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- Alaska Statutes.
- Title 8. Business and Professions
- Chapter 62. Marine Pilots
- Section 40. Powers, Duties, and Limitations.
Section 30. Meetings.
Section 45. Pilotage Tariffs. [Repealed, Sec. 35 Ch 89 SLA 1991].
AS 08.62.040. Powers, Duties, and Limitations.
- (a) The board shall
- (1) provide for the maintenance of efficient and competent pilotage service on the inland and coastal water of and
adjacent to the state to assure the protection of shipping, the safety of human life and property, and the protection
of the marine environment;
- (2) consistent with the law, adopt regulations, subject to AS 44.62
(Administrative Procedure Act), establishing the qualifications of and required training for pilots and providing for
the examination of pilots and the issuance of original or renewal pilot licenses to qualified persons;
- (3) keep a register of licensed pilots, licensed deputy pilots, and agents;
- (4) adopt regulations establishing
- (A) pilotage regions in the state;
- (B) the criteria for concurring in the amount of license, application, training, investigation, and audit fees proposed by
the department under AS 08.01.065
- (C) the criteria for recognizing pilot organizations under AS 08.62.175;
- (5) make available, upon request, copies of this chapter and the regulations adopted under this chapter;
- (6) review and approve the articles, bylaws, and rules of pilot organizations;
- (7) audit a pilot organization or an individual pilot as necessary to implement and enforce this chapter;
- (8) review and approve training programs conducted by pilot organizations; the board shall cooperate with the Department
of Environmental Conservation in the review and approval of training programs for pilots of tank vessels;
- (9) establish and publish the dates of future license examinations; and
- (10) approve or disapprove rates for pilotage services as provided under AS 08.62.046
- (b) The board may, by regulation, make any other provision for proper and safe pilotage upon the inland and coastal water
of and adjacent to the state and for the efficient administration of this chapter, including establishing
- (1) different licensing criteria for a pilotage region if justified by regional differences in piloting;
- (2) a mandatory drug and alcohol testing program, including random tests, post-incident tests, and tests based upon
reasonable cause, for pilots licensed under this chapter and for trainees and apprentices seeking a license or
endorsement under this chapter; the board may delegate responsibility for administration of all or a portion of a
testing program to pilot organizations;
- (3) criteria for trainee selection and for training programs conducted by pilot organizations;
- (4) standards under which a pilot may receive a license or an endorsement to a license to pilot vessels in more than one
pilotage region under AS 08.62.080
(b); and
- (5) procedures for the review of proposed rates by the board under AS 08.62.046.
- (c) The board may, for good cause, require a pilot licensed under this chapter to submit to a physical or mental
examination to determine the pilot's fitness to perform the duties of a pilot.
- (d) Notwithstanding the exemption from AS 45.50.562
- 45.50.596 granted to pilot organizations under AS
(a), the board may not adopt a regulation or take other action resulting in anti-competitive activities that, if the
board were subject to AS 45.50.562
- 45.50.596, would violate AS 45.50.562
- 45.50.596.
- (e) The board may delegate duties to the marine pilot coordinator as necessary to assist the board in administering and
enforcing this chapter.
- (f) The board may impose a civil fine on the owner or operator of a pleasure craft of foreign registry who, in violation
of this chapter, fails to employ a pilot licensed under this chapter or fails to comply with the pilotage requirement
under AS 08.62.180
(b). Notwithstanding AS 08.01.075, the amount of the
civil penalty may not exceed $10,000 for each violation. Each entry into state water in violation of this chapter or AS
(b) is a separate violation.
All content © 2023 by Touch
N' Go/Bright Solutions, Inc.
Note to HTML Version:
This version of the Alaska Statutes is current through December, 2022. The Alaska Statutes were automatically converted to HTML from a plain text format. Every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, but this can not be guaranteed. If it is critical that the precise terms of the Alaska Statutes be known, it is recommended that more formal sources be consulted. For statutes adopted after the effective date of these statutes, see, Alaska State Legislature
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