- Alaska Statutes.
- Title 33. Probation, Prisons, and Prisoners
- Chapter 30. Prison Facilities and Prisoners
- Section 15. Living Conditions For Prisoners.
Section 13. Commissioner to Notify Victims.
Section 17. Fees For Utilities Services For Prisoners.
AS 33.30.015. Living Conditions For Prisoners.
- (a) On and after August 27, 1999, the commissioner may not
- (1) make per capita expenditures for food for prisoners in a state correctional facility operated by the state that exceed
90 percent of per capita expenditures for food that is available to enlisted personnel in the United States Army
stationed in the state;
- (2) provide in a state correctional facility operated by the state
- (A) living quarters for a prisoner into which the view is obstructed; however, the commissioner is not required to
renovate a facility to comply with this subparagraph if the facility is being used as a correctional facility on August
27, 1997, or if the facility was already built before being acquired by the department;
- (B) equipment or facilities for publishing or broadcasting material the content of which is not subject to prior approval
by the department as consistent with keeping order in the institution and prisoner discipline;
- (C) cable television service other than a level of basic cable television service that is available as a substitute for
services that are broadcast to the public in the community in which a correctional facility is located;
- (3) allow a prisoner held in a state correctional facility operated by the state to
- (A) possess in the prisoner's cell a cassette tape player or recorder, a video cassette recorder (VCR), or a computer or
modem of any kind;
- (B) view movies rated "R," "X," or "NC-17";
- (C) possess printed or photographic material that
- (i) is obscene as defined by the commissioner in regulation;
- (ii) could reasonably be expected to incite racial, ethnic, or religious hatred that is detrimental to the security, good
order, or discipline of the institution or violence;
- (iii) could reasonably be expected to aid in an escape or in the theft or destruction of property;
- (iv) describes procedures for brewing alcoholic beverages or for manufacturing controlled substances, weapons, or
explosives; or
- (v) could reasonably be expected to facilitate criminal activity or a violation of institution rules;
- (D) receive instruction in person, or by broadcast medium, or engage in boxing, wrestling, judo, karate, or other martial
art or in any activity that, in the commissioner's discretion, would facilitate violent behavior;
- (E) possess or have access to equipment for use in the activities listed in (D) of this paragraph;
- (F) possess or have access to free weights;
- (G) possess in the prisoner's cell a coffee pot, hot plate, appliance or heating element for food preparation, or more
than three electrical appliances of any kind;
- (H) possess or appear in a state of dress, hygiene, grooming, or appearance other than as permitted as uniform or standard
in the correctional facility;
- (I) use a computer other than those approved by the correctional facility; the use of a computer under this subparagraph
may be approved only as part of the prisoner's employment, education, or vocational training and may not be used for
any other purpose;
- (J) smoke or use tobacco products of any kind.
- (b) The commissioner may determine whether the provisions of (a) of this section shall apply to correctional facilities
that are not operated by the state and may negotiate with a provider of services for the detention and confinement of
persons held under authority of state law under contract or agreement whether the living conditions set out in (a) of
this section shall apply to persons held under authority of state law at a facility operated under contract or
- (c) On and after January 1, 1998, the commissioner may not allow a prisoner to possess a television in the prisoner's cell
if the prisoner is classified as maximum custody under AS 33.30.011
- (d) The commissioner may allow a prisoner who, under AS 33.30.011
(2), has been classified as other than maximum custody to possess a television in the prisoner's cell only if the
- (1) either is incapable of obtaining or has attained a high school diploma or general education development diploma or the
- (2) is actively engaged in an educational, vocational training, or employment program;
- (3) has satisfied or is on a regular and current payment schedule for all restitution orders entered by the court as part
of the prisoner's sentence and, if applicable, is actively engaged in a treatment plan or counseling, psychiatric, or
rehabilitation program ordered by the court or the department as part of the prisoner's sentence; and
- (4) pays for the expense of providing the television and, in addition to the utility service fee required by AS 33.30.017
, pays for the expense of providing any cable television service.
- (e) The commissioner shall use
- (1) appropriate technology to screen programs received by prisoners under (d) of this section;
- (2) Alaska farm products and salmon to the greatest extent practicable for food for prisoners in a state correctional
facility operated by the state.
All content © 2008 by Touch
N' Go/Bright Solutions, Inc.
Note to HTML Version:
This version of the Alaska Statutes is current through December, 2007. The Alaska Statutes were automatically converted to HTML from a plain text format. Every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, but this can not be guaranteed. If it is critical that the precise terms of the Alaska Statutes be known, it is recommended that more formal sources be consulted. For statutes adopted after the effective date of these statutes, see, Alaska State Legislature
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