Public Finance
- Chapter 7. Executive Budget Act
- Section 80. Program Execution.
Section 70. Legislative Review.
Section 90. Performance Reporting. [Repealed, Sec. 9 Ch 27 SLA 1998].
AS 37.07.080. Program Execution.
- (a) Except as limited by executive decisions of the governor, the mission statements and desired results issued by the
legislature, appropriations by the legislature, and other provisions of law, the several state agencies have full
authority for administering their program service assignments and are responsible for their proper management.
- (b) Each state agency shall prepare an annual plan for the operation of each of its assigned programs except for programs
that are exempted from this requirement by the office. The operations plan shall be prepared in the form and content
and be transmitted on the date prescribed by the office.
- (c) The office shall
- (1) review each operations plan to determine that it is consistent with the executive decisions of the governor, the
mission statement and desired results issued by the legislature, appropriations by the legislature, and other
provisions of law, that it reflects proper planning and efficient management methods, and that appropriations have been
made for the legislatively established purpose and will not be exhausted before the end of the fiscal year;
- (2) approve the operations plan if satisfied that it meets the requirements under (1) of this subsection; otherwise, the
office shall require revision of the operations plan in whole or in part.
- (d) A state agency may not increase the salaries of its employees, employ additional employees, or expend money or incur
obligations except in accordance with law and properly approved operations plan.
- (e) Transfers or changes between objects of expenditures or between allocations may be made by the head of an agency upon
approval of the office. Transfers may not be made between appropriations, including transfers made through the use of a
reimbursable service agreement or other agreement, except as provided in an act making the transfers between
appropriations. However, a reimbursable service agreement or other agreement may be used to finance the provision of a
service if
- (1) the agency that requires the service has, by law, the authority to obtain or provide the service and has an
appropriation that may be used for that purpose; and
- (2) the agency that provides the service bills the agency administering the available funds based on
- (A) the actual cost to provide the service; or
- (B) a cost allocation method approved by the office.
- (f) The office shall report quarterly to the governor and the legislature on the operations of each state agency, relating
actual accomplishments to those planned and modifying, if necessary, the operations plan of any agency for the balance
of the fiscal year.
- (g) The governor may direct the withholding or reduction of appropriations to a state agency at any time during the fiscal
year only if the governor determines that the planned expenditures can no longer be made due to factors outside the
control of the state which make the expenditure factually impossible.
- (h) The increase of an appropriation item based on additional federal or other program receipts not specifically
appropriated by the full legislature may be expended in accordance with the following procedures:
- (1) the governor shall submit a revised program to the Legislative Budget and Audit Committee for review;
- (2) 45 days shall elapse before commencement of expenditures under the revised program unless the Legislative Budget and
Audit Committee earlier recommends that the state take part in the federally or otherwise funded activity;
- (3) should the Legislative Budget and Audit Committee recommend within the 45-day period that the state not initiate the
additional activity, the governor shall again review the revised program and if the governor determines to authorize
the expenditure, the governor shall provide the Legislative Budget and Audit Committee with a statement of the
governor's reasons before commencement of expenditures under the revised program.
All content © 2008 by Touch
N' Go/Bright Solutions, Inc.
Note to HTML Version:
This version of the Alaska Statutes is current through December, 2007. The Alaska Statutes were automatically converted to HTML from a plain text format. Every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, but this can not be guaranteed. If it is critical that the precise terms of the Alaska Statutes be known, it is recommended that more formal sources be consulted. For statutes adopted after the effective date of these statutes, see, Alaska State Legislature
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