Alaska Statutes.
Title 4. Alcoholic Beverages
Chapter 11. Licensing
Section 10. License or Permit Required; Presumption Concerning Possession For Sale.
previous: Chapter 11. Licensing
next: Section 15. Purchase From Nonlicensee Prohibited.

AS 04.11.010. License or Permit Required; Presumption Concerning Possession For Sale.

(a) [See delayed amendment note] Except as provided in AS 04.11.020 , a person may not knowingly manufacture, sell, offer for sale, possess for sale or barter, traffic in, or barter an alcoholic beverage unless under license or permit issued under this title.

(b) [See delayed amendment note] Except as provided in this subsection, a person may not solicit or receive orders for the delivery of an alcoholic beverage in an area that has adopted a local option under AS 04.11.491 . If the area has adopted a local option under AS 04.11.491 (a)(1), (2), or (3), or (b)(1) or (2), a package store licensee outside of that local option area may receive orders as provided under AS 04.11.150 but may not solicit in that area or receive orders through an agent or employee in that area. This subsection does not apply to a package store licensee who operates a package store in an area that has adopted a local option under AS 04.11.491(a)(2)(C) or (3)(C) or (b)(2)(C). A person who violates this subsection is punishable upon conviction as provided under AS 04.16.200(a) or (b).

(c) [See delayed amendment note] Unless a municipality or established village has adopted a more restrictive local option under AS 04.11.491 (g), in a criminal prosecution for possession of alcoholic beverages for sale in violation of (a) of this section, the fact that a person

(1) possessed more than 10 1/2 liters of distilled spirits, or 24 liters or more of wine, or either a half-keg of malt beverages or 12 gallons or more of malt beverages in individual containers in an area where the sale of alcoholic beverages is restricted or prohibited under AS 04.11.491 creates a presumption that the person possessed the alcoholic beverages for sale;

(2) sends, transports, or brings more than 10 1/2 liters of distilled spirits, or 24 liters or more of wine, or either a half-keg of malt beverages or 12 gallons or more of malt beverages in individual containers to an area where the sale of alcoholic beverages is restricted or prohibited under AS 04.11.491 creates a presumption that the person sent, transported, or brought the alcoholic beverages for sale in the area.

(d) In this section,

(1) "bring" has the meaning given in AS 04.11.499 ;

(2) "send" has the meaning given in AS 04.11.499 ;

(3) "transport" has the meaning given in AS 04.11.499 .

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This version of the Alaska Statutes is current through December, 2022. The Alaska Statutes were automatically converted to HTML from a plain text format. Every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, but this can not be guaranteed. If it is critical that the precise terms of the Alaska Statutes be known, it is recommended that more formal sources be consulted. For statutes adopted after the effective date of these statutes, see, Alaska State Legislature If any errors are found, please e-mail Touch N' Go systems at E-mail. We hope you find this information useful.

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