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- Alaska Statutes.
- Title 15. Elections
- Chapter 15. Elections and Ballots
- Section 30. Preparation of Official Ballot.
Section 25. Top Four Nonpartisan Open Primary.
Section 32. Use of Electronically Generated Ballots.
AS 15.15.030. Preparation of Official Ballot.
The director shall prepare all official ballots to facilitate fairness, simplicity, and clarity in the voting
procedure, to reflect most accurately the intent of the voter, and to expedite the administration of elections. The
following directives shall be followed when applicable:
(1) The director shall determine the size of the ballot, the type of print, necessary additional instruction notes to
voters, and other similar matters of form not provided by law.
(2) The director shall number ballots in series to assure simplicity and secrecy and to prevent fraud.
(3) The director shall contract for the preparation of the ballots under AS 36.30 (State Procurement Code).
(4) The director may not include on the ballot as a part of a candidate's name, any honorary or assumed title or prefix
but may include in the candidate's name any nickname or familiar form of a proper name of the candidate.
(5) The names of the candidates shall be placed in separate sections on the state general
election ballot under the office designation to which they were nominated. If a candidate is registered as affiliated with a political
party or political group, the party affiliation, if any, may be designated after the name of the candidate, upon request of the candidate.
If a candidate has requested designation as nonpartisan or undeclared, that designation shall be placed after the name of the candidate.
If a candidate is not registered as affiliated with a political party or political group and has not requested to be designated as
nonpartisan or undeclared, the candidate shall be designated as undeclared. The lieutenant governor and the governor shall be included
under the same section. Provision shall be made for voting for write-in candidates within each section. Paper ballots for
the state general election shall be printed on white paper.
(6) The names of the candidates for each office shall be set out in the same order on ballots printed for use
in each house district. The director shall randomly determine the order of the names of the candidates for state representative for each
house district. The director shall rotate the order of placement of the names of candidates for governor, lieutenant governor, United
States senator, United States representative, and state senator on the ballot for each house district.
(7) The general election ballot shall be designed with the names of candidates of each political party, and of any
independent candidate qualified under AS 15.30.026, for the office of
President and Vice-President of the United States placed in the same section on the ballot rather than the names of
electors of President and Vice-President.
(8) The general or special election ballot shall be designed with the title and proposition for any initiative,
referendum, or constitutional amendment formulated as prescribed by law and placed on the ballot in the manner
prescribed by the director. When placed on the ballot, a state ballot proposition or ballot question shall carry the
number that was assigned to the petition for the proposition or question. Provision shall be made for marking the
proposition "Yes" or "No."
(9) The general or special election ballot shall be designed with the question of whether a constitutional convention
shall be called placed on the ballot in the following manner: "Shall there be a constitutional convention?" Provision
shall be made for marking the question "Yes" or "No."
(10) A nonpartisan ballot shall be designed for each judicial district in which a justice or judge is seeking retention in
office. The ballot shall be divided into four parts. each part must bear a heading indicating the court to which the
candidate is seeking approval, and provision shall be made for marking each question “Yes” or “No.” Within each part the question of
whether the justice or judge shall be approved or rejected shall be set out in substantially the following manner:
(A) "Shall . . . . . . . be retained as justice of the supreme court for 10 years?";
(B) "Shall . . . . . . . be retained as judge of the court of appeals for eight years?";
(C) "Shall . . . . . . . be retained as judge of the superior court for six years?"; or
(D) "Shall . . . . . . . be retained as judge of the district court for four years?"
(11) When the legislature by law authorizes a state debt for capital improvements, the director shall place the question of
whether the specific authorization shall be ratified by placing the ballot title and question on the next general
election ballot, or on the special election ballot if a special election is held for the purpose of ratifying the state
debt for capital improvements before the time of the next general election. Unless specifically provided otherwise in
the Act authorizing the debt, the ballot title shall, by the use of a few words in a succinct manner, indicate the
general subject of the Act. The question shall, by the use of a few sentences in a succinct manner, give a true and
impartial summary of the Act authorizing the state debt. The question of whether state debt shall be contracted shall
be assigned a letter of the alphabet on the ballot. Provision shall be made for marking the question substantially as
"Bonds. . . . . . . Yes" or "Bonds . . . . . . No,"
followed by an appropriate oval.
(12) The director may provide for the optical scanning of ballots where the requisite equipment is available.
(13) The director may provide for voting by use of electronically generated ballots by a voter who requests to use a
machine that produces electronically generated ballots.
(14) The director shall include the following statement on the ballot:
A candidate's designated affiliation does not imply that the candidate is nominated or endorsed by the political party or group or that
the party or group approves of or associates with that candidate, but only that the candidate is registered as affiliated with the political
party or political group.
(15) Instead of the statement provided by (14) of this section, when candidates for President and Vice-President of the United States
appear on a general election ballot, the director shall include the following statement on the ballot:
A candidate's designated affiliation does not imply that the candidate is nominated or endorsed by the political party or political group or
that the political party or political group approves of or associates with that candidate, but only that the candidate is registered as
affiliated with the party or group. The election for President and Vice-President of the United States is different. Some candidates for
President and Vice-President are the official nominees of their political party.
(16) The director shall design the general election ballots so that the candidates are selected by ranked-choice voting.
(17) The director shall design the general election ballot to direct the voter to mark candidates in order of preference and to mark
as many choices as the voter wishes, but not to assign the same ranking to more than one candidate for the same office.
All content © 2024 by Touch
N' Go/Bright Solutions, Inc.
Note to HTML Version:
This version of the Alaska Statutes is current through December, 2022. The Alaska Statutes were automatically converted to HTML from a plain text format. Every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, but this can not be guaranteed. If it is critical that the precise terms of the Alaska Statutes be known, it is recommended that more formal sources be consulted. For statutes adopted after the effective date of these statutes, see, Alaska State Legislature
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