Elizabeth McWilliams' 5th/6th Grade Class gives a big Thank you, to everyone who helped the Refugee Mothers of Kosovo in this fundraiser.  All of your generosity resulted in over $6,700 going to the Red Cross.  While this particular fundraiser is over, the needs of the Kosovar refugees continue and donations can be sent directly to  the Red Cross relief effort for the Kosovar refugees.

We particularly want to thank The Anchorage Hilton for donating postage and Touch N' Go Systems for donating the cards and webhosting so that all of the money that was raised went to the Red Cross.

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A Kosovo refugee at the Blace border crossing. The deserted Kosovo village of Milic lies in the background.
Photo: Yannis Behrakis/REUTERS

Mother's Day Donation for the Refugee Mothers of Kosovo

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Ethnic Albanian refugees -- among tens of thousands fleeing as a
result of "ethnic cleansing" in Kosovo -- peer from a truck as they
arrive in Kukes.
Photo: AFP

In an effort to do something to help the mothers and children who have been driven from their homes in Kosovo, the students of  Elizabeth McWilliams' 5th/6th Grade Class, in Anchorage, Alaska, have come up with a plan to generate donations to the Red Cross relief effort for the Kosovar refugees.  For a (minimum, $5.00) donation, the students will send a Mother's Day greeting to your Mother or Grandmother, inscribed with their name,  saying: 
    "A contribution to the Red Cross has been made in your honor, to benefit the Refugee Mothers of Kosovo.
                    Happy Mother's Day!  With love from (your name)."

To order a card for your Mother, Grandmother, or anyone else you'd like to honor on Mother's Day, click here, print out the order form, and mail it to Chugach Optional Elementary School with your donation. 

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