Alaska Statutes.
Title 13. Decedents' Estates, Guardianships, Transfers, and Trusts.
Chapter 52. Health Care Decisions Act
Section 187. Refusal to Make Anatomical Gift; Effect of Refusal.
previous: Section 183. Amending or Revoking Anatomical Gift Before Donor's Death.
next: Section 190. Optional Form For Anatomical Gift By Another Person. [Repealed, § 36 ch 100 SLA 2008.]

AS 13.52.187. Refusal to Make Anatomical Gift; Effect of Refusal.

   (a) An individual may refuse to make an anatomical gift of the individual's body or part by
        (1) a record signed by
             (A) individual; or
             (B) subject to (b) of this section, another individual acting at the direction of the individual if the individual is physically unable to sign;
        (2) the individual's will, whether or not the will is admitted to probate or invalidated after the individual's death; or
        (3) any form of communication made by the individual during the individual's terminal condition addressed to at least two adults, at least one of whom is a disinterested witness.
   (b) A record signed under (a)(1)(B) of this section must
        (1) be witnessed by at least two adults, at least one of whom is a disinterested witness, who have signed at the request of the individual; and
        (2) state that it has been signed and witnessed as provided in (1) of this subsection.
   (c) An individual who has made a refusal may amend or revoke the refusal
        (1) in the manner provided in (a) of this section for the removal of amaking a refusal;
        (2) by subsequently making an anatomical gift under AS 13.52.177 that is inconsistent with the refusal; or
        (3) by destroying or canceling the record evidencing the refusal, or the portion of the record used to make the refusal, with the intent to revoke the refusal.
   (d) Except as otherwise provided in AS 13.52.193(h), in the absence of an express, contrary indication by the individual set out in the refusal, an individual's unrevoked refusal to make an anatomical gift of the individual's body or part bars all other persons from the making an anatomical gift of the individual's body or part.

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