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(a) Non-pelagic trawl gear may be operated in all waters of Tanner crab Registration Area J (5 AAC 35.500) only if, as may be required under 5 AAC 39.163(c) , an onboard observer is present on the vessel when gear is being operated, only under the conditions of a permit issued by the commissioner, and only in locations and during periods not otherwise closed to non-pelagic trawling under (b) or (c) of this section. The permit
(1) must specify the locations and times when non-pelagic trawl gear may be operated;
(2) may restrict the amount of fish and shellfish that may be harvested within a specified location; and
(3) must be obtained in person at a department office located within the statistical area.
(b) Non-pelagic trawl gear may not be operated in waters of Alaska as follows:
(1) in the following waters of king crab Registration Area K (5 AAC 34.400) from January 1 through December 31:
(A) Chirikof Island closure, all waters within three miles of Chirikof Island;
(B) Alitak, Towers, and Geese Islands closure, all waters of Alitak Bay, Olga Bay, Alitak Flats, and Sitkinak Island enclosed by a line from Low Cape (57ΓΈ N. Lat., 154ΓΈ 31' W. long.), to 57ΓΈ N. lat., 154ΓΈ 37.50' W. long., then a line following the three mile contour around Tugidak Island to 56ΓΈ 28.50' N. lat., 153ΓΈ 52' W. long., then a straight line to Cape Sitkinak (56ΓΈ 33.50' N. lat., 153ΓΈ 52' W. long.), to 56ΓΈ 37' N. lat., 153ΓΈ 48.50' W. long., then a line following the three mile contour to 56ΓΈ 49' N. lat., 153ΓΈ 38' W. long., then a straight line to the easternmost point of Twoheaded Island (56ΓΈ 54.50' N. lat., 153ΓΈ 33' W. long.), to a point on Kodiak Island at 56ΓΈ 56' N. lat., 153ΓΈ 36' W. long.;
(C) Barnabas closure, all waters of Sitkalidak Strait, Kiliuda Bay, and Ugak Bay east of 153ΓΈ 16' W. long., in Sitkalidak Passage and enclosed by a line from Black Point (56ΓΈ 59.50' N. lat., 153ΓΈ 18.50' W. long.) to 56ΓΈ 57.50' N. lat., 153ΓΈ 13.50' W. long., then a line along the three mile contour to 57ΓΈ 20' N. lat., 152ΓΈ 23' W. long., then a straight line to the southernmost tip of Ugak Island (57ΓΈ 22' N. lat., 152ΓΈ 18.50' W. long.), and west of a line from the northernmost tip of Ugak Island (57ΓΈ 23.50' N. lat., 152ΓΈ 17.50' W. long.) to Narrow Cape (57ΓΈ 26' N. lat., 152ΓΈ 19' W. long.);
(D) Chiniak Bay closure, all waters of Chiniak Bay and Monashka Bay enclosed by a line from Cape Chiniak (57ΓΈ 37' N. lat., 152ΓΈ 09' W. long.) to 57ΓΈ 37' N. lat., 152ΓΈ 02' W. long., then a line along the three mile contour to 57ΓΈ 58' N. lat., 152ΓΈ 17' W. long., then a straight line to East Cape on Spruce Island (57ΓΈ 55' N. lat., 152ΓΈ 19.50' W. long.) and east of 152ΓΈ 30' W. long. in Ouzinkie Narrows;
(E) Marmot Island closure, all waters enclosed by a line from Pillar Cape on Afognak Island (58ΓΈ 09' N. lat., 152ΓΈ 06.50' W. long.), to Marmot Cape on Marmot Island (58ΓΈ 10' N. lat., 151ΓΈ 52' W. long.) and from Cape St. Hermogenes (58ΓΈ 15' N. lat., 151ΓΈ 47.50' W. long.) to 58ΓΈ 08' N. lat., 151ΓΈ 47.50' W. long., then a line along the three mile contour to 58ΓΈ 05' N. lat., 152ΓΈ 09.50' W. long., to Pillar Cape (58ΓΈ 09' N. lat., 152ΓΈ 06.50' W. long.);
(F) West Side closure, all waters of Uyak Bay, Uganik Bay, Viekoda Bay, Kupreanof Strait, Raspberry Strait, Malina Bay, Paramonof Bay, Foul Bay, and Shuyik Strait east of a line from Cape Uyak (57ΓΈ 38.33' N. lat., 154ΓΈ 20.33' W. long.) to Cape Ugat (57ΓΈ 52.33' N. lat., 153ΓΈ 50.67' W. long.) to Raspberry Cape (58ΓΈ 03.58' N. lat., 153ΓΈ 25' W. long.) to Black Cape (58ΓΈ 24.50' N. lat., 152ΓΈ 53' W. long.) to Party Cape on Shuyak Island (58ΓΈ 37.17' N lat., 152ΓΈ 34' W. long.), west of 152ΓΈ 30' W. long. in Shuyak Strait and west of 152ΓΈ 50' W. long. in Whale Pass and Afognak Strait;
