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- Alaska Statutes.
- Title 13. Estates, Guardianships, Transfers, Trusts.
- Chapter 52. Health Care Decisions Act
- Section 30. Surrogates.
previous: Section 25. Rescission of Withdrawal By Agent.
next: Section 40. Decisions By Guardian.
AS 13.52.030. Surrogates.
- (a) Except in the case of mental health treatment and except as provided by AS 13.52.180
(a) and (b), a surrogate may make a health care decision for a patient who is an adult if an agent or guardian has not
been appointed or the agent or guardian is not reasonably available, and if the patient has been determined by the
primary physician to lack capacity.
- (b) Subject to AS 13.52.055
(b), a surrogate may make a decision regarding mental health treatment for a patient who is an adult if
- (1) an agent or guardian has not been appointed or the agent or guardian is not reasonably available;
- (2) the mental health treatment is needed on an emergency basis; and
- (3) the patient has been determined to lack capacity by
- (A) two physicians, one of whom is a psychiatrist; or
- (B) a physician and a professional mental health clinician.
- (c) Except as provided for anatomical gifts in AS 13.52.170
(b), an adult may designate an individual to act as surrogate for that adult by personally informing the supervising
health care provider. Except as provided by AS 13.52.180
(a) and (b), in the absence of a designation, or if the designee is not reasonably available, a member of the following
classes of the patient's family who is reasonably available, in descending order of priority, may act as surrogate:
- (1) the spouse, unless legally separated;
- (2) an adult child;
- (3) a parent; or
- (4) an adult sibling.
- (d) Except as provided by (l) of this section or AS 13.52.180(a) or (b), if none of the individuals eligible
to act as surrogate under (c) of this section is reasonably available, an adult who has exhibited special care and
concern for the patient, who is familiar with the patient's personal values, and who is reasonably available may act as
- (e) A surrogate shall communicate the surrogate's assumption of authority as promptly as practicable to the health care
provider, the health care institution, and the members of the patient's family specified in (c) of this section who can
be readily contacted.
- (f) If more than one member of a class under (c)(2) - (4) of this section assumes authority to act as surrogate, the
members of that class do not agree on a health care decision, and the supervising health care provider is informed of
the disagreement, the supervising health care provider shall comply with the decision of a majority of the members of
that class who have communicated their views to the provider. If the class is evenly divided concerning the health care
decision and the supervising health care provider is informed of the even division, that class and all individuals
having a lower priority under (c)(2) - (4) of this section are disqualified from making the decision, and the primary
physician, after consulting with all individuals in that evenly divided class who are reasonably available, shall make
a decision based on the consultation and the primary physician's own determination of the best interest of the patient.
- (g) A surrogate shall make a health care decision in accordance with the patient's individual instructions or other
advance health care directives, if any, and other wishes to the extent known to the surrogate. Otherwise, the surrogate
shall make the decision in accordance with the surrogate's determination of the patient's best interest. In determining
the patient's best interest, the surrogate shall consider the patient's personal values to the extent known to the
- (h) If a patient's primary health care provider observes that a surrogate is not abiding by the wishes, values, and best
interest of the patient, the primary health care provider may decline to comply with a decision of the surrogate and
shall notify the health care institution where the primary health care provider is providing health care to the
- (i) A health care decision made by a surrogate for a patient is effective without judicial approval.
- (j) A patient who has capacity may, at any time, disqualify another person, including a member of the patient's family,
from acting as the patient's surrogate by a signed writing or by personally informing the supervising health care
provider of the disqualification.
- (k) Unless related to the patient by blood, marriage, or adoption, a surrogate may not be an owner, operator, or employee
of the health care facility where the patient is receiving care.
- (l) A supervising health care provider may require an individual claiming the right to act as a surrogate for a patient to
provide a written declaration under penalty of perjury stating facts and circumstances reasonably sufficient to
establish the claimed authority.
Note to HTML Version:
This version of the Alaska Statutes is current through December, 2004. The Alaska Statutes were automatically converted to HTML from a plain text format. Every effort
has been made to ensure their accuracy, but this can not be guaranteed. If it is critical that the precise terms of the Alaska Statutes be known, it is recommended that more formal sources be consulted. For statutes adopted after the effective date of these statutes, see, Alaska State Legislature
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Last modified 9/3/2005