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- Alaska Statutes.
- Title 29. Municipal Government
- Chapter 20. Municipal Officers and Employees
- Section 70. Assembly Composition and Form of Representation.
Section 60. Assembly Composition and Apportionment.
Section 80. Assembly Recomposition and Reapportionment.
AS 29.20.070. Assembly Composition and Form of Representation.
- (a) The assembly shall provide for its composition and for the form of its representation.
- (b) Not later than the first regular election that occurs after adoption of a final state redistricting plan under art.
VI, sec. 10, Constitution of the State of Alaska, the assembly shall propose and submit to the voters of the borough,
at that regular election or at a special election called for the purpose, one or more forms of assembly representation.
The forms of representation that the assembly may submit to the voters are:
- (1) election of members of the assembly at large by the voters throughout the borough;
- (2) election of members of the assembly by district, including
- (A) election at large by the voters throughout the borough, but with a requirement that a candidate live in an election
district established by the borough for election of assembly members; or
- (B) election from election districts established by the borough for the election of assembly members by the voters of a
- (3) election of members of the assembly both at large and by district.
- (c) A form of assembly representation that includes election of assembly members under (b)(2) or (b)(3) of this section
shall be submitted to the voters of the borough with a plan of apportionment as required by AS 29.20.080
- (d) The assembly shall, within 30 days after certification of the results of the election held under this section, adopt
an ordinance providing for
- (1) composition of the assembly;
- (2) the form of assembly representation that received the most votes; and
- (3) if applicable, the apportionment of assembly seats in accordance with the form of representation that received the
most votes.
- (e) This section applies to home rule and general law municipalities, except it does not apply to a
- (1) unified municipality;
- (2) home rule borough if the home rule charter contains procedures for changing assembly composition and form of
All content © 2008 by Touch
N' Go/Bright Solutions, Inc.
Note to HTML Version:
This version of the Alaska Statutes is current through December, 2007. The Alaska Statutes were automatically converted to HTML from a plain text format. Every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, but this can not be guaranteed. If it is critical that the precise terms of the Alaska Statutes be known, it is recommended that more formal sources be consulted. For statutes adopted after the effective date of these statutes, see, Alaska State Legislature
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This page has been updated: 04/23/2015 21:25:48