(G) Northeast Afognak closure, all waters east of 152ΓΈ 30' W. long. in Shuyak Strait and enclosed by a line from Point Banks on Shuyak Island (58ΓΈ 38' N. lat., 152ΓΈ 19' W. long.) to 58ΓΈ 42' N. lat., 152ΓΈ 19' W. long., then a line following the three mile contour to 58ΓΈ 08' N. lat., 151ΓΈ 47.50' W. long., then a straight line to Cape St. Hermogenes on Marmot Island (58ΓΈ 15' N. lat., 151ΓΈ 47.50' W. long.) and north of a line from Pillar Cape (58ΓΈ 09' N. lat., 152ΓΈ 07' W. long.) to Marmot Cape (58ΓΈ 10' N. lat., 151ΓΈ 52' W. long.);
(H) Marmot Bay closure, all waters east of 152ΓΈ 50' W. long. in Whale Pass and Afognak Strait, west of a line across Ouzinkie Narrows at 152ΓΈ 30' W. long., and enclosed by a line from Pillar Cape on Afognak Island (58ΓΈ 09' N. lat., 152ΓΈ 06.50' W. long.) to 58ΓΈ 05' N. lat., 152ΓΈ 09.50' W. long., then a line following the three mile contour to 56ΓΈ 58' N. lat., 152ΓΈ 17' W. long., then a straight line to East Cape on Spruce Island (56ΓΈ 55' N. lat., 152ΓΈ 19.50' W. long.), including waters of Marmot, Kizhuyak, Kazakof and Izhut Bays;
(I) Cape Chiniak closure, all waters enclosed by a line from Cape Chiniak (57ΓΈ 37' N. lat., 152ΓΈ 09' W. long.) to 57ΓΈ 37' N. lat., 152ΓΈ 02' W. long., then a line following the three mile contour to 57ΓΈ 20' N. lat., 152ΓΈ 23' W. long.) then a straight line to the southernmost tip of Ugak Island (57ΓΈ 22' N. lat., 152ΓΈ 18.50' W. long.) and east of a line from the northernmost tip of Ugak Island (57ΓΈ 23.50' N. lat., 152ΓΈ 17.50' W. long.) to Narrow Cape (57ΓΈ 26' N. lat., 152ΓΈ 19' W. long.);
(J) South Sitkalidak Strait closure, all waters enclosed by a line from Black Point (56ΓΈ 59.50' N. lat., 153ΓΈ 18.50' W. long.) to 56ΓΈ 57.50' N. lat., 153ΓΈ 13.50' W. long., then a line following the three mile contour to 56ΓΈ 50' N. lat., 153ΓΈ 37' W. long., then a straight line to the easternmost tip of Twoheaded Island (56ΓΈ 54.50' N. lat., 153ΓΈ 33' W. long.) to a point on Kodiak Island at 56ΓΈ 56' N. lat., 153ΓΈ 36' W. long., and waters west of 153ΓΈ 16' W. long. in Sitkalidak Passage;
(K) Cape Ikolik closure, all waters enclosed by a line from Cape Ikolik to 57ΓΈ 17.40' N. lat., 154ΓΈ 55.60' W. long., then a line following the three mile contour to 57ΓΈ N. lat., 154ΓΈ 37.40' W. long., then a straight line to Low Cape (57ΓΈ N. lat., 154ΓΈ 31' W. long.);
(L) West Shuyak Island closure, all waters enclosed by a line from Point Banks on Shuyak Island (58ΓΈ 38' N. lat., 152ΓΈ 19' W. long., to 58ΓΈ 42' N. lat., 152ΓΈ 19' W. long.), then a line following the three mile contour southwest to 58ΓΈ 30' N. lat., then a straight line east to Shuyak Island;
(M) Alaska Mainland closure, all state waters along the Alaska Peninsula south of the latitude of Cape Douglas (58ΓΈ 51.10' N. lat.) and east of the longitude of Cape Kilokak (156ΓΈ 19' W. long.);
(N) East Sitkinak closure, all waters enclosed by a line from Cape Sitkinak (56ΓΈ 33.50' N. lat., 153ΓΈ 52' W. long.) to 56ΓΈ 37' N. lat., 153ΓΈ 48.50' W. long., then a line following the three mile contour to 56ΓΈ 28.50' N. lat., 153ΓΈ 52' W. long., then a straight line to Cape Sitkinak on Sitkinak Island (56ΓΈ 33.50' N. lat., 153ΓΈ 52' W. long.);
(2) repealed 7/2/99;
(3) from January 1 through December 31, in waters of the Chignik groundfish registration area described in 5 AAC 28.500, and all waters west of the southernmost tip of Kupreanof Point, which are depicted as Territorial Sea on NOAA Chart #16540, 11th Ed., March 4, 1989 entitled, "Shumagin Island to Sanak Island," hereby adopted by reference, and all waters east of the longitude of Scotch Cap Light and south of Unimak Island and the Alaska Peninsula, which are depicted as Territorial Sea on NOAA Chart #16520, 21st Ed., April 15, 1989, entitled, "Unimak and Akutan Passes and Approaches," hereby adopted by reference, except the waters
