Alaska Statutes.
Title 47. Welfare, Social Services and Institutions
Chapter 30. Mental Health
Section 46. Budget Recommendations; Reports.
previous: Section 41. Board Advisors.
next: Section 50. [Repealed, Sec. 7 Ch 84 SLA 1981].

AS 47.30.046. Budget Recommendations; Reports.

(a) The board shall annually, not later than September 15, submit to the governor and the Legislative Budget and Audit Committee a budget for the next fiscal year and a proposed plan of implementation based on the integrated comprehensive mental health program plan prepared under AS 47.30.660 (a)(1). The budget must include the authority's determination of the amount

(1) recommended for expenditure from the general fund during the next fiscal year to meet the operating and capital expenses of the integrated comprehensive mental health program;

(2) in the mental health trust settlement income account, if any, that is not reasonably necessary to meet the projected operating and capital expenses of the integrated comprehensive mental health program that may be transferred into the general fund; and

(3) of the expenditures the authority intends to make under AS 37.14.041 and 37.14.045, including the specific purposes and amounts of any grants or contracts as part of the state's integrated comprehensive mental health program.

(b) When the authority submits its proposed budget under (a) of this section, the authority shall also provide a report to the Legislative Budget and Audit Committee, the governor, the Office of Management and Budget, the commissioner of health and social services, and all entities providing services with money in the mental health trust settlement income account, and shall make it available to the public. The report must describe at least the following:

(1) the assets, earnings, and expenditures of the trust as of the end of the preceding fiscal year;

(2) comparisons of the trust's assets, earnings, and expenditures with the prior five fiscal years;

(3) projections of the trust's assets, earnings, and expenditures for the next five fiscal years;

(4) the authority's budget recommendations submitted under (a) of this section, and its reasons for making those recommendations;

(5) the authority's guidelines for the establishment of services; the provision of services shall be based on the principle that services paid for from the trust are provided to recipients as close to the recipient's home and family as practical with due consideration of demographics, mental health service requirements, use of mental health services, economic feasibility, and capital expenditures required for provision of minimum levels of service;

(6) forecasts of the number of persons needing services;

(7) projections of the resources required to provide the necessary services and facilities; and

(8) reviews of the status of the integrated comprehensive mental health program, including evaluation of program goals, objectives, targets and timelines, and overall effectiveness.

All content © 2008 by Touch N' Go/Bright Solutions, Inc.

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This version of the Alaska Statutes is current through December, 2007. The Alaska Statutes were automatically converted to HTML from a plain text format. Every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, but this can not be guaranteed. If it is critical that the precise terms of the Alaska Statutes be known, it is recommended that more formal sources be consulted. For statutes adopted after the effective date of these statutes, see, Alaska State Legislature If any errors are found, please e-mail Touch N' Go systems at E-mail. We hope you find this information useful.

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