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In this chapter
(1) "agricultural lands" means those lands which, because of location, adjacent development, physical and climatic features, are or may be made suitable for the production of agricultural crops;
(2) "Act" means the Alaska Land Act, AS 38.05;
(3) "Alaska" means State of Alaska;
(4) "Alaska lands" means all lands including shore, tide and submerged lands, or resources belonging to or hereafter in any manner acquired by Alaska;
(5) "classification" means the designation of lands according to their apparent best use;
(6) "commercial lands" means those lands which, because of location, physical features or adjacent developments, may best be utilized for nonindustrial business purposes;
(7) "commissioner" means the Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources;
(8) "department" means the Department of Natural Resources;
(9) "director" means the Director of the Division of Lands, Department of Natural Resources;
(10) "division" means Division of Lands within the Department of Natural Resources. Administrative powers and other delegated duties as prescribed by law or regulations are vested in the director;
(11) "fair market value" means the highest price, estimated in terms of money, which the property would bring if exposed for sale for a reasonable time in the open market, with a seller, willing but not forced to sell, and a buyer, willing but not forced to buy, both being fully informed of all the purposes for which the property is best adapted or could be used;
(12) "grazing lands" means those lands which in their natural state have the physical and climatic features that make them primarily useful for the pasturing of domestic livestock;
(13) repealed 2/8/2001;
(14) "land" means all lands under the jurisdiction of the division;
(15) "lease" means a surface lease issued or held pursuant to the Act and these regulations;
(16) repealed 2/8/2001;
(17) repealed 2/8/2001;
(18) repealed 2/8/2001;
(19) "private recreation lands" means those lands which because of their location, physical features or adjacent development are chiefly valuable as outdoor recreational areas and may best be utilized by private noncommercial development;
(20) "regulations" means the leasing regulations contained in this chapter, as well as all other pertinent regulations promulgated by the department;
(21) "reserved use lands" means those lands which have been transferred, assigned or designated for present or future use by a governmental or quasi-governmental agency or for townsite development;
(22) "residential lands" means those lands which because of location, physical features or adjacent development may best be utilized for single or multiple unit dwellings;
(23) "sale" means the transferring of title to real property from the state to another for a consideration;
(24) "state" means State of Alaska;
(25) repealed 2/8/2001;
(26) repealed 2/8/2001;
(27) repealed 2/8/2001;
(28) repealed 2/8/2001;
(29) repealed 2/8/2001;
(30) repealed 2/8/2001;
(31) "youth encampment" means a program, offered by a nonprofit organization, that provides organized, supervised experiences and opportunities in outdoor recreation and living, and personal and social development for children and young adults, that includes daytime facilities or area for overnight camping, and that is used during any three months of a year;
(32) "rental" means any form of compensation that the lease requires the lessee to pay, as set out in AS 38.05.073 (m).
History: Eff. 7/1/60, Register 1; am 8/15/64, Register 17; am 3/20/66, Register 22; am 3/22/69, Register 28; am 3/30/83, Register 85; am 2/8/2001, Register 157
Authority: AS 38.05.020
Note to HTML Version:
The Alaska Administrative Code was automatically converted to HTML from a plain text format. Every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, but neither Touch N' Go Systems nor the Law Offices of James B. Gottstein can be held responsible for any possible errors. This version of the Alaska Administrative Code is current through June, 2006.
If it is critical that the precise terms of the Alaska Administrative Code be known, it is recommended that more formal sources be consulted. Recent editions of the Alaska Administrative Journal may be obtained from the Alaska Lieutenant Governor's Office on the world wide web. If any errors are found, please e-mail Touch N' Go systems at E-mail. We hope you find this information useful. Copyright 2006. Touch N' Go Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Last modified 7/05/2006