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- Alaska Statutes.
- Title 13. Estates, Guardianships, Transfers, Trusts.
- Chapter 6. General Provisions, Definitions, and Probate Jurisdiction of Court
previous: Chapter 5. Wills
next: Section 5. Short Title.
Chapter 6. General Provisions, Definitions, and Probate Jurisdiction of Court
- Section 5. Short Title.
- Section 10. Purposes; Rule of Construction.
- Section 15. Supplementary General Principles of Law Applicable.
- Section 20. Severability.
- Section 25. Construction Against Implied Repeal.
- Section 30. Effect of Fraud and Evasion; Limitations.
- Section 35. Evidence of Death or Status. .
- Section 40. Acts By Holder of General Power.
- Section 50. General Definitions For AS 13.06 - as 13.36.
- Section 60. Territorial Application.
- Section 65. Subject Matter Jurisdiction.
- Section 68. Choice of Law; Validity.
- Section 70. Venue; Multiple Proceedings; Transfer.
- Section 80. Records and Certified Copies.
- Section 85. Jury Trial.
- Section 90. Registrar; Powers.
- Section 100. Oath or Affirmation On Filed Documents.
- Section 110. Notice; Method and Time of Giving.
- Section 115. Notice; Waiver.
- Section 120. Pleadings; When Parties Bound By Orders; Notice.
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Note to HTML Version:
This version of the Alaska Statutes is current through December, 2004. The Alaska Statutes were automatically converted to HTML from a plain text format. Every effort
has been made to ensure their accuracy, but this can not be guaranteed. If it is critical that the precise terms of the Alaska Statutes be known, it is recommended that more formal sources be consulted. For statutes adopted after the effective date of these statutes, see, Alaska State Legislature
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Last modified 9/3/2005