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Alaska Statutes.
Title 6. Banks and Financial Institutions
Chapter 15. Mutual Savings Bank Act
Section 240. Investments Authorized.
previous: Section 230. Withdrawal of Deposits.
next: Section 250. Investment in First Mortgages.

AS 06.15.240. Investments Authorized.

Subject to the provisions of this chapter and regulations under this chapter, a mutual bank may invest in

(1) obligations of the United States and those for which the faith of the United States is pledged to provide for the payment of the interest and principal, obligations for which annual contributions to be paid under contract by the United States government or any of its instrumentalities in accordance with an Act of Congress entitled the "Housing Act of 1949," are pledged as security for the payment of the interest and principal, and obligations of any agency of the United States;

(2) obligations of any state of the United States and those for which the faith of any state of the United States is pledged to provide for the payment of the interest and principal;

(3) obligations of a city, village, town, county, department, agency, district, authority, commission or other public body of any state of the United States, subject to the exercise of the same degree of care and prudence that persons prompted by self-interest generally exercise in their own affairs;

(4) any property improvement note issued under the provisions of Title I of the National Housing Act and any other real property improvement note in a principal amount not in excess of $15,000, not including interest;

(5) obligations of the Dominion of Canada or provinces of the Dominion of Canada payable in United States funds;

(6) the stocks, bonds, and other securities of

(A) a corporation licensed under AS 10.13; or

(B) a corporation attempting to become licensed under AS 10.13 if the corporation intends to use the proceeds to fulfill the tasks necessary to become licensed under AS 10.13.

Note to HTML Version:

This version of the Alaska Statutes is current through December, 2004. The Alaska Statutes were automatically converted to HTML from a plain text format. Every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, but this can not be guaranteed. If it is critical that the precise terms of the Alaska Statutes be known, it is recommended that more formal sources be consulted. For statutes adopted after the effective date of these statutes, see, Alaska State Legislature If any errors are found, please e-mail Touch N' Go systems at E-mail. We hope you find this information useful.

Last modified 9/3/2005