(A) in the area enclosed by 55ΓΈ 14' N. lat., 55ΓΈ 34' N. lat., 159ΓΈ 20' W. long., and 160ΓΈ 04' W. long.;
(B) of Alaska around Sanak and Canton Islands north of 54ΓΈ 22.80' N. lat. and east of 162ΓΈ 41.83' W. long.;
(4) in the following waters of king crab Registration Area O (5 AAC 34.600) from January 1 through December 31:
(A) Akutan Bay closure, all waters of Akutan Bay south of a line from Akun Head (54ΓΈ 18' N. lat., 165ΓΈ 38' W. long.) to North Head (54ΓΈ 13.50' N. lat., 165ΓΈ 56' W. long.), and north of 54ΓΈ 08' N. lat.;
(B) Unalaska Bay closure, all waters of Unalaska Bay enclosed by a line from Cape Cheerful (54ΓΈ 01' N. lat., 166ΓΈ 40' W. long.) to Cape Kalekta (54ΓΈ 00.50' N. lat., 166ΓΈ 22.50' W. long.);
(C) Makushin Bay closure, all waters of Makushin Bay enclosed by a line from Cape Kovrizhka (53ΓΈ 51' N. lat., 167ΓΈ 09.50' W. long.) to Cape Idak (53ΓΈ 31.33' N. lat., 167ΓΈ 48' W. long.) to Konets Head (53ΓΈ 19' N. lat., 167ΓΈ 51' W. long.);
(D) Inanudak Bay closure, all waters of Inanudak Bay enclosed by a line from Cape Aslik (53ΓΈ 25' N. lat., 168ΓΈ 24.50' W. long.) to Cape Illmalianuk (53ΓΈ 16.50' N. lat., 168ΓΈ 36' W. long.);
(E) Akun Bay closure, all waters of Akun Bay enclosed by a line from Billings Head (54ΓΈ 17.50' N. lat., 165ΓΈ 28.50' W. long.) to 54ΓΈ 13' N. lat., 165ΓΈ 24.50' W. long. on the opposite shore;
(F) Beaver Inlet closure, all waters of Beaver Inlet south of a line from Brundage Head (53ΓΈ 56' N. lat., 166ΓΈ 12.50' W. long.) to Cape Sedanka (53ΓΈ 50.50' N. lat., 166ΓΈ 05.33' W. long.) and north of 53ΓΈ 42' N. lat.; and
(5) the department shall close, by emergency order, waters of king crab Registration Area T (5 AAC 34.800) in a manner that matches closures of the exclusive economic zone made by the federal government.
(6) the waters of Alaska of the Bering Sea between 162ΓΈ W. long. to 164ΓΈ W. long. and 56ΓΈ N. lat. and 57ΓΈ N. lat.;
(7) the waters of Alaska of the Bering Sea east of 162ΓΈ W. long., except that the waters bounded by 159ΓΈ W. long. to 160ΓΈ W. long. and 58ΓΈ N. lat. to 58ΓΈ 43' N. lat. are open to fishing with non-pelagic trawl gear from April 1 through June 15.
(c) Repealed 7/21/99.
History: Eff. 7/12/86, Register 99; am 4/14/93, Register 126; am 5/17/95, Register 134; am 9/4/97, Register 143; am 9/12/97, Register 143; am 7/21/99, Register 151; am 3/11/2001, Register 157
Authority: AS 16.05.251
Editor's note: Copies of the NOAA charts adopted by reference in 5 AAC 39.164(b) (3) can be obtained by writing to NOAA Chart Sales, Federal Building, 222 W. 7th Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska 99513. In addition, the charts are available for inspection at the Lieutenant Governor's Office, Juneau, Alaska.
Note to HTML Version:
The Alaska Administrative Code was automatically converted to HTML from a plain text format. Every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, but neither Touch N' Go Systems nor the Law Offices of James B. Gottstein can be held responsible for any possible errors. This version of the Alaska Administrative Code is current through June, 2006.
If it is critical that the precise terms of the Alaska Administrative Code be known, it is recommended that more formal sources be consulted. Recent editions of the Alaska Administrative Journal may be obtained from the Alaska Lieutenant Governor's Office on the world wide web. If any errors are found, please e-mail Touch N' Go systems at E-mail. We hope you find this information useful. Copyright 2006. Touch N' Go Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Last modified 7/05/2006