Alaska Statutes.
Title 21. Insurance
Chapter 42. The Insurance Contract
Section 345. Required Provision For Coverage of Dependents.
previous: Section 320. - 21.42.340 Exemption of Life Insurance, Group Life Insurance, and Disability Insurance Proceeds. [Repealed, § 14 Ch 62 SLA 1982. For Current Law See AS 09.38.025(a), 09.38.030(e), and 09.38.050.]
next: Section 347. Coverage For Costs of Birth.

AS 21.42.345. Required Provision For Coverage of Dependents.

   (a) A health care insurance plan providing coverage for a dependent of a covered individual shall, as to the dependent's coverage, also provide that the health care insurance benefits applicable for dependents shall be payable with respect to
        (1) a newly born child of a covered individual from the moment of birth;
        (2) a child adopted by a covered individual from the date of adoption;
        (3) a child placed with a covered individual for adoption from the date of placement for adoption; and
        (4) a spouse from not later than the first day of the first month beginning after the date the request for enrollment is received, but the insurer may require that a request for enrollment be received within 31 days of the date of marriage.
   (b) The coverage for a newly born child under this section shall consist of coverage of injury or sickness, including the necessary care and treatment of medically diagnosed congenital defects and birth abnormalities.
   (c) If payment of a specific charge is required to provide coverage for a child under this section, the policy or contract may require that notification of birth of a newly born child, adopted child, or child placed for adoption and payment of the required premium or fees may be required to be furnished to the health care insurer within 31 days after the date of birth, adoption, or placement for adoption in order to have the coverage continue beyond the 31-day period.
   (d) Under (a) — (c) of this section, a health care insurer shall offer coverage for a family member, including a newly born child, adopted child, or child placed for adoption, regardless of the marital status of the covered individual.

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