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- Alaska Statutes.
- Title 21. Insurance
- Chapter 27. Producers, Agents, Administrators, Brokers, Adjusters, and Managers
- Section 900. Definitions.
Section 870. Independent Adjuster Records.
Chapter 33. Unauthorized Insurers
AS 21.27.900. Definitions.
In this chapter,
- (1) "affiliate" or "affiliated" has the meaning given in AS 21.22.200;
- (2) "appointment" means an act by a person evidencing a grant of authority to another to act on the grantor's behalf;
- (3) "cession" means a unit of insurance, passed to a reinsurer by a primary insurer that issued the policy to the original
insured, that may transfer part or all of a single risk, defined in the policy, or a defined group of business as
agreed to in a contract of reinsurance;
- (4) "class of authority" means the authority held by a person under a license as an insurance producer, managing general
agent, reinsurance intermediary broker, reinsurance intermediary manager, surplus lines broker, or independent
adjuster, or under registration as a third-party administrator;
- (5) "comparable business" means the same lines or kinds of insurance, the same classes of risks, similar policy limits,
and quality of business;
- (6) "compliance officer" means a licensee designated for a specific line and class of authority under this chapter who is
responsible for a firm's compliance with the insurance statutes and regulations of this state;
- (7) "control," "controlling," and "controlled by" have the meaning given in AS 21.22.200
- (8) "controlled insurer" means an admitted insurer that is controlled, directly or indirectly, by an insurance producer;
- (9) "controlling insurance producer" means an insurance producer that, directly or indirectly, controls an insurer;
- (10) [Repealed, Sec. 49 Ch 80 SLA 2006].
- (11) "home state" means the District of Columbia or a state or territory of the United States in which an insurance
producer maintains the producer's principal place of residence or principal place of business and is licensed to act as
an insurance producer;
- (12) "independent qualified actuary" means an actuary who is a member of the American Academy of Actuaries and who is not
affiliated with, an employee, principal, the direct owner or indirect owner of, or in any way controlled by the
insurer, managing general agent, reinsurance intermediary broker, or reinsurance intermediary manager;
- (13) "individual" means a natural person required to be licensed under AS 21.27.010
- (14) "individual in the firm" means a natural person required to be licensed under AS 21.27.010
who is employed by a firm;
- (15) "insurance holding company system" has the meaning given in AS 21.22.200;
- (16) "insurance producer" means a person who sells, solicits, or negotiates insurance or insurance products;
- (17) "interim profits" means the excess of income over expenses and claim reserves determined before the expiration of all
claim liabilities and contract obligations of the insurer to the insured;
- (18) "license" means, unless the context requires otherwise, a document issued by the director authorizing a person to act
for the type, class, and lines of authority specified in the document;
- (19) "limited lines" means those lines of insurance defined in AS 21.27.150 or any other line of insurance that the
director designates by order as a limited line;
- (20) "limited lines credit insurance" includes credit life, credit disability, credit property, credit
unemployment, involuntary unemployment, mortgage life, mortgage guaranty, mortgage disability, guaranteed automobile protection
insurance, and any other form of insurance offered in connection with an extension of credit that is limited to partially or wholly
extinguishing that credit obligation that the director of insurance determines must be designated a form of limited lines credit
- (21) "negotiate" means the act of conferring directly with or offering advice directly to a purchaser or prospective
purchaser of a particular contract of insurance concerning any of the substantive benefits, terms, or conditions of the
contract if the person engaged in that act either sells insurance or obtains insurance from insurers for purchasers;
- (22) "physical presence or physically present" means contemporaneously available in the licensee's place of business;
- (23) "resident" means
- (A) for an individual or an individual in the firm, a natural person who is domiciled in this state, whose principal place
of business is in this state, who has a present intent to remain in this state while licensed, and who manifests that
intent by establishing an ongoing physical presence in this state;
- (B) for a firm, a person whose principal place of business is in this state;
- (24) "retrocession" means a transaction in which a reinsurer cedes to another reinsurer all or part of the risk that the
reinsurer has previously assumed;
- (25) "sells" means to exchange a contract of insurance by any means, for money or its equivalent, on behalf of an insurance
- (26) "solicit" means attempting to sell insurance or asking or urging a person to apply for a particular kind of insurance
from a particular company;
- (27) "subagent" means an agent reporting to a managing general agent or reinsurance intermediary manager and not directly
to an insurer;
- (28) "subsidiary" has the meaning given in AS 21.22.200
- (29) "transact" or "transact business" means sell, solicit, or negotiate insurance or insurance products;
- (30) "underwrite" means the authority to accept or reject risk on behalf of the insurer;
- (31) "uniform application" means the most recent version of the uniform application of the National Association of
Insurance Commissioners;
- (32) "uniform business entity application" means the most recent version of the uniform business entity application of the
National Association of Insurance Commissioners.
All content © 2008 by Touch
N' Go/Bright Solutions, Inc.
Note to HTML Version:
This version of the Alaska Statutes is current through December, 2007. The Alaska Statutes were automatically converted to HTML from a plain text format. Every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, but this can not be guaranteed. If it is critical that the precise terms of the Alaska Statutes be known, it is recommended that more formal sources be consulted. For statutes adopted after the effective date of these statutes, see, Alaska State Legislature
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