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Alaska Statutes.
Title 37. Public Finance
Chapter 6. Capital Project Matching Grant Programs
Section 30. Local Share Requirements.
previous: Section 20. Unincorporated Community Capital Project Matching Grant Program.
next: Section 40. Municipalities Organized Under Federal Law.

AS 37.06.030. Local Share Requirements.

(a) For each draw made by a municipality under AS 37.06.010 , the municipality shall contribute a local share to the cost of the capital project for which the draw is made. The amount of the local share equals the local share percentage as calculated under (1) of this subsection, divided by the state share percentage as calculated under (2) of this subsection, multiplied by the amount of the draw. For purposes of this subsection,

(1) the local share percentage is

(A) 30 percent for a municipality with a population of 5,000 or more;

(B) for a municipality with a population of 1,000 - 4,999, the greater of

(i) 15 percent; or

(ii) the percentage obtained by dividing the amount that would be received by the municipality from a property tax levy of 1/1000th of a mill per $1,000 of grant funds received by the sum of that first amount plus the amount of the grant or draw, but not more than 30 percent;

(C) for a municipality with a population of under 1,000, the greater of

(i) five percent; or

(ii) the percentage obtained by dividing the amount that would be received by the municipality from a property tax levy of 1/1000th of a mill per $1,000 of grant funds received by the sum of that first amount plus the amount of the grant or draw, but not more than 30 percent;

(2) the state share percentage equals one minus the local share percentage;

(3) the local share to be contributed by a municipality may be satisfied with (A) federal, municipal, or local money; (B) labor, materials, or equipment used directly in the construction of the project, or land, including land transferred by the state to the municipality; the department shall determine the value of a contribution under this subparagraph; (C) money from another nonstate source; (D) money received by the municipality under AS 29.60.010 - 29.60.375; (E) state taxes refunded or reimbursed to the municipality whose use for the purposes of this subsection is not prohibited; (F) allocations of state aid for the costs of school construction debt under AS 14.11.100 ; and (G) money obtained from the sale or lease of land or other assets transferred by the state to the municipality; except as provided in this paragraph, the local share may not be satisfied with money from, or with the portion of an asset that was obtained with money from, an appropriation, allocation, entitlement, grant, or other payment from the state.

(b) For each draw made by an entity or council under AS 37.06.020 , the incorporated entity or Native village council that makes the draw shall contribute a local share of the cost of the capital project for which the draw is made. The amount of the local share equals the local share percentage as calculated under (1) of this subsection, divided by the state share percentage as calculated under (2) of this subsection, multiplied by the amount of the draw. For purposes of this subsection,

(1) the local share percentage is five percent;

(2) the state share percentage equals one minus the local share percentage;

(3) the local share may be satisfied from (A) federal or local money; (B) labor, materials, or equipment used directly in the construction of the project, or land, including land transferred by the state; the department shall determine the value of a contribution under this subparagraph; (C) money from another nonstate source; (D) money received by the unincorporated community under AS 29.60.010 - 29.60.375; or (E) money obtained from the sale or lease of land or other assets transferred by the state; except as provided in this paragraph, the local share may not be satisfied with money from, or with the portion of an asset that was obtained with money from, an appropriation, allocation, entitlement, grant, or other payment from the state.

(c) For purposes of (a) of this section, in calculating the population of a borough the population of each city in the borough is excluded. The determination of population shall be based upon data used by the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development under AS 29.60.020.

Note to HTML Version:

This version of the Alaska Statutes is current through December, 2004. The Alaska Statutes were automatically converted to HTML from a plain text format. Every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, but this can not be guaranteed. If it is critical that the precise terms of the Alaska Statutes be known, it is recommended that more formal sources be consulted. For statutes adopted after the effective date of these statutes, see, Alaska State Legislature If any errors are found, please e-mail Touch N' Go systems at E-mail. We hope you find this information useful.

Last modified 9/3/2005