Alaska Statutes.
Title 21. Insurance
Chapter 42. The Insurance Contract
Section 280. Payment Discharges Insurer.
previous: Section 270. Assignment of Policies.
next: Section 290. Minor May Give Acquittance.

AS 21.42.280. Payment Discharges Insurer.

When the proceeds of or payments under a life or health insurance policy or annuity contract, whether issued before or after July 1, 1966, become payable in accordance with the terms of the policy or contract, or the exercise of a right or privilege under the policy or contract and the insurer makes payment in accordance with the terms of the policy or contract or in accordance with a written assignment, the person then designated under the policy as being entitled to the proceeds or payments shall be entitled to receive the proceeds or payments and to give full acquittance for them. The payments shall fully discharge the insurer from all claims under the policy or contract unless, before payment is made, the insurer has received at its home office written notice by or on behalf of another person that the other person claims to be entitled to the payment or some interest in the policy or contract.